Nice, been playing with the r_Driver command some, have it set to r_driver=d3dx10_42.dll but doesn't look like it changed the api... d3dx is the dx helper libraries, not dx itself, try d3d9.dll or d3d10.dll
Nice, been playing with the r_Driver command some, have it set to r_driver=d3dx10_42.dll but doesn't look like it changed the api...
variable: r_Driver DUMPTODISK type: string current: DX9 help: Sets the renderer driver ( DX9/DX11/AUTO/NULL ). Default is DX11 on Vista and Windows 7 and DX9 otherwise. Specify in system.cfg like this: r_Driver = "DX11"
I've been trying through many ways to try to get rid of the motion blur, but to no avail Whether from the console or by adding the modifications through the app. The game simply states for both cases that it doesn't recognize those commands.
My eyes are melting... And makes the multiplay experience too confusing. :<