BackupNameAttachment=" Build(0) 26 Mar 11 (03 21 14)" -- used by backup system
Log Started at 03/26/11 03:21:14
Running 32 bit version
Executable: C:\Games\Crytek\Crysis 2\bin32\Crysis2.exe
Using STLport C++ Standard Library implementation
Added MOD directory
Executable Command Line: "C:\Games\Crytek\Crysis 2\bin32\Crysis2.exe"
Total number of logical processors: 8
Number of available logical processors: 8
Total number of system cores: 4
Number of cores available to process: 4
Processor 0:
CPU: Intel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz
Family: 6, Model: 14, Stepping: 5
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 1596.1 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled
Processor 1:
CPU: Intel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz
Family: 6, Model: 14, Stepping: 5
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 1596.0 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled
Processor 2:
CPU: Intel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz
Family: 6, Model: 14, Stepping: 5
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 1596.1 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled
Processor 3:
CPU: Intel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz
Family: 6, Model: 14, Stepping: 5
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 1596.1 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled
<03:21:15> [Error] Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_physics' key 'p_max_substeps' is not missing in default
<03:21:15> Windows 7 64 bit SP 1 (build 6.1.7601)
<03:21:15> System language: English
<03:21:15> Windows Directory: "C:\Windows"
<03:21:15> Prerequisites...
<03:21:15> * Installation of KB940105 hotfix required: no! (either not needed or already installed)
<03:21:15> Local time is 03:21:15 03/26/11, system running for 1 minutes
<03:21:15> 8117MB physical memory installed, 6455MB available, 4095MB virtual memory installed, 20 percent of memory in use
<03:21:15> PageFile usage: 95MB, Working Set: 76MB, Peak PageFile usage: 95MB,
<03:21:15> Current display mode is 1920x1080x32, (Unknown graphics card)
<03:21:15> Japanese keyboard and 8+ button mouse installed
<03:21:15> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<03:21:15> Stream Engine Initialization
<03:21:15> GameName: Crysis 2 (TM)
<03:21:15> BuildTime: Mar 18 2011 10:40:54
<03:21:15> Font initialization
<03:21:15> Physics initialization
<03:21:15> Sound initialization
1. Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
2. Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
<03:21:16> Renderer initialization
<03:21:19> used GeomInstancingThreshold is 2
<03:21:20> Network initialization
<03:21:20> [net] using iocp socket io management
<03:21:20> network hostname: Asterix
<03:21:20> ip:
<03:21:20> ip:
<03:21:20> ip:
<03:21:20> [Network Version]: RELEASE PURE CLIENT
<03:21:20> MovieSystem initialization
<03:21:20> Console initialization
<03:21:20> Time initialization
<03:21:20> Input initialization
<03:21:21> AI initialization
<03:21:21> Initializing Animation System
<03:21:21> Initializing 3D Engine
<03:21:21> Script System Initialization
<03:21:21> Entity system initialization
<03:21:21> Initializing AI System
<03:21:22> [Error] [Tweaks] Cannot locate active profile table
<03:21:22> [PlayerProfiles] Login of user 'Cormogram' successful.
<03:21:22> [PlayerProfiles] Found 1 profiles.
<03:21:22> Profile 0 : 'default'
<03:21:22> [GameProfiles]: Successfully activated profile 'default' for user 'Cormogram'
<03:21:22> username Cormogram signedIn 1 userIndex -1
<03:21:22> ActivateProfile profileName default
<03:21:22> [Game Version]: RELEASE PURE CLIENT
<03:21:39> [Lobby] Start SessionRegisterUserData error 0
<03:21:40> ai_CompatibilityMode = crysis2 []
<03:21:40> ai_BurstWhileMovingDestinationRange = 9999 []
<03:21:40> g_telemetryConfig = SP []
<03:21:40> net_inactivitytimeout = 3600 []
<03:21:40> net_inactivitytimeoutDevmode = 3600 []
<03:21:40> g_telemetrySampleRateSound = 5 []
<03:21:40> pl_movement.nonCombat_heavy_weapon_speed_scale = 1 []
<03:22:08> [Error]
<03:26:19> [Error]
<03:26:19> [Error]
<03:26:19> [Error]
<03:26:19> [Error]
<03:26:23> Initializing default materials...
<03:26:25> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/prism/buildings/prism_blackops_helipad/prism_blkops_helipad_a_part02_lod3.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:26> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/roosevelt_island/bridges/rsvlt_queensboro_bridge/bridge_street_blocker_a.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:26> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/roosevelt_island/bridges/rsvlt_queensboro_bridge/bridge_street_blocker_a_lod1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:26> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/roosevelt_island/bridges/rsvlt_queensboro_bridge/bridge_street_blocker_a_lod2.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:26> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/roosevelt_island/bridges/rsvlt_queensboro_bridge/bridge_street_blocker_e.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:26> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/roosevelt_island/bridges/rsvlt_queensboro_bridge/bridge_street_blocker_e_lod1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:26> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/roosevelt_island/bridges/rsvlt_queensboro_bridge/bridge_street_blocker_e_lod2.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:26> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/roosevelt_island/bridges/rsvlt_queensboro_bridge/bridge_street_blocker_e_lod3.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:26> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/roosevelt_island/bridges/rsvlt_queensboro_bridge/bridge_street_blocker_f.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:26> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/roosevelt_island/bridges/rsvlt_queensboro_bridge/bridge_street_blocker_f_lod1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:26> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/roosevelt_island/bridges/rsvlt_queensboro_bridge/bridge_street_blocker_f_lod2.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:26> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/roosevelt_island/bridges/rsvlt_queensboro_bridge/street_deck_one_c_lod5.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:26> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/roosevelt_island/bridges/rsvlt_queensboro_bridge/street_deck_two_b_lod4.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:27> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/props/rubble/buildingdebris_set_02.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:27> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/props/rubble/buildingdebris_set_02_lod1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:28> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/grendel/grendel_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:28> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/marshall/marshall_screens.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:28> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/mk60/mk60_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:28> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/mk60/mk60_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:28> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/mk60/mk60_ironsight_tp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:28> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/scarab/scarab_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:29> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/characters/alien/heavy/jelly_destroyed_mike.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:30> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit_v2/nanosuit_v2_helmet.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:31> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/nova/nova_fp.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:31> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/roosevelt_island/bridges/rsvlt_queensboro_bridge/street_wave.cga': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:31> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/roosevelt_island/bridges/rsvlt_queensboro_bridge/street_wave.cga': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:31> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/animated/events/bridge_taxi/event03_taxi_falls.cga': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<03:26:32> Registering TPS Extensions...
<03:26:34> [Error]
<03:26:34> [Error]
<03:26:53> CActor::Ragdollize: AB3_WaveFinal_aStalker_4
<03:26:53> CActor::Ragdollize: AB1_aGrunt_HeliCentral_1
<03:26:53> CActor::Ragdollize: AB3_Pod_Droped_1
<03:26:53> CActor::Ragdollize: AB3_WaveFinal_aStalker_3
<03:26:53> CActor::Ragdollize: AB3_Pod_Droped_3
<03:26:53> CActor::Ragdollize: AB2_Wave2_aGrunt_1
<03:26:53> CActor::Ragdollize: AB3_Pod_Droped_4
<03:26:53> CActor::Ragdollize: AB3_Pod_Droped_2
<03:26:53> CActor::Ragdollize: AB3_Wave8_aHeavy_2
<03:26:53> CActor::Ragdollize: AB1_aGrunt_Start_Amb1_s
<03:26:53> CActor::Ragdollize: AB1_hGrunt_Start_Amb1_s
<03:26:54> ======== is loaded in 418.0 sec ========
<03:27:28> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 52 PartID: 52
<03:27:31> CActor::Ragdollize: AB4_aWave_4110_Respawn1_2
<03:27:34> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 40 PartID: 40
<03:27:36> CActor::Ragdollize: AB4_aWave_4110_Respawn1_1
<03:27:51> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 38 PartID: 38
<03:27:52> CActor::Ragdollize: AB4_aGrunt_4100_2
<03:27:59> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 92 PartID: 92
<03:28:01> CActor::Ragdollize: AB4_aGrunt_4100_1
<03:28:04> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 72 PartID: 72
<03:28:05> CActor::Ragdollize: AB4_aWave_4110_Respawn1_1_s
<03:28:07> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 69 PartID: 69
<03:28:09> CActor::Ragdollize: AB4_aWave_4110_Respawn1_2_s
<03:28:29> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 42 PartID: 42
<03:28:29> CActor::Ragdollize: AB4_aWave_4110_Respawn1_2_s
<03:28:33> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 69 PartID: 69
<03:28:33> CActor::Ragdollize: AB4_aWave_4110_Respawn1_1_s
<03:28:46> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 26 PartID: 26
<03:28:47> CActor::Ragdollize: AB4_hGrunt_4010_3
<03:28:51> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 71 PartID: 71
<03:28:52> CActor::Ragdollize: AB4_aWave_4110_Respawn1_2_s
<03:28:53> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 45 PartID: 45
<03:28:55> CActor::Ragdollize: AB4_aWave_4110_Respawn1_1_s
<03:29:01> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 70 PartID: 70
<03:29:01> CActor::Ragdollize: AB4_aGrunt_4100_3_sniper
<03:29:03> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 40 PartID: 40
<03:29:06> CActor::Ragdollize: AB4_aWave_4110_Respawn1_2_s
<03:29:20> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 70 PartID: 70
<03:29:21> CActor::Ragdollize: AB4_aWave_4110_Respawn1_1_s
<03:29:33> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 26 PartID: 26
<03:29:36> CActor::Ragdollize: AB4_hGrunt_4010_1