I brought crysis 2 a week ago, and I have to say I havnt been enjoying the time I spent playing it. The multiplayer is just plain frustrating. I'm a run and gun type of guy, and I'm getting punished for it. I thought crysis was all about "suiting everyones play style". Camo is the most overpowered ability in the game, and it totally breaks the game. I can't even run and gun without some guy hiding in the corner with it on. In games like Halo, CSS and COD I am very very good. But in this game I fail horribly because of everyone running around (mostly camping actualy) like little sneaks. My average KD for a game in Reach would be 25-5, in Crysis 2 I would be lucky getting an even KD.
I don't know what the F*** crytek was thinking when they made armour mode actualy DRAIN energy wile your not even being shot, it's F***ING annoying, every time I exit it to get my energy up I get shot in the back. You are also SLOWER wile in armour mode. The smart people at crytek removed strength mode so now you have to hold a button to super jump, hold another button to use strength wile you shoot (ONLY wile your aiming down the sight -__-), and now you have to hold down melee for 4 seconds to strength punch (which drains ALL your energy -_______-).
The guns are EVEN MORE INNACURATE firing from the HIP then COD and the first crysis. Whats the point of having the ability to fire from the hip? It's innaccurate even at close range. I don't know why sprint looses energy wile you run, you run at a normal speed its not even like crysis 1's maximum speed (I loose alot of fights because of this). They took a step backwards with the grenade throwing system, you now have to switch to grenades to throw them.
Seriously Crytek, why did you make so many mistakes? You made this game the noobiest game of 2011. I talked to alot of people online, and they all agree with me, this game has potential. Crytek/EA or whoever, patch this game, your going to loose another customer soon I can see greatness comming out of your game, but these things are stopping it. I'll be back on Halo: Reach once I get more xbox live for another year. Mabey you can catch me before I take my copy back to EB games and buy some xbox live.
Crytek. Just fix armour mode, camo, sprint, then I would love your game.
This has alittle bit of raging in it, but I intend it to be contructive critisism.