Any download link will do obviously. ;D
Good luck.

EDIT: Forgot to put in how the clip should be, even though kinda mentioned on the text on top.
- I don't mind a 800x600 res but make sure the quality doesn't screw it. Although the quality visual should be 720p.

- Expecting a triple, although has to be a weapon like maybe sniper or k-volt maybe, psycho or relentless kill with the explosives, not just weapons.
- Don't mind a single kill, although has to be very epic or needs to be pretty funny.

- Slide kills with a sniper like WaR_SPiRiT did with the gauss, doesn't have to be only snipers, would be cool too.
- Any weapon would be cool although weapons like L-Tag, Mk.60 shouldn't be spammed nor a sprayed rifle.
- If someone is going to use scar-laser then expecting minimum a good relentless.
So yeah. ;D