I disagree how the gamespot dude talked about the worse lighting in Crysis 2. Seriously, the lighting he talked about in Crysis 1 and warhead have the same effects as in Crysis 2, and crap, even a little better, with more enhancements and such. The video showed him looking through trees with big but few leaves, while in Crysis 2, he saw a rather bushy tree, so of course it won't get cut off by light.
He also didn't mention Crysis 2's water effects like ripples that Crysis 1 and warhead DON'T have.
What he was spot on about was the destructibility. There's not enough of it in Crysis 2. I would say Crysis 2 looks the same, if not, BETTER, than both Crysis 1 and Warhead in EVERY aspect, EXCEPT for destructibility, range of scope (which is actually unncessary. IT CAN be done in Crysis 2 but it wasn't for not only console optimization but PC optimization too. It was not necessary in Crysis 1) distances, and textures. Physics, lightings, water, and etc. stay the same/better in Crysis 2. I'm curious to see what DX11 will do though lol

And I wonder if there'll be destrutibility mods for Crysis 2:o