Crysis- a combination of everything

Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:36 am

I am writing this after numerous observations made through gameplays and forums. I can't deny that I did not have fun playing Crysis 2 but really I am not sure. I'm not sure how to say but I've never had so much frustration from a game. Crysis 2 is just a combination of a bunch of First person shooting games. From the first look, it's an awesome newborn shooting game though little by little I see SO MUCH. Clearly I am not saying that they are not allowed to do that or they are copying other games. But this time, Crysis 2 had gone a lot further. It now seems like a big mass of other games crumpled up together.

I loved Crysis. It was probably the only or very first game that I have had such expectation I can't even describe what it felt like when I got the game. But now though, I find so many flaws, it's just a doubt than anything else...

Crysis and Crysis warhead had their own game features and aspects at least. Shooting styles and techniques to kill other enemies were legitimate genuine. It was never even close to any other games. After the release of Crysis, Crytek just straight ahead moved on to Warhead-no looking back. After Warhead release, Crytek was done touching Crysis. They straight up abondoned the Crysis players and let all the hackers become dominant over the multiplayer. My point is, Crysis was so fun until hacker took over. Dodging bullets with peviting side to side with maximum speed was so awesome. Furthurmore, scar rifle, gauss rifle, the design of the rifles were so amazing and nice, I was fascinated. And not to mention tanks and VTOLS. I want to point out again that Crysis had the game of its own.

Now, when I look back at Crysis and look at Crysis 2. It's completely a different game. Crysis 2 is another really nice game created by Crytek.

Crysis 2, like Crysis, failed to control hackers,
has countless glitches,
no more vehicles in multiplayer,
hologram decoy is from Halo (I've never played Halo, a friend of mine told me that Crysis copied it from Halo),
they say the suit function got better due to its capability of enabling more than one suit mode at a time, but it changed the gameplay to more like Halo (more like Halo and Call of duty combined game control),
guitar sound when you kill other players online is copied from CoD,
nanocell concept seems to originate from a tv show called "Jake 2.0,"
it's debatable but the game Prototype had its New York theme and infestation,
Jake Hargreave's life supporting system is from Fallout Mr. House,

,and 10 dollar charge for a new map pack?

I see glitches every single day.
I mean... Crysis 2 is still a nice game but with too many flaws...

I know this is nothing but complaint.
I am a huge fan of Crysis but I don't think I'm going to pay for that map pack.
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Grace Francis
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:11 am

hum, i think you really need to play and read a few classics

- The first hologram decoy i can remember of was in Duke nukem 3d.
- Sound on frag were already there in the quake series, the holy HEADSHOT is worth every guitar riff in the world.
- Nanocell can be found in numerous science fiction book, its somewhat recurrent in the cyberpunk lore
- I can quote several book, comics, etc that use the "man in jar" concept (look for Megophias tome in the Aquablue comics)
- I can't count the number of time New york was infested, invaded, flooded, destroyed, in a truckload of movie, comics, books or games.

However the nanosuit remind me much of the Gantz manga, as the protagonists wear some black suit that make them stronger, faster and also include cloaking.

as for the rest i found crysis 2 to be a mix of counter strike meet mirror edge, (can't quite compare it to COD as i only played them until COD 2, and only played Halo in coop).

Yes the 10 bucks mappack is a serious kick in nuts and will (in my opinion) split the player base and make the game die faster.

And yes many many bugs need to be fixed ...

Please apologize for my spelling, english is not my native language (not to mention a terrible hangover, from last night).
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:53 am

I watched and read 339 episodes of ongoing gantz because you pulled it out in this conversation.
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:46 am

The Mr.House comment from vegas was just un called for. The story was done way before new vegas was even released. I can agree this game plays like CoD with nanosuits but halo? Seriously? You ever even played the game? As before mentioned the hologram was in duke nukem 3d and I have even seen mods for the original quake (runeQuake 2.0)
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:52 am

next time research thourougly b4 posting all that
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Bee Baby
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:36 am

It is CoD with nanosuits.

Nothing else really needs to be said. We can see exactly how this game was modeled, and from which source inspiration was drawn. However, some people try to blame Crytek UK for this without considering that the SP was still all enclosed and non-destructible. Crytek sold out. That's all you need to know.
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:42 am

Glad you got into gantz, so what about those suits ? Cant play without thinking about it.

And pretty please, there's like a thousand threads about how sold out, consolized or whatever is Crysis 2, be constructive ... or just troll with a bit of humor for a change.
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Anna S
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:33 pm

I'm not trolling. Consolisation is a factor, but it's not because of how weak the consoles are, it's because game developers treat console players like they're retarded. They need to start respecting their customers.
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Laura Richards
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:52 pm

No its DOOM with nanosuits... remember that DOOM came before it :O (or even wolfenstein 3d! :O)
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