Crysis 2 Community Server - help! High ping times in lobby..

Post » Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:48 am

Set up an unranked community server for the first time today. Forwarded the server port (all ok according to my firewall traces).

In-game with a couple of test victims I saw 200ms - 230ms ping (kinda around what I would have expected), and sub-5ms on LAN machines...

So why is the lobby listing 1000ms+?

Any clues or RTFM pointers appreciated.

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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:58 pm

Hmm, I guess it's because you live far away from the most of the c2 community. In the server list the pings aren't precise. For example, when I see a server with 105-120 and I join, in the server it will show me around 20-70, depends on the provider and the server's location.
So overall, the high pings comes from your distance.
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Imy Davies
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Post » Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:30 am

Thanks for replying.

So the ping time in the lobby does not correlate to the return trip from the server to the individual looking at the server list, but rather the round trip to a central node owned by EA? If so, that'd explain the vast difference between the lobby ping listed for my server and the reality when locals join... But that makes it awfully difficult to establish what real lag exists on any one server.

It's gotta be smarter than that surely? When I see servers with ~100ms ping time, listed as Australian servers (which is where I live), how are they getting their round trip so low?
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Chase McAbee
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