Crysis 1 Vs Crysis 2

Post » Sun May 22, 2011 5:59 pm

CE2 can't do?!!!!! Starting from character animation?, face rendering?, lighting????... there is bunch of things which CE3 do better than CE2 - wich are?!!!
The last sentence is infantile! XD
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 4:44 pm

Crysis 2 may eventually get a nice DX11 patch and the Sandbox, but nothing will ever change the fact that it's a completely linear corridor shooter that spoon-feeds the player at every single encounter [MAXIMUM VISOR]!!

It's made of rooms and hallways. That, above all else, is the fundamental flaw with Crysis 2. Crysis and Warhead, while not "open-world" games in the broadest sense, both have non-linear game worlds that allow for exploration and variation.

But really, this is a tired argument that got old about 3 weeks ago, and certain people (I'm looking at you, Wardice) need to stop feeding obvious troll threads.
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 2:48 pm

Apart from your incorrect statement that C1 had "open world environment and freedom" thus implying it was not linear, and then saying that C2 was linear, I should remind you that when C1 first came out it had a ton of bugs in all parts of gameplay.

There were very bad AI glitches that you can still see in videos on Youtube, the physics had many glitches, and to this day there are still graphical glitches in regards to how the game handles the destroyed bits of killed alien suits.

Point of my post is, C1 had a ton of problems when it first came out too. And if C1 gets a pass because Crytek eventually fixed MOST of them, then C2 should get the same treatment. If you are adamant that C2 is a poorly coded mess, then you need to acknowledge that so was C1 at the start of it's life.

Ya, I don't like arguing online cause I has life (not saying you don't) and I svck at online arguing , but ya you speak the truth though. But the thing the patch in C1 fixed a loooooooooooot of things especially the 1.2 version. All C2 patches that are coming out aren't working one bit (okay maby I'm exaggerating but you know what I'm saying). Most of the C2 patches are useless. I still get disconnected randomly at main lobby and during games and I booted nanosuit and still have all my perks level 3 and I didn't get my dog tag of "Reborn" when I rebooted. My point (and my opinion), C1 patches fixed almost everything, C2 patches fixed 9% of problem.
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Post » Mon May 23, 2011 2:15 am

Crysis 2 may eventually get a nice DX11 patch and the Sandbox, but nothing will ever change the fact that it's a completely linear corridor shooter that spoon-feeds the player at every single encounter [MAXIMUM VISOR]!!

It's made of rooms and hallways. That, above all else, is the fundamental flaw with Crysis 2. Crysis and Warhead, while not "open-world" games in the broadest sense, both have non-linear game worlds that allow for exploration and variation.

But really, this is a tired argument that got old about 3 weeks ago, and certain people (I'm looking at you, Wardice) need to stop feeding obvious troll threads.

And once again, you are wrong as you have been everytime you post this same argument. But as you said, this got old 3 weeks ago, so I'll just leave it at that.
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 11:28 pm

C1 patches fixed almost everything, C2 patches fixed 9% of problem.

Its offtopic, but never mind;
Maybe in Crysis 2 we will have 55 patches, so it will be the same! And maybe once they actually finish the game!
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 8:32 pm

Ya, I don't like arguing online cause I has life (not saying you don't) and I svck at online arguing , but ya you speak the truth though. But the thing the patch in C1 fixed a loooooooooooot of things especially the 1.2 version. All C2 patches that are coming out aren't working one bit (okay maby I'm exaggerating but you know what I'm saying). Most of the C2 patches are useless. I still get disconnected randomly at main lobby and during games and I booted nanosuit and still have all my perks level 3 and I didn't get my dog tag of "Reborn" when I rebooted. My point (and my opinion), C1 patches fixed almost everything, C2 patches fixed 9% of problem.

No offense taken. I wasn't trying to start a heated argument or insult you. It just gets a bit frustrating when so many people on here are typing things that are not true or are hyperbole.

I don't play the multiplayer and do not comment on stuff I haven't played. I was referring specifically to single player stuff.

You are right that so far alot hasn't been fixed with C2. However, it has only been out for about a month, so I don't think we should be getting upset just yet.
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Jennifer May
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 11:10 pm

Re origional post.
Sorry, but Crysis 1 was the masterpiece for me, bit regarding graphics and story, it was amazong ritght through from begining to end, and the then added warhead was just a fantastic addition.

that said, I do like Crysis 2 dont get me wrong, but i have hardly used multi play at all, it has been such a mess with the bnonus xp thing and the sign in prob, plus the leak and allready in use code prob, so on and so on, + the master cheats.

i would still much rather go at Crysis 1 as it stands at this time, even with the latest patch, there is still so much to do, While i know that Crytek have done and are still doing all that they can, its been a bitter dissapointment to me.

I have High regard for the Crytek team they have been fantastic, after the way the general gamers here have abused and cursed them, even tottaly messed up the website on more than one occasion, and they have taken it all on bourd, dealt with it all in a very proffesional way and continued as always to do there absolute best.

I am more dissapointed with the general gaming communtity than the game, the game itself is fine, but i still think Crysis 1 was the meat oin the bone.

regards Guss
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 12:05 pm

Crysis 2 may eventually get a nice DX11 patch and the Sandbox, but nothing will ever change the fact that it's a completely linear corridor shooter that spoon-feeds the player at every single encounter [MAXIMUM VISOR]!!

It's made of rooms and hallways. That, above all else, is the fundamental flaw with Crysis 2. Crysis and Warhead, while not "open-world" games in the broadest sense, both have non-linear game worlds that allow for exploration and variation.

But really, this is a tired argument that got old about 3 weeks ago, and certain people (I'm looking at you, Wardice) need to stop feeding obvious troll threads.

And once again, you are wrong as you have been everytime you post this same argument. But as you said, this got old 3 weeks ago, so I'll just leave it at that.

Sorry, but you can't just say "you are wrong" then plug your ears and run away like a 3rd grader. Nothing I said in this post is even opinion - it's all hard fact.

Fact 1: Crysis 2 is extremely linear. The game world is laid out as such: rooms -> streets -> open city-square like areas where big battles take place -> rooms -> streets, and so on. There are no 'alternate routes' in Crysis 2. The visor creates the illusion of choice by pointing out that the player can either stealth past an encounter or just assault the enemy, but, unlike Crysis and Warhead, there's really only one path to get you from Point A to Point B

Fact 2: Crysis and Warhead both allow for multiple paths to reach the same endpoint. The level design is non-linear. The plot progression is not non-linear, but nobody ever said it was. In the first couple encounters in Crysis, for example, the player can either foot it through the jungle, down the main road, or along the beach. Player can drive, walk, swim, or take a boat. Comparatively, in Crysis 2, the player has 1 choice: walk forward down the only road in front of me. Crysis' game-world is MASSIVE compared to Crysis 2, and it offers tons of choices that simply don't exist in Crysis 2.

How ya' gonna argue with that?
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Post » Mon May 23, 2011 2:22 am

It's because your "facts" are not facts

"Fact 1": Crysis 2 has multiple paths and ways to accomplish each objective. The maps are smaller, but it is just as linear as Crysis 1.

"Fact 2": Having multiple paths to or through an objective, which Crysis 2 also has, does not equal non-linear.

I argued with it with actual facts. That's how.
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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 1:24 pm

Look at this trailer and you can see the demographic Crysis 2 is aimed at. What a pathetic excuse for a sequel.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 12:15 pm

It's because your "facts" are not facts

"Fact 1": Crysis 2 has multiple paths and ways to accomplish each objective. The maps are smaller, but it is just as linear as Crysis 1.

"Fact 2": Having multiple paths to or through an objective, which Crysis 2 also has, does not equal non-linear.

I argued with it with actual facts. That's how.

1. Give me one example of a "multiple path to accomplish an objective" in Crysis 2.

2. Yes, it does. A linear game-world is basically a straight line from Point A to Point B, ala Crysis 2. A non-linear game world is multiple paths to get from Point A to Point B.
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 8:19 pm

Crysis 1 MP failed, the maps were far too big. All they need to do to make Crysis 2 Multiplayer more interesting is to increase the kill time to a minimum of 1.5 seconds of continuous fire from a SCAR while in armor mode. Then they can increase every gun's magazine size by three times. That way a great player will be able to take down four bad players even if the bad players got the jump on them.

Right now, this "I saw your back, you're dead" MP aspect allows bad players to get a few lucky spawns and end a good player's spree, which should never happen.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Mon May 23, 2011 2:39 am

Crysis 1 MP failed, the maps were far too big. All they need to do to make Crysis 2 Multiplayer more interesting is to increase the kill time to a minimum of 1.5 seconds of continuous fire from a SCAR while in armor mode. Then they can increase every gun's magazine size by three times. That way a great player will be able to take down four bad players even if the bad players got the jump on them.

Right now, this "I saw your back, you're dead" MP aspect allows bad players to get a few lucky spawns and end a good player's spree, which should never happen.

If a "great player" could take down 4 "bad players" who got the jump on him, there's something seriously wrong with that game. I don't care if you're the FPS Messiah, nobody is good enough to regularly and legitimately kill 4 guys at once with a regular gun when those 4 came up behind him. Even the noobiest of noobs can kill a good player if he (or she, but pretty much he) gets the jump. Now maybe a quick 180 -> RPG kill, sure... but that's just luck. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've had my moments in CoD where 1 MP4 clip > 4 piled up noobs, but again, that kind of thing shouldn't be the norm. If it was, nobody who wasn't top tier would ever play the game.
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 11:59 am

Crysis 1 easily. It's MP was in the style of Quake, only severely handicapped. Still, it was much better than the COD style FPS we see today.
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Catherine N
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 3:24 pm

Well, some just dont know the difference between a SIM and an ACTION-Game.
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kelly thomson
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 5:36 pm

1. Give me one example of a "multiple path to accomplish an objective" in Crysis 2.

Level: Second Chance

1.) After getting out of the fort/castle you can get through the compound by going far left and taking the same route as the Humvee which also takes you to a guard tower, you can go down the middle, or you can go far right, where there are enough barricades that you can hide without using cloak and notice that there is one section of barricade that has been ripped up so you can sneak through without having to go through one of the gates.

2.) After you get through the de-con tent, go down the street and deal with the guys in the alley and get the armor mode tutorial, you come up on a small park area by the donut shop. There is a storm sewer entrance to your right which exits on the other side near the water fountain. However, if you are opt not to use that one and instead go into the alley that leads from the park to the fountain, there is another storm sewer entrance, only this one leads you directly into the subway station through a hole in the wall.

Level: Sudden Impact

3.) After you exit the parking garage there are several ways to get to the crash site. The most direct one is to climb the scaffolding on the building in front of and a little to the right of the Humvee you see when you first exit the parking garage. This takes you onto the roof which is connected to office building where the crash site is located.

There are also two different ways to get there using streets. You can go all the way down and to the right, make a left and then leap all the way across the broken chunk of road, OR you can drop down a little short where there is an entrace to a small underground parking area that is only occupied by two guards and also holds one of the games collectible souveneirs. If you take this route, it dumps you out the garage exit on the ground floor, right in front of the crash site.

Level: Road Rage

4.) You are immediately confronted with a large obstacle in the form of a large contingent of CELL guys. The obvious and harder route is to make your way down the road, engaging the CELL and picking them off as you take cover. However, you can stealth above them using the train track, OR you can hope off the tract to your left where there is a subway station entracnce that loops aroud the back of the CELL guys, allowing you to get up on the FDR without being detected.

Level: Lab Rat

5.) You see the lab, but you need to get over the pier and get inside somehow. You can go very far left, up onto the elevated street where there is one Humvee stationed, you can go left but on the dock level, you can go straight across the dock (not recommended), OR you can swim through the water to the other side to avoid detection.

Level: Gatekeepers

6.) After falling down the fire escpae where the CELL are engaging aliens on the street, there are several paths to take to reach the building you need to go through. There is scaffolding on the other side of the street on the building with all the glass still intact, there is scaffolding on the building closest to you that has the shop, you can go through the shop, OR you can go right down the street and brave enemy fire if you want.

7.) You reach the rooftop overlooking the church. You can drop down the street level and try to go straight through the front, or you can power jump over to the scaffolding across the street and sneak in that way.

Level: Dead Man Walking

8.) After the long drop down onto the glass overhang, there are several ways you can go about reaching the roof entrance. You can take a more direct route by leap-frogging over two rooftops and reach the sky bridge. You can also go down on ground level to avoid the sniper and guy stationed on that one roof, and then take a staircase back up to the sky bridge, OR you can go down to street level, climb the scaffolding on the CELL building, and ledge grab right onto the roof, bypassing the narrow sky bridge completely.

So, eight examples over the first six levels. That's alot more than the one example you wanted. I would go if not for the fact that I am sure this thing has a post size limit and the fact that the attention span of most internet-dwellers means they probably won't even read this post due to it's length.

And I just gave you examples of having multiple paths to your destination. I stayed away from examples of having multiple options for actually accomplishing the tasks since that is not what you were debating with me. If you want to debate that with me though, I have even more examples for that argument.

I have no problem with people liking Crysis 1 more than 2. The only thing I have a problem with are people who bash Crysis 2 and list examples that don't exist. I hate that because it's the sign of someone who is just wants to trash a game and says anything he/she can to make the game look bad whether the things they say are true or not.

In summary, if you don't like the game, be like cuad and list reasons for not liking it that actually exist in places other than your imagination.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Mon May 23, 2011 12:20 am

1. Give me one example of a "multiple path to accomplish an objective" in Crysis 2.

Level: Second Chance

1.) After getting out of the fort/castle you can get through the compound by going far left and taking the same route as the Humvee which also takes you to a guard tower, you can go down the middle, or you can go far right, where there are enough barricades that you can hide without using cloak and notice that there is one section of barricade that has been ripped up so you can sneak through without having to go through one of the gates.

2.) After you get through the de-con tent, go down the street and deal with the guys in the alley and get the armor mode tutorial, you come up on a small park area by the donut shop. There is a storm sewer entrance to your right which exits on the other side near the water fountain. However, if you are opt not to use that one and instead go into the alley that leads from the park to the fountain, there is another storm sewer entrance, only this one leads you directly into the subway station through a hole in the wall.

Level: Sudden Impact

3.) After you exit the parking garage there are several ways to get to the crash site. The most direct one is to climb the scaffolding on the building in front of and a little to the right of the Humvee you see when you first exit the parking garage. This takes you onto the roof which is connected to office building where the crash site is located.

There are also two different ways to get there using streets. You can go all the way down and to the right, make a left and then leap all the way across the broken chunk of road, OR you can drop down a little short where there is an entrace to a small underground parking area that is only occupied by two guards and also holds one of the games collectible souveneirs. If you take this route, it dumps you out the garage exit on the ground floor, right in front of the crash site.

Level: Road Rage

4.) You are immediately confronted with a large obstacle in the form of a large contingent of CELL guys. The obvious and harder route is to make your way down the road, engaging the CELL and picking them off as you take cover. However, you can stealth above them using the train track, OR you can hope off the tract to your left where there is a subway station entracnce that loops aroud the back of the CELL guys, allowing you to get up on the FDR without being detected.

Level: Lab Rat

5.) You see the lab, but you need to get over the pier and get inside somehow. You can go very far left, up onto the elevated street where there is one Humvee stationed, you can go left but on the dock level, you can go straight across the dock (not recommended), OR you can swim through the water to the other side to avoid detection.

Level: Gatekeepers

6.) After falling down the fire escpae where the CELL are engaging aliens on the street, there are several paths to take to reach the building you need to go through. There is scaffolding on the other side of the street on the building with all the glass still intact, there is scaffolding on the building closest to you that has the shop, you can go through the shop, OR you can go right down the street and brave enemy fire if you want.

7.) You reach the rooftop overlooking the church. You can drop down the street level and try to go straight through the front, or you can power jump over to the scaffolding across the street and sneak in that way.

Level: Dead Man Walking

8.) After the long drop down onto the glass overhang, there are several ways you can go about reaching the roof entrance. You can take a more direct route by leap-frogging over two rooftops and reach the sky bridge. You can also go down on ground level to avoid the sniper and guy stationed on that one roof, and then take a staircase back up to the sky bridge, OR you can go down to street level, climb the scaffolding on the CELL building, and ledge grab right onto the roof, bypassing the narrow sky bridge completely.

So, eight examples over the first six levels. That's alot more than the one example you wanted. I would go if not for the fact that I am sure this thing has a post size limit and the fact that the attention span of most internet-dwellers means they probably won't even read this post due to it's length.

And I just gave you examples of having multiple paths to your destination. I stayed away from examples of having multiple options for actually accomplishing the tasks since that is not what you were debating with me. If you want to debate that with me though, I have even more examples for that argument.

I have no problem with people liking Crysis 1 more than 2. The only thing I have a problem with are people who bash Crysis 2 and list examples that don't exist. I hate that because it's the sign of someone who is just wants to trash a game and says anything he/she can to make the game look bad whether the things they say are true or not.

In summary, if you don't like the game, be like cuad and list reasons for not liking it that actually exist in places other than your imagination.

I'm sorry you went to all this trouble, because you've completely missed the point of what non-linear level design means. "You can go left, or you can go right" is NOT what we're talking about, and that's essentially all these examples are. I know the game isn't a 2D side-scroller. Obviously if you're faced with an open space, you can take the little brick road on one end or go through the grass patio on the other. Heck, you can even drop into a sewer and take the exact same route that above ground would lead you to, except now you don't have to fight enemies! Too bad the sewer and the road are the same linear path, albeit one is subterranean.

To make it more clear for you: In Crysis, you can get from Point A to Point B by swimming, taking a boat, a truck, an armored car, or on foot. On foot, you can traverse the beach, the main road, or the jungle. In Crysis 2, you can get from Point A to Point B by taking the stairs, a doorway, a different set of stairs, the road, or the sewer. See how you have the same amount of choices, but one is a lot more restricting than the other?
Smaller environment = less choice. It didn't have to be that way. Crytek could have given us a real reproduction of New York, but they had consoles to think of.

Like I said before, Crysis 2 gives the illusion of choice, but essentially there are two paths to every encounter - go the direct route and fight the enemy, or sneak past them (taking the stairs or dropping down off a ledge directly adjacent to the stairs doesn't count as 2 different routes). Crysis, on the other hand, is an entire open-land map. For every 2-path scenario listed above, Crysis allows probably 5 or 6 different paths to reach the same end, and those are actual different paths. Different scenery. Ocean, beach, roadways, or Jungle. As opposed to: Street, Sewer, or Parking garage.
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 4:19 pm

And wide open spaces in Crysis 1 blinded you to just how little choice you have in that game.

The beach for the first area in Crysis 1, you can take a boat, but you are still following the same general path you need to get there, it's just further out to the left than going by land. You can take a vehicle, but you are still taking the same route that you would take if you were on foot. So the option of using a vehicle is little more than a choice or "how fast to I want to get there" and "do I want to take the risk of the dumb buggy thing getting blown up because Crytek doesn't do vehicles well?"

The massive tank level, you could swing all the way out to the right side of the map during that massive tank battle, but you still have to enter the train station through the one choke point. The same for the tank part after the train station, you can go straight down the middle, to the left, or to the right. According to you, this is "linear", but you claim Crysis 1 is not.

The maps are smaller, that is a fact. But the options are still there.

Your counter-argument is very flawed. Have a nice day!
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 3:56 pm

And wide open spaces in Crysis 1 blinded you to just how little choice you have in that game.

The beach for the first area in Crysis 1, you can take a boat, but you are still following the same general path you need to get there, it's just further out to the left than going by land. You can take a vehicle, but you are still taking the same route that you would take if you were on foot. So the option of using a vehicle is little more than a choice or "how fast to I want to get there" and "do I want to take the risk of the dumb buggy thing getting blown up because Crytek doesn't do vehicles well?"

The massive tank level, you could swing all the way out to the right side of the map during that massive tank battle, but you still have to enter the train station through the one choke point. The same for the tank part after the train station, you can go straight down the middle, to the left, or to the right. According to you, this is "linear", but you claim Crysis 1 is not.

The maps are smaller, that is a fact. But the options are still there.

Your counter-argument is very flawed. Have a nice day!

The problem here is that you don't quite understand what I'm saying. But we're getting there, so I'll try this again.

I'm not talking about linearity in plot progression. <- That sentence is very important. Remember it.

I'm talking about linearity in level design. I've never debated the fact that Crysis and Warhead are both linear in terms of plot progression. My point is and has always been that the game world of Crysis is vast, and offers a multitude of ways to approach any given encounter. Crysis 2, on the other hand, has a very small, very linear game world, and you have comparatively few options available to traverse the game world. There are 3 or 4 scripted vehicle sequences in Crysis 2, whereas in Crysis you can get into any vehicle on the island whenever you want. There is no VTOL to fly in Crysis 2. There are no hidden Jungle paths to explore in Crysis 2. There are only roads, rooms, and city squares. There is no game "world," per se, to explore in Crysis 2. There is just the one straight line that the story takes you down. You can argue with that 'til you're blue in the face, but everybody who's played Crysis knows it's true.
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 8:37 pm

I have both games and you don't know what you are talking about.

Actually, what you are saying is that you don't like that vehicles are rarely used and when they are it's an on-rails section. Because everytime you try and counter my argument the only thing you can point to as being the difference maker is the vehicles.

If you don't like Crysis 2 for that reason that's all you had to say. But for some reason you insist that not having vehicles=linear level layout when it does not.

Crysis 2 maps are smaller than Crysis 1 maps but both games have multiple ways to get to the objective. If you don't like the smaller maps that's all you have to say.

The problem is that you are, by some "miracle", actually misinterpretting what it is that you don't like about Crysis 2. Everytime you say that Crysis 2 is just a linear corridor shooter the only thing you point to to make your point is the lack of vehicles.

You have more opportunities to use vehicles in Crysis 1, but when you do use them, you are just following the same route you would have taken if you were on foot. So the only thing the vehicle really changes is how fast you travel the same exact line.

There are paths in Crysis 2 levels that the average gamer never notices just like in Crysis 1. Again, because the maps aren't as big you, for some reason, think that the ones in Crysis 1 are "hidden" whereas the ones in Crysis 2 are "obvious".

In summary, you don't like Crysis 2 because of the lack of vehicles and small map size. There, I have clearly stated what you haven't been able to in all the time I have seen you posting on this board. Now just stop making yourself look incompetent and move on.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 7:24 pm

I have both games and you don't know what you are talking about.

Actually, what you are saying is that you don't like that vehicles are rarely used and when they are it's an on-rails section. Because everytime you try and counter my argument the only thing you can point to as being the difference maker is the vehicles.

If you don't like Crysis 2 for that reason that's all you had to say. But for some reason you insist that not having vehicles=linear level layout when it does not.

Crysis 2 maps are smaller than Crysis 1 maps but both games have multiple ways to get to the objective. If you don't like the smaller maps that's all you have to say.

The problem is that you are, by some "miracle", actually misinterpretting what it is that you don't like about Crysis 2. Everytime you say that Crysis 2 is just a linear corridor shooter the only thing you point to to make your point is the lack of vehicles.

You have more opportunities to use vehicles in Crysis 1, but when you do use them, you are just following the same route you would have taken if you were on foot. So the only thing the vehicle really changes is how fast you travel the same exact line.

There are paths in Crysis 2 levels that the average gamer never notices just like in Crysis 1. Again, because the maps aren't as big you, for some reason, think that the ones in Crysis 1 are "hidden" whereas the ones in Crysis 2 are "obvious".

In summary, you don't like Crysis 2 because of the lack of vehicles and small map size. There, I have clearly stated what you haven't been able to in all the time I have seen you posting on this board. Now just stop making yourself look incompetent and move on.

You're getting mad. Calm down. It's just a discussion about a video game. It's not personal. Now let me explain again why you're wrong:

The vehicles in Crysis equate to choices. Choices that the player doesn't have in Crysis 2. Choices that make the original game - - - less linear. The vehicles aren't the only thing that make Crysis less linear than Crysis 2. Also the fact that terrain in Crysis is varied, and each path that the player can take is a unique looking terrain with it's own game-play elements. Take the beach route, and you can swim, you can creep along the sand on your belly picking off KPA, or you can take a truck out on the sand and skid around like crazy, crashing into KPA and even driving into the ocean if you want! You might also get in a boat and have a turret-gun battle against another boat or land units. Take the main road, and you have to take a different tactic when fighting KPA because they're more concentrated and actively patrolling. Again, here you can either walk or truck it, but both walking and driving are different game-play wise because the vehicles handle differently and the units patrol differently. Take the Jungle, and you have yet another style of gameplay. Instead of the full frontal assault of the main road or the creepy stealth of the beach, you have a sort of mix between the two, because it's easier to conceal yourself in the jungle than on the sand, but unlike the main road, you don't have units actively patrolling. Also, tearing through the jungle knocking over trees in a Humvee is pretty badass.

Now let's look at Crysis 2 again. What are our options? Fight, or jump in the sewer and sneak past. No vehicles to vary game-play. No unique terrain to vary game-play. Just city street after city street with the same lack of options. Fight, or jump in the sewer and sneak past. A scripted vehicle sequence here and there. No choice. No freedom. Just a typical console style corridor shooter.

Now, I've explained this as thoroughly as I can and if you still don't understand it, then you're being wilfully ignorant. I don't care that you like Crysis 2 better than Crysis. I really don't. But you're going to have to accept that there are two sides to the argument.

And try not to take it personally ;-)
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Mon May 23, 2011 2:22 am

I am not mad. You are trying to imply it from emotionless text on a computer screen in order to make yourself sound more rational. Keep trying that middle school trick if it makes you feel better about yourself.

The problem is that you have been saying Crysis 2 is a corridor shooter when it is not. It has less choice due to vehicles but it is not a corridor shooter.

And now you are also talking about tactical options in terms of how you can complete objectives. Before, you were only arguing the point that Crysis 2 only has one way to get to an objective. Now you seem to be latching on to something else now that I shot your other point down. Luckily, the examples of having choice and options in regards to actually accomplishing an objective in Crysis 2 are far more plentiful than examples of having multiple routes to an objective.

And I don't care that you like Crysis 1 better. The only problem is that you are criticizing Crysis 2 based on things that are not true. And that is because you are a part of the irrational PC group that is not happy with what Crytek is done, so anything you can say to make them and their game look bad is ok by you, even if it's wrong.

All anybody has to do is look through your past posts and see all the other incorrect claims and inflamatory, ingnorant statements you have been making to tell that for themselves. Taking something off the internet is like taking piss out of a pool.
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 1:53 pm

Wow now that I look at it from lunarf's POV Crysis 2 actually seems less linear than Crysis 1. Wide area is not the same thing as more gameplay options.

Thanks man. This needs to be shown to every troll on this forum.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 12:42 pm

Wow now that I look at it from lunarf's POV Crysis 2 actually seems less linear than Crysis 1. Wide area is not the same thing as more gameplay options.

Thanks man. This needs to be shown to every troll on this forum.

There is so much wrong with this post. Crysis 2 being less linear than Crysis 1? Are you kidding me. Jesus, just because in Crysis 2, you can either walk on the left of a street, or on the right of a street, doesn't mean it isn't a mediocre corridor shooter.

Way to misuse the word "troll" as well. Listen, I know this might be hard to comprehend, but somebody who thinks Crysis 2 svcks, isn't a troll. There are people out there who genuinely think Crysis 2 is a crappy excuse for a game. I am one of them.
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Alina loves Alexandra
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 11:53 am

Wow now that I look at it from lunarf's POV Crysis 2 actually seems less linear than Crysis 1. Wide area is not the same thing as more gameplay options.

Thanks man. This needs to be shown to every troll on this forum.

There is so much wrong with this post. Crysis 2 being less linear than Crysis 1? Are you kidding me. Jesus, just because in Crysis 2, you can either walk on the left of a street, or on the right of a street, doesn't mean it isn't a mediocre corridor shooter.

Way to misuse the word "troll" as well. Listen, I know this might be hard to comprehend, but somebody who thinks Crysis 2 svcks, isn't a troll. There are people out there who genuinely think Crysis 2 is a crappy excuse for a game. I am one of them.

It's less linear in some ways, for example, vertically.
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Chad Holloway
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