I blamed games for my GTX 280 failing, specifically MOH as that was the only game causing the lockups. Then it started happening with other games further down the road.. Then I realized there was a hardware problem not a software one. Turned out my MB was failing and it damaged my card. Unfortunately I replaced my PSU, GPU and my Ram before discovering the root issue. Nvidia has a superb warranty on all their cards and, unless you you should contact them for a replacement. They are very reasonable about that and the turn around might not be as bad as you think. But before installing the replacement card have your MB properly tested.
Thank you for this insight, it might be this issue. How would I get my Motherboard tested?
And like I said, it wasn't overheating, because if it was my temps would be much higher than 55 under load. I just found it odd that it would happen only under certain conditions on Crysis 2 (i.e. usually right when a map is loaded in my case).
The card itself looks fine, there's no burning visible. I don't think it literally FRIED in the overheat sense, but it simply doesn't work anymore.
The card has been great to me since I got it, I just found it odd that it would onnly give me problems when I played Crysis 2 with it, and only right now. I've not had a single issue otherwise.