Crysis 3=Crysis 1 or Crysis 3=Crysis 2 ?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:45 pm

But what im getting at is Crysis 2 graphics arent as powerful as Crysis 1. This is the basis for your entire argument but it's flawed by the fact that there has not been any media released so far that features the full power of CryENGINE3.

There was a bit of confusion over the source of the latest screenshots released. Which platform did they came from? PC?

I think they were a mix. There was one 360 and the others were PC. But honestly, the PC version hasn’t been shown off yet at all. They were rendered out of PC but at console settings. The PC settings aren’t being disclosed at all right now. We haven’t made any screenshots yet that show the PC settings.

I really, REALLY, hope that is true. The game looks awsome, and i already pre-ordered it, but from what im seeing, the graphics dont look as impressive as Crysis 1. Waiting to see the demo, though.
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