As some of you might remember, the steep decline of player population due to the often terrible connection problems and persistent lag, ended the viability of both DLC map packs for C2 about two weeks after each was released. And sadly this is no exaggeration. I remember some people even claimed they contacted MS and got their money back because they could not find a single game on the DLC maps.
I do not know if it was as bad on the other platforms, but I would imagine at least the PS3 had a similar experience. Which was a shame, since the map backs, in my opinion, were the best maps C2 had to offer. They were horribly overpriced, for 10$ for each of the three-map packs, but they were well worth the money. Or would've been, if you could actually play them. I personally spent hours looking for any match in any mode about two weeks after the second DLC was released, but the same problems with lag and Host Migrations were still very present at that time, and thus the people had left.
My point here is (yes, finally), a lot of people paid up to 20$ for something they could barely use, and I was hoping that maybe, maybe someone in Crytek thought "Hey, why not give those guys something back? Let's make the maps playable for Crysis 3 - They won't look as good, or be in-sync with the timeline, but at least those people that bought them can play on them. And they are pretty good maps..."
It's the same game engine, after all, so technically I would think it's possible. I'm no expert, but a lot of games had remastered maps from older iterations of the franchise, and after all the trouble people have been going through with C2, it would be a nice gesture. Sure, not as nice as the "I'll take that money out of your pocket and put it into mine"-gesture, but why not go for broke, break the mold, do something new and radical?
I will eventually buy C3, because no matter what flaws the MP might have, the Campaign is worth it. But I will not pre-order, for the simple reason that I want to know beforehand if the MP will be plagued by the same problems prominent in Crysis 2.
Anyway, I think that for all the people that bought the Crysis 2 DLC Map Packs and only ever got to play them for a few days or so, I think those people do deserve something - and since they already have the map packs, why not let them play with them in Crysis 3?