» Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:51 am
I come back and I see three pages of 12 year old troll responses, nice! For all you new trolls entering the thread and actually reading it:
1. It's not overheating, because my temps were fine. The reason it kept happening was because I did the exact same steps to reproduce the bug (load a certain map), which caused this issue to happen. I reproduced the issue because I wanted to play and I wanted to test and see if my driver update would fix it. Instead, it killled my card.
2. If it was overheating I would have gotten errors previously and in more taxing games. A game doesn't simply go black with no warning while still running (as the sounnds still play) when a card overheats. The drivers fail, windows boots into Aero mode, etc. Overheating also produces artifacts in the texxtures and objects which was not occuring.
3. I have gotten this issue at random while playing before too, but never severe enough to outright kill my card in an instant. It was only loading a specific level that caused this to happen at exactly the same point over and over. And ONLY in Crysis 2.
4. The issue is confusing for me because I'm starting to wonder if my PSU is dieing instead, and the rails leading to my card somehow died (if that is even possible? Someone with more experience tell me please). Maybe something in that speicifc part in the level causes an abnormal power draw to my video card, which in turn causes my PSU to crap out? If I need to get a new PSU, not a new video card, that would be helpful.