» Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:51 pm
Why are people complaining about 6v6 now? What the F is wrong with gamers these days? Nothing is ever good enough.
I bet if any of you people won the lottery, you would bich and moan that it was only $1 million instead of 1.1.
- First everyone biched about the 360 getting the demo.
- Next, everyone biched for a PC demo.
- PC demo was announced and everyone biched for a PS3 demo.
- The game gets leaked and everyone biches about crytek blaming us (which by the way, idiots, they did NOT.)
- During this time, the internet is full of tears because there is no demo release date or screenshots for the PC or PS3 version.
- The PC demo gets a release date and there are already complaints of only 6v6 maps.
It makes perfect sense. Go to the Crytek forums to cry. Right?
None of you are entitled to anything. Period. You're lucky a demo is even getting released on any platform.