Crysis 2 could be such a good game if it fixed these things.

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:20 am

Crytek, I hope you read this.

I brought crysis 2 a week ago, and I have to say I havnt been enjoying the time I spent playing it. The multiplayer is just plain frustrating. I'm a run and gun type of guy, and I'm getting punished for it. I thought crysis was all about "suiting everyones play style". Camo is the most overpowered ability in the game, and it totally breaks the game. I can't even run and gun without some guy hiding in the corner with it on. In games like Halo, CSS and COD I am very very good. But in this game I fail horribly because of everyone running around (mostly camping actualy) like little sneaks. My average KD for a game in Reach would be 25-5, in Crysis 2 I would be lucky getting an even KD.

I don't know what the F*** crytek was thinking when they made armour mode actualy DRAIN energy wile your not even being shot, it's F***ING annoying, every time I exit it to get my energy up I get shot in the back. You are also SLOWER wile in armour mode. The smart people at crytek removed strength mode so now you have to hold a button to super jump, hold another button to use strength wile you shoot (ONLY wile your aiming down the sight -__-), and now you have to hold down melee for 4 seconds to strength punch (which drains ALL your energy -_______-).

The guns are EVEN MORE INNACURATE firing from the HIP then COD and the first crysis. Whats the point of having the ability to fire from the hip? It's innaccurate even at close range. I don't know why sprint looses energy wile you run, you run at a normal speed its not even like crysis 1's maximum speed (I loose alot of fights because of this). They took a step backwards with the grenade throwing system, you now have to switch to grenades to throw them.

Seriously Crytek, why did you make so many mistakes? You made this game the noobiest game of 2011. I talked to alot of people online, and they all agree with me, this game has potential. Crytek/EA or whoever, patch this game, your going to loose another customer soon I can see greatness comming out of your game, but these things are stopping it. I'll be back on Halo: Reach once I get more xbox live for another year. Mabey you can catch me before I take my copy back to EB games and buy some xbox live.

Crytek. Just fix armour mode, camo, sprint, then I would love your game.

This has alittle bit of raging in it, but I intend it to be contructive critisism.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:09 pm

tags: armor mode slower, cloak overpower, sprint draining energy fast

Go play classic.
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:21 am

Classic is boring, its worse then cod. Even normal mode is more enjoyable.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:02 am

There is no Camo module in the game. Fix your head first!
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:03 am

What you on about?
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:33 am

How can you compare Crysis 2 PC to a console game that uses aim assist (im talking about Halo)
You should be more tactical when using your abilitys, use stealth till you see the enemy, switch to armour, put a cap in his ass, job done
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Latino HeaT
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:58 am

How can you compare Crysis 2 PC to a console game that uses aim assist (im talking about Halo)
You should be more tactical when using your abilitys, use stealth till you see the enemy, switch to armour, put a cap in his ass, job done

First of all, Halo uses aim assist because it is basicly impossible to get kills using a controller without it, so the skill is still in the game, it isn't aiming for you. Them little sticks are much harder to use then m/k. When your trying to betray someone in that game (team kill) there is no aim assist on them, and your ability to kill the other person is worse then a 3 year old with a m/k. The aim assist isn't to promonent either.

Second of all, I am still very good at counter strike.

Being 'tactical' is just another word for being a noob. I don't want to sneak around cheap shotting everyone all day, its not a challenge, its not fun. I have the better aim so I should win. Not I got you by surprise so I win. Crysis 1 had a good balance between the two. It didn't souly rely on how you used the abilities, and mostly relied on your ability to aim. Similar to Reach, you could play a match without even using an armour ability. Crysis 2's whole gameplay is centered around your suit abilities which is very bad for the amount of skill it takes.

Crysis 2 at the moment takes so little skill in it's current state, it needs to be fixed. I should be able to run around in armour mode like in Crysis 1 without one care of someone camping in a corner with camo, because I can pop them as they come out.

Remember what crysis 1 was all about? "Catering to each playstyle" in cryteks words, crysis 2 does none of this. You HAVE to sneak to survive in multiplayer.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:30 am

hiding in a corner in stealth mode until someone walks by is not tactical. rofl.

besides, stealth in this game isnt tactical at all for the most part, all it does it take advantage of the gameplay problem where 1 person's anti-cloak abilities cannot outweight a team of 8 people abusing cloak.

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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:56 am

1-Crytek will probably not read your post because it's too freakin' long and there's many many many other straightforward, and to the point threads to pay attention to.

2-Learn to play

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cosmo valerga
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:04 pm

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Rudi Carter
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:05 pm

hiding in a corner in stealth mode until someone walks by is not tactical. rofl.

besides, stealth in this game isnt tactical at all for the most part, all it does it take advantage of the gameplay problem where 1 person's anti-cloak abilities cannot outweight a team of 8 people abusing cloak.

Completely true.
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:46 am

1-Crytek will probably not read your post because it's too freakin' long and there's many many many other straightforward, and to the point threads to pay attention to.

2-Learn to play


1) I bet they have a guy hired to read through every sentence of this forum.
2) I have an amazing aim and good battlefield awareness. Face it, this game is broken and skilless.
3) If I'm a noob you must be much worse if you can't see an obvious flaw in the game.
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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:37 am

1-Crytek will probably not read your post because it's too freakin' long and there's many many many other straightforward, and to the point threads to pay attention to.

2-Learn to play


1) I bet they have a guy hired to read through every sentence of this forum.
2) I have an amazing aim and good battlefield awareness. Face it, this game is broken and skilless.
3) If I'm a noob you must be much worse if you can't see an obvious flaw in the game.

1) No comment, this I also agree with you.
2 and 3) I'm playing the PC version with an xbox360 controller, without aim assist, run and gun style like you said without armor mode on, cloak is for reload and still get top 1 with a k/d ratio of 2~3 every 8 out of 10 rounds (Instant Action), I can see cloaked players without nanovision at close range even before they see me, I can even get around 400 air stomp kills with my ears and sense of fps games alone, sometimes I even running around with gauss + reflex or go for close quarter combat with grendel, yet another person with amazing aim and good battlefield awareness still get owned at this game and blame the game system, how funny. Seriously, learn how to play and you will be fine.

And yes I can snap and nozoom an awp, spray a M4 or an Ak47 in cs and cs:s, I can shoot an instagib with pinpoint accuracy without crosshair in unreal tournament back in my old days, I have played fps games for 7 years since I have a visual of what a computer is and I think this game is fine as it is!
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Heather Kush
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:45 am

In the demo cloaked campers annoyed a little. There was always someone camping at the top of skyline and by the time I got up there I was out of energy and was an easy target for cloaked campers with their nano vision up.

Since the game released, I got mobility enhance and boosted nano vision from my keyboard up to my mouse. Now campers don't stand a chance.

I play crash site, run to objective and take out 3-4-5 guys by using nano vision, taking out cloaked guys 1st because they are easy targets and will die fast in cloak mode, then kill the rest.

You simply need to play better, pick the correct modules OR realise this game may not be for you and try call of duty.
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:20 am

In the demo cloaked campers annoyed a little. There was always someone camping at the top of skyline and by the time I got up there I was out of energy and was an easy target for cloaked campers with their nano vision up.

Since the game released, I got mobility enhance and boosted nano vision from my keyboard up to my mouse. Now campers don't stand a chance.

I play crash site, run to objective and take out 3-4-5 guys by using nano vision, taking out cloaked guys 1st because they are easy targets and will die fast in cloak mode, then kill the rest.

You simply need to play better, pick the correct modules OR realise this game may not be for you and try call of duty.

COD is horrible.
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