As a number of users were able to download the DX11 and High res texture packages from our test environment we would like to take this opportunity to explain how these files will work and our future plans via a short FAQ;
Where can I download these files?
We have removed the files from our websites until the full release date.
How do I install these packs?
Both the DX11 and High Res texture packages require Crysis 2 PC Patch 1.9 to work. Without this patch they cannot be installed.
When will patch 1.9 be available?
Crysis 2 PC patch 1.9 AND the DX11 and High Res Texture packages will be made available on on Monday June 27th!
Please note that the files will not work without the PC patch scheduled for release on Monday, more information about this including all download links will be made available to you via and our social network pages. If you would like to see a list of changes made in patch 1.9 you can view them HERE.
- gamesas Team
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Crysis 2 PC Patch 1.9 Notes