My main problems with C2 is the suit is too powerful (except for strength/"power" mode), the story is too detached from the original with gaping, unexplained holes, the AI are too dumb, and it lacks big boss battles, esp at the end. This whole game has the feel of a separate ill programmed robot story with inept human troops thrown in here and there. It's way too arcade, linear and simple. Crysis and Warhead had a much more tactical, non linear feel.
In this one you have to force yourself to avoid using cloak and suppression to get any challenge, and even then the AI often can't hear where you are if you hide in between shots whether using a loud weapon or not. There's no feeling of trepidation when you know you can sneak past enemies cloaked, and even shoot whiled cloaked. Often the act of taking on enemies is just an unnecessary side challenge as if racking up achievements rather than facing challenges the game makes you endure.
Graphically and physically, yes, I'd love to have more detailed options in the settings and more destructibles, but the above make those things pale in comparison. There IS a small percentage of gamepad users whom are quite adept at playing shooters with them. Without the obvious onscreen icons giving away the platform they're on, you might not even know they'e using one. Most however are not as fast and precise as seasoned KB/M users. The gameplay has obviously been dumbed down for console.