Crysis 2 cost me $290, Thanks to Frying my Video Card

Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:15 am

You had a faulty card to start with. Hardware degradation set in and it chose now to die. Call up the manufacturers support line and request an RMA. We are in a period of computer Epic fail. My friends Windows botched itself, Monitor got botched, now a video card decides it cant go on any longer. What next? Will my phone just stop working. Hell I dont Know. During this period of time. Things just stop working no reason and its a pattern that can be predicted for the time period. Look at the number of RMAs relating various times of the year. Look for a pattern in the unexplained spikes in RMAs.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:52 pm

Crysis 2 Destoryed my LOVELIFE

Crysis 2 killed my dog

Crysis 2 made out with my MOM
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victoria gillis
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:29 am

A game will not fry your video card in fact no piece of software can, unless it changes the safety in the settings in the GPU BIOS. ALL GPUs are equipped to stop if harm starts to befall them, EX: to much heat you GPU will back off to 2d setting to prevent damage.

Technically you are wrong, cause a driver is also a piece of software and bad or bugged driver can fry it:D

A while back Nvidia pulled a driver the day they put it out because it had a bug with the fan and ended up frying buttloads of cards. So yes it can be from driver but unlikely in this case. This is a case of hardware degradation over time. I experienced it with my original 470 (Im on my 3rd though technically second because the first card I got form rma was DOA). The one I have now can actually fold on stock settings so yea this one is good. You have the same thing my original one was fine for a months and then it just decided to start artifacting out of nowhere.

Also Crysis 2 killed my sleeping pattern.
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:56 am

I had a similar problem. (Don't think it's caused by Crysis 2) No OCing (It was a manufacturing OCed card) and now my card (one of them) is dead. My monitor is also dead. I have no idea if the dead of my monitor is caused by the card. Both are now back to the shop. However, my CRT-monitor is also showing glitches (I just don't know if this is related) also with this card I have had a problem where a (different) crash happened and then the drivers ended up corrupt. Needed to reinstall the drivers. I had beta-drivers so when back to the last stable but I now wonder if the MB might be the reason my Card(s?) and monitor died. How do I possible check this. It's a brand new board.

The video-card is a Gigabyte GTX 460 SOC and the mobo is the p67a-gd65 b3.
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Lewis Morel
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:21 am

A video card can handle temps up 120C if it is nVidia, 100C if it is AMD.

And before the card goes black u get firts a msg that the graphics driver have stoped working and are resetting, if u dont get this msg u are fcked. Then the safety swith on the card is damaged. I have overclocked many video cards, and know that games can smash down a video card with stock clock. The best way to prevent this is to play with vSync and lower graphics settings until the game get a patch or nVidia or AMD launch a FIX.
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:52 pm

troll or stupid guy xD
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Jennifer May
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:39 pm

You had a clear problem...and kept playing C2 instead of dealing with the issue.

Darwinism, computer style.

A game will not fry your video card in fact no piece of software can, unless it changes the safety in the settings in the GPU BIOS. ALL GPUs are equipped to stop if harm starts to befall them, EX: to much heat you GPU will back off to 2d setting to prevent damage.
Anything that stresses the card causes temperatures to rise, it just happened to be C2 that he was playing.

My computer wasn't overheating did you read my post at all? I checked my temps while playing after the first time specifically because I thought it was. Nope. If 55c is overheating for a video card then just shoot me. My video card has a giant fully functioning dual fan heatsink on it.

And more system intensive games like ArmA2 work perfectly fine. This has ONLY Happened wth Crysis 2 and no other games, even ones that tax my video card more to produce higher temperatures, cause this to happen.

Explain that before reading my title and coming up to random conclusions?

who says it had to be heat? memory failure, blown caps.gpu died....all will kill a card, one thing that will not kill a card is software. You said it your did it 5 times, common sense says you should start to look at the issue instead of just rebooting your PC after the 2nd incident. It's a coincidence that you were playing Crysis when it happened, hell you might as well say "Libyan rebels killed my video card" since they are revolting half way around the world.

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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:31 am

ur tears are delicious :D
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:35 am

you just change games and leave us alone, I have never had any problem on your crysis2, I have a GTX285 and the game runs with 40fps on average, your graphics card issues come second, but not crysis 2, you find another source of the problem guys
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:21 am

Uhm, what exactly is the intention of this thread?
You want EA to buy you a new graphics card because yours stopped to work?
Are you serious?
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James Shaw
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:18 am

....if you are claiming 55c temps, then Im telling you overheating wasn't what killed your card.

Further, I doubt it was Crysis 2 simply because I have heard of literally 2 cards dying in this game total... and there is no general complaint that overheating is a bug in the game. (ONLY game I've EVER seen that complaint for... and in fact enough of one an official stickied "how to lower your card temp" thread was Star Trek Online... and to be fair, my own card, while not overheating... I dont think, did black out like you describe AND run at least 10-20 degrees hotter then other games playing. I haven't had a reason to check Crysis 2 out for that.)
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:34 am

Uhm, what exactly is the intention of this thread?
You want EA to buy you a new graphics card because yours stopped to work?
Are you serious?

it does not come from crysis 2, but their config pc
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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:38 am

If OP's still here,

Just want him to know my 470 goes over 80 degrees fairly regularly

But not when I play Crysis 2
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:19 am

well you shouldnt overclock your rubbish graphcs card.crysis 2 its not a benchmark game any more.ITS A CONSOLE PORT,HAHA,well Im not being sarcastic,haha.well,just buy a better crap think its good solution,lol
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:25 pm

So far today, Crysis 2 has taken out a Monitor and a Video Card. Nice!
Don't forget
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:06 am

I'm surprised that there are so many incidents of equipment stress damage while playing C2. It's not nearly as stressing as C1.
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Erin S
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:50 am

Fill in the blank: Crysis 2 _____ed my _____!!!

Fill in the blank: Crysis 2 jumped my cat!!!
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:06 pm

Fill in the blank: Crysis 2 f u c k ed my wallet!!! did that to all of us.
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 6:02 am

This is the first post of something that it is clear not fault of Crytek.

If your graphic card have died, it is a problem with your graphic card or computer.

Overheating can be caused by ventilators, failure in the graphic card itself... other problems are that your graphic card have not enought power...

Anyway, Crysis 2 by now it is lower in graphics that a lot more of games... so...

Well. It is not Crytek fault.
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City Swagga
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:07 am

460's blow anyways. Time to upgrade even if c2 is about as taxing as the windows tubes screensaver.....
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:51 am

I come back and I see three pages of 12 year old troll responses, nice! For all you new trolls entering the thread and actually reading it:

1. It's not overheating, because my temps were fine. The reason it kept happening was because I did the exact same steps to reproduce the bug (load a certain map), which caused this issue to happen. I reproduced the issue because I wanted to play and I wanted to test and see if my driver update would fix it. Instead, it killled my card.

2. If it was overheating I would have gotten errors previously and in more taxing games. A game doesn't simply go black with no warning while still running (as the sounnds still play) when a card overheats. The drivers fail, windows boots into Aero mode, etc. Overheating also produces artifacts in the texxtures and objects which was not occuring.

3. I have gotten this issue at random while playing before too, but never severe enough to outright kill my card in an instant. It was only loading a specific level that caused this to happen at exactly the same point over and over. And ONLY in Crysis 2.

4. The issue is confusing for me because I'm starting to wonder if my PSU is dieing instead, and the rails leading to my card somehow died (if that is even possible? Someone with more experience tell me please). Maybe something in that speicifc part in the level causes an abnormal power draw to my video card, which in turn causes my PSU to crap out? If I need to get a new PSU, not a new video card, that would be helpful.
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:01 pm

Changed my response...

Perhaps you have something failing on the card. Or even your system memory could cause funky things to occur. I had system crashes before that all pointed to my graphics card but after warranty and research it turned out that my system memory was failing and not the card.

Some games have different effects on the hardware. It is how the hardware is addressed in the games that can cause this.

Error messages that may occur or even the messages you get with Blue screens may make it appear to be the graphics card but 9 times out of 10 it is your memory and not the graphics card that is causing the problem. Do you overclock your CPU or memory? Have you ever overclocked them? You don't have to overclock them for them to fail but overclocking without the proper ventilation or cooling can cause them to wear out a lot quicker. Even if you overclocked them at some point but do not anymore.

BTW, the trolling responses is from the title of your post and not the bulk of your message. I almost posted an amusing response myself until I read your post above mine.
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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:47 am

You forgot about the WC3 menu screen bug. It rendered frames so fast that cards were melting
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:37 am

I am not familiar with that bug!
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:00 pm

MY bad, I was replying to KING OF SAND, but I didn't quote him. Anyway, the WC3 menu didn't have a limit on the framerate, so cards would render it at like thousands of frames per second which apparently overheated them and killed some cards. They patched it quickly though. Needless to say, Crysis 2 didn't cause this guy's problem, whatever it may be.
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