» Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:41 pm
Has anyone seen any reviews of this yet? I'd also be interested in knowing if the xbox360 version is plagued with the grain bug like Crysis 2 is. If so, you can count me out on purchasing it. I won't be touching this game until I have verification (Demanfacture - please let us know) that it doesn't exist. It's running on the same engine, so I'm very interested to find out.
Hi, if you're talking about the grain effect that would transform itself in some kind of grid, especially visible on uniform background and on night or rain levels, than no, I didn't encountered it (at least not yet). But considering that the very beginning of the game is at night time and that you have the chance to gradually see the dawn, chances are that we'll never see that bug. Everything tends to bee a lot sharper compared to Crysis 2 on Xbox 360. Hope it helps.