Any time Crysis 2 is updated, I have to go through the whole setup phase (As in "TV" brightness, Terms and Agreement stuff) and I find that any progress I had in the game has been removed.
The first time it happened was on my birthday, April 7th. The game was updated and I lost all my campaign progress. I was half way through Posthuman before I lost the data.
Now I turn on the game again today and it seems to have deleted the campaign data once more. This time before this I had actually completed the game on Posthuman. To me playing the game on Posthuman is more stressful that it is difficult, the AI pull ridiculous stunts (appearing out of nowhere, massive damage in a few short seconds) and most importantly, the Pinger fights are terrible in Posthuman. The reason?
Mainly it's due to the JAW. Sometimes if I reload a save (as in die and respawn) I someone lose a rocket from the JAW. (Say I had 5 rockets, as in 1/4. When I respawn I sometimes have 1/3 instead of 1/4. Picking up another rocket does not add to my count, but REMOVES 1 from the ammo count, so now I have 1/2 instead of 1/4 like I should have.)