» Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:13 pm
@ pears
My PC will run it since a new one is coming specially for Crysis 2 but realistic looking it is a problem. If I ask fends to buy Crysis 2 the most hearth argument is that they don't feel like upgrading there PC.
"You want community? You want super sahweeeeet maps with crap graphics and lackluster gameplay?"
Yes I want community, yes I want super sahweeeet maps. Crap graphics..? I was saying that Crysis 3 may have the same graphics as Crysis 2 so that means you consider the Crysis 2 graphics crappy? Well then we disagree on that part. And I haven't even see any DirecX 11 High Crysis 2 graphics.
lackluster gameplay.. depends on the shooter. A game like UT should indeed be lackluster while a tactical shooter should not. But then again, you think Crysis 2 is to lackluster, I don't? I just say, don't create a game only for the graphics but create it for the game and when new advantages have really something new to offer use is but don't make it hard on yourself by always wanting to have the best-looking game out there. That was fine but I would not mind if Crytek would take a graphical break with the next game (or first create some expansions).
They already took a graphical break with crysis 2 dude. Its BARELY better than crysis 1. So i dont know why you keep saying 'crytek should do...' when they are doing it now.
It will take 3-5 years to see crysis 3. The average upgrade time for PCs is about 3-5 years. If you dont upgrade within those timeframes, then do you really expect to play new games?
Crysis 2 looks pretty nice so far, but keep in mind its a lot different than crysis 1, where in cry1 a lot of power was used due to the view distance of the jungle, whereas crysis 2 has a lot smaller area in which is being rendered. Therefore, crysis 2 can focus on using cpu/gpu power on other things. The excuse of 'omg why did crytek release such an awesome game that nobody can run!' does not apply to crysis 2. So if your friends cant run it at all, they should be upgrading, not complaining. A 1.5K investment every 5 years is not too much to ask if you are getting a large amount of enjoyment and use out of your PC.
The point is, even great looking games (crysis 2) become outdated. When the hl2/source engine came out, it was all the craze. But now, its looking a bit outdated with what it can do. As great as the graphics are in crysis, its not perfect. As photorealistic as it may look, its not. There is still a ways to go. Computers these days can run crysis 1/2 on highest settings and resolutions no problem. Do you think crytek wants to release crysis 3 with an old engine that in 5 years time will likely be below average or average in terms of visual quality? Of course they dont, they pride themselves on pushing boundaries in terms of graphics. All video game developers who build their own engines do it with the future in mind. It takes a lot of time, and when its done, you cant have it looking like a pile of crap compared to your competitors.
Also, if you want an expansive multiplayer experience with community etc, you should be hoping for mod tools/sandbox editor. That is what makes or breaks games in the long term.