Crysis 2 day 1 patch info

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:20 am

Bring back some sort of assist for controller players. It's nearly impossible to have a firefight with a KB+M player now. It would be nice to get a kill without waiting for some to not be looking at me and I shoot them in the back. Thanks.
Agreed. A subtle aim assist that merely slows the reticle to give more precision when over a target would be just fine. This isn't "auto aim" because its not dragging the aim toward the target. This is the style of aim assist that Valve uses in Left 4 Dead and it works dandy.

I'm pretty upset that playing MP with a controller isn't feasible anymore.

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leigh stewart
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:48 am

See if you wanna use a controller, they have an entire system JUST for that. Let's deal with the REAL PC issues, ok?

This is a "REAL PC" issue. They offer controller support as a feature of the PC version of Crysis 2. Removing aim assist breaks this feature and is thus a regression.
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:15 am

Sounds good. :)
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:51 am

My cry2 still crashes randomly for no reason via loading screen/customizing characters/ going through options I have the latest drivers. I never saw a "patch" happen I'd be a bit happier if there was a manual patch.Does anyone else have problems with the game crashing after 2-3 matches?
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Krystina Proietti
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:23 am

Seriously, no one at Crytek has five minutes to throw up a link to the patch? Right now you've effectively patched out the entire multiplayer game for me.
edit: never mind, of course when the game doesn't create any shortcuts of its own and I make one for crysis2.exe, which works perfectly well, that was stupid and wrong of me and what I really needed was crysis2launcher.exe. It's not like you told people the patch would download when you start the game in the first post here, silly me. Ugh.
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:00 pm

Bring back some sort of assist for controller players. It's nearly impossible to have a firefight with a KB+M player now. It would be nice to get a kill without waiting for some to not be looking at me and I shoot them in the back. Thanks.
Agreed. A subtle aim assist that merely slows the reticle to give more precision when over a target would be just fine. This isn't "auto aim" because its not dragging the aim toward the target. This is the style of aim assist that Valve uses in Left 4 Dead and it works dandy.

I'm pretty upset that playing MP with a controller isn't feasible anymore.

Thank you

and to the guy above that says use the 360 that was an option until I played both demo's and they played the same but the PC had better graphics and dedicated servers. So I thought I made the right choice. When I saw the day 1 patch notes and I gave the game a try before coming on here and voicing my concerns but now that it is nearly impossible to get in the double digits for kills and singles for deaths. I feel like the Demo was false advertisemant since the game DOES NOT play the same as it did. It is not balanced anymore and needs to be dealt with. If they had Aim assist in the server options then I would gladly buy my own server make a post to all the controller guys to come on down and you would never hear from us again. The fact that they just eliminated it and call it a fix for everyone is stupid. They should take some notes from Blizzard because the reason their games are so successful is that they are BALANCED.
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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:52 am'd think the name of this forum "Crysis 2 PC Discussion" would have been enough to keep console gamers out of here. If you play Crysis 2 on PS3 or 360, what are you doing here? But no, we have to deal with people like this guy...

Wow i cant believe you guys. You pc gamers are absolutely ridiculous.If i may what entitles you to all of this extra stuff you demand like sandbox editor and extra graphics settings. i wont say dx 11 thats a legit issue to be upset about they did state with there own mouths that it would be included.You are by no means entitle to anything just because you have a 1000$ system or whatever price you paid. i recently built my own rig spent over a thousand still got more to add. i game on consoles i own all 4 systems ps3 360 wii and bash consoles blaming them for crysis 2 being the way it is when they have nothing to do with it crytek could have made it like the first( which i love by the way),but they CHOOSE not was there DECISION to do what they did they had to appeal to the masses.they have 3 different communities to appeal to,and they needed a balance that fit all 3. pc still has more than consoles better graphics dx 11 is supposed to be patched in (im a little reserved on that subject) and you have sandbox editor which is awesome though i dont kno how to use it lol.when a game goes multiplat things have to be balanced for 3 different communities they can not will not cater to just one they are first and foremost a business that needs money to survive if they dont make money that means lights out for good. . regardless of whether you wanna hear it or not us crap,lame ass,gay,****,etc etc console gamers are the reason the pc community gets what they get we pay more for our games and get less than pc gamers that extra money from consoles can then be used to give the extras to pc if the developer chooses to do so.i thought that xbox and ps3 fanboys were ridiculous but pc fanboys are like rich snobs that think they deserve the cant always get what you want.enjoy the game man or dont play it and just so you know every platform is having the same issues you are if not more youre not the only ones give them time and for god sakes give them space to breath youre foots are so far up there asses they cant breath give them time to find and fix the problem the earth wasnt formed instantly and these issues wont be fixed instantly either.keep in mind they have 2 other systems to worry about now not just 1

oh and for the record you are not a true gamer if you game on 1 system.a true gamer plays every system and all the games they can get there hands on. if you play all systems and and different genres then you are a true gamer.if you play one system and different genres you are a gamer if you play one system one or 2 genres you are a casual gamer period.

and for those of you that have the itch to comment on my lack of typing skills i do not like typing at all nor am i good at it i know proper english i was top 5 in my classes in english since first grade im just entirely to lazy to care about proper grammar or punctuation.
i will be playing crysis 2 on pc first then ps3 and xbox if you want to hit me up on either my id is universal yungluke222 on all systems feel free to add me on any one of them i do have a steam account to same name happy gaming ladies and gentle bots...???!!!

...coming in here and just raging! I mean, honestly, what was your game plan yungluke222? You just thought to yourself, "Hey MY game works, so why don't I go check out what all the PC users are talking about, and bash them all to hell!" Well congrats on posting the worst message in this forum thus far!

And fyi, just because "they are first and foremost a business that needs money to survive" DOES NOT mean they have to make the PC users fall to the level of the consoles and make them all inter-connected! They could have kept the MP aspect seggregated, and all the problems would have been solved. Console gamers would get their copy of Crysis 2 (good for you), PC users would get Dx 11, custom graphics settings, and patches that don't take forever to release!

This comment provokes the following question: "the pc community alone is not going support a technically advanced game and engine like crysis and cryengine" Well then what about Crysis 1??? Seems like that game was supported just fine by the PC community!

And this is completely and utterly false: "console gamers are the reason the pc community gets what they get we pay more for our games and get less than pc gamers that extra money from consoles can then be used to give the extras to pc" The REASON we "get what [we] get" is because consoles (usually) can't HANDLE the demands those extra features call for!

Also: "pc fanboys are like rich snobs that think they deserve the world" That's kinda funny coming from the guy who owns EVERY SINGLE CONSOLE and a PC...don't you think? I am by no means "rich", I just knew what I wanted, and saved up for it.

And: "for god sakes give them space to breath youre foots are so far up there asses they cant breath" This isn't an issue, because they're not even responding to the forums yet what does it matter? Not to mention, is it too much to ask for a game that AT LEAST has a functional Campaign at launch?? Cause I don't even have that as an option...instead I got a $60 paperweight :P

BTW, I loved your personal disclaimer about your horrible spelling/grammer and the reference to your standing in English classes (fist pump), that made me lol pretty good!!!

I WILL look for you on the battlefield yungluke222. So if you see someone stab you in the throat and begin T-bagging you, who knows? It could be me.... or any one of the numerous people you just insulted. So I'm sorry for the long post everyone, but this guys logic has more holes in it than a piece of swiss cheese!

Peace Out!

well for your info i came here because im part of the pc community i played the demo on pc and im buying the game on pc friday when i get paid then im buying it for my ps3 and xbox but i guess you didnt read that part

i said pc gamers are LIKE rich snobs meaning the way you behave when you dont get what want is very snobbish

for you to think by any means that im rich makes my lungs collapse from laughter im probably one of the poorest people on these forums i live in the hood which is in the ghetto i just know what i wanted and saved to get

also my logic makes perfect sense console gamers pay 10 bucks more than pc gamers but you guys get a lot more extra features for your games extra content like sandbox editor also the ability to mod the games and plenty of other stuff that has nothing to do with graphics capability that could be allowed on consoles but is not

and i will explain my swiss cheese logic to you (i must admit i did find the swiss cheese anology quite funny)
developers make about 75 percent of there money from consoles the rest pc the reasons for that being are there is probably triple the amount of console gamers then there are pc piracy which is one of the main issues makes pc sales even lower so think about it name some aaa games that have come out for pc that are only on pc that have come out in the last 2 years ill even help you starcraft 2 is one some more wow expansions thats about it and ill even give you guys the sims 3 even though its on consoles now but thats trash theres only one way to play the sims and thats pc other than that there arent any pc exclusives that were aaa titles that were on par with big games like halo and killzone and uncharted so on and so forth(if you kno of any other aaa pc titles by all means bring them to light) all the other big name games on pc were multiplat if consoles were to die pc gaming would dwindle shortly after piracy would burn pc gaming alive as its already doing

if you ask me the logic behind my consoles supporting pc gaming theory is quite sound
and once again my grammar and punctuation is terrible laziness is a curse that haunts me i dont know where you got spelling from i have no problem spelling at all im pretty positive every thing was spelled correctly feel free to point out whats not

and by the way ive seen more pc gamers in the console forums then consoles gamers in pc forums and when they do come there generally polite with there comments pc gamers on the other hand have the tendency to get quite disrespectful and i just got tired of hearing why consoles are the reason crysis 2 isnt how you wanted it it is how it is because crytek wanted it that way simple as that

crysis 1 was supported by the community dearly ive been to the mod site and have the game myself but i should have been clearer about what i meant by support and for that i apologize i meant money support they spent alot to make crysis 1 and they didnt make there money back they lost money instead because of piracy and other factors love alone is not going to ensure a companies survival my friend

do not ask about where i got my numbers there educated guesses which im sure are quite reasonable
and if these statements dont apply to you then ignore them there meant for the people they apply to
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Cody Banks
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:07 pm

Dude.. You abviously dont get the seriousness of the situation...

Crytek, one of the few companies that released kickass games for PC with Super PC′s in mind just pulled a 180 and betrayed us PC users.

They wanted to release the game on all platforms and I respect that because not everybody have a 2000$ rig.
The problem is: The game does not even START! No Multiplayer available AT ALL.
This reminds me a lot about Black ops and the **** state it was released in (PC and PS3) with non-working servers, laggy multiplayer and more bugs than the jungles.

About us PC users wanting better graphics:
Let me brake the news bro, PC′s can handle WAY better graphics than the stuff thrown at us ATM (it looks awesome but when I get over 50-60 FPS I get suspicious).
When the game was announced for release on the consoles we all thaught that a company like Crytek would make two seperate versions of the game in order for us to be able to play the game in its righteous glory.
Instead of the promised DX11, we get DX9 graphics (in other words: OUTDATED ****) and no graphics options whatsoever (wich is a standard in ALL PC games since Halflife -1) and THAT my friend is the extra gasoline thrown into the fire of the non-functional game.

The first Crysis was brutal towards the PC hardware and functioned at the release (we expected the same thing but what do ya know...) and now we get a game thats not even working at all.
We have been treated like **** by the only awesome company left on the PC platform.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:14 am

mhm. my game is working fine. SP Graphics are great! Can't wait to see the DirectX11 Update!
MP is working too. i had no problems connecting to servers, low ping and no lagg.
But there is one thing thats getting on my nerves. this STUPID CHECKPOINT SYSTEM. I mean, for consoles its okay, but why did NO ONE implement a simple QUICKSAVE option? we (pc users) have a KEYBOARD, ever heard of? we can press more keys at a time!
One key: Quick Save
Second key: Quick Load. Even Half Life 2 had this, 6 years ago!
For sliding SHIFT+C is a good option, but CROUCHING IS STRG!
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Matt Bee
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:42 am

My game just glitches up when I try to connect to MP no matter what I try. Even uninstalling and using another license to reinstall. If this doesn't get resolved quick they gonna have a class-action on their hands. This **** is illegal. You can't take $60 from someone and not give them what is promised both verbally AND written on the box. I have prepaid highend legal services. If it doesn't get resolved PM me and join the petition when it's made.

Still no actual resolve for the dual graphics card flickering either. Yeah changing the name makes it not flicker fullscreen bc it basically shuts off your other grfx card!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:58 am

the quick load and save is a good idea
lot of time i can't exit (save), but i need
make it fast, and fix the login problem :S
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:13 am

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:15 am

Auto aim is just dumb and gay.
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:52 pm

why doesnt my game autopatch?? is it only for steam or wat?? i still have that auto aim crap! how to manually patch?? i will never know!!! plus thats probably why i got no servers in the server list.
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:33 am

Please patch in a walk key (and all the other things which should already be in :D)
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Janine Rose
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:27 pm

My current issues with MP (steam version, downloaded today):

- keeps disconnecting from the host after a while (was able to finish 1 game out of 6)
- ping is never lower than 109 (and my internet connection is quite good)
- able to join a room but the game doesn't start
- NAT is showing as moderate even after opening ports
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Nikki Hype
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:44 am

Where in the game does it say the version I have?
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:30 am

WHere can we downlioad that patch (if I didnt) because all the server has the same ping ???
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:36 am

The problem here is that Crysis is making 500% more on the Console versions of this game than the PC version, so they don't Give a **** about the PC anymore. Anyone else notice that the game no longer has destructible objects? Every game that ever goes cross platform the PC looses. Problem is that if games keep doing this, People will stop buying the latest and greatest PC hardware as it wont be needed. Lets all face it High end PC gaming is becoming a thing of the past just more money in developing games for the console.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:30 am

Wasn't prompt with a download for the Patch ? Little help, guys?
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:01 pm

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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:38 pm

To dude who whine about auto-aim removal : Image

Auto-aim is for console biches.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:09 am

Auto-aim is for console biches.

He knows.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:22 am

is the Steam version updated yet?? i saw it downloaded something for the game...but I looked 45 minutes for a match and never found 1 that actually started.

thx guys, we know you are working!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:28 am

Crytek fixed 5/100 bugs now
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