» Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:38 pm
"Permission to ask a question,sir."
"Permission granted, Limitless, as long as it isn't about where babies come from"
"No, the thing is the way I see it. These days there's PC support down, right? And ages ago, there wasn't a PC support down, right? So, there must be a moment when there not being PC support down went away, right, and there being PC support down came along. so.....what I want to know is....? how did we get from one state of affair to the other state of affair?"
"Do you mean, how did PC gaming loses support?"
"I heard that it started when a bloke called Billy Goat threw 360 boxes away, because he has too much boxes."
"I think you mean it started when Bill Gate decided to sell X-box 360 to the masses."
"No, there was definitely boxes involved, sir."
"Well, possibly. but the real reason for the whole thing was that it was just too much effort not to support consoles."
"You see, Limitless, in order to prevent the loss of a platform support in gaming, two super blocs developed. The PC gamers on one side, and the console gamers on the other. The idea was to have two vast opposing fan-bases, each acting as the other deterrent. That way, there could never be a port made."
"But this is a sort of a console port, isn't it sir?"
"Yes that's right. You see there was a tiny flaw in the plan."
"What was it, sir?"
"It was bollocks"
"So, people picked boxes for nothing"
Sorry if it's not funny ppl. But I couldn't resist not making a Blackadder joke.