I am not mad. You are trying to imply it from emotionless text on a computer screen in order to make yourself sound more rational. Keep trying that middle school trick if it makes you feel better about yourself.
The problem is that you have been saying Crysis 2 is a corridor shooter when it is not. It has less choice due to vehicles but it is not a corridor shooter.
And now you are also talking about tactical options in terms of how you can complete objectives. Before, you were only arguing the point that Crysis 2 only has one way to get to an objective. Now you seem to be latching on to something else now that I shot your other point down. Luckily, the examples of having choice and options in regards to actually accomplishing an objective in Crysis 2 are far more plentiful than examples of having multiple routes to an objective.
And I don't care that you like Crysis 1 better. The only problem is that you are criticizing Crysis 2 based on things that are not true. And that is because you are a part of the irrational PC group that is not happy with what Crytek is done, so anything you can say to make them and their game look bad is ok by you, even if it's wrong.
All anybody has to do is look through your past posts and see all the other incorrect claims and inflamatory, ingnorant statements you have been making to tell that for themselves. Taking something off the internet is like taking piss out of a pool.
You clearly are upset, because you're insulting me personally, whereas all I'm doing is explaining why I feel that Crysis is the superior game. Crysis 2 is a corridor shooter that gives the
illusion of choice, but anyone who has spent any serious amount of time gaming knows that Crysis 2 is, in essence, just your typical linear console shooter. Been there, done that. And so has everyone else on these forums. Just look at the posts above me. Look at the overwhelming majority of posts in any topic such as this. The truth is there for anyone who wants to see it.
And I'm sorry but you haven't shot anything down. If anything, I've disproven everything you've said. I won't repeat myself here, you can just re-read the past few posts if you need to be reminded. My points about the tactical options in Crysis speak to the main point that I've been illustrating in each post, that being that Crysis 2 has basically 2 options to every encounter (stealth or fight), whereas Crysis has maybe 4-5, varying based on 3 distinct types of terrain and 3 distinct types of mobility (boat, Humvee, or on foot). Even though these are only 2 facets of the same argument, I reserve the right to discuss more than 1 point in my posts. Hopefully that's okay with you

My criticism is not only "true," it's pretty much universally acknowledged by the Crysis community. But for every criticism I've given Crysis 2, I've also praised it where credit is due. If you want to fish through all my previous posts (I'd suggest you spend your time doing something more worthwhile, but hey, it's your life), don't neglect to make note of the many many times that I've said that Crysis 2 is an excellent
console game, that it looks fantastic for a DX9 game, and that the new gameplay elements are (mostly) a great addition. My core gripe with Crysis 2 is that it isn't a proper sequel to Crysis, and the examples of restricted freedom that I'm illustrating for you are just part of what makes this true.