I have been trying to configure/install the DX11/hi-res/1.9 updates for a few days now and managed to install each of the three files as stated below, however, end up with NO options in the game for the advanced/DX11 settings.
I am running on an AMD Phenom II 1100T @ 3.3GHz, 4GB of DDR3-1600, nVidia 580 GPU, OCZ SSD's in RAID 0 via 3rd party SATA-3 PCI-E controller via Windows 7 64 Bit/SP2.
Here is what I did:
1. Installed the game.
2. Updated to v1.9 as required
3. Installed the DX11 Enhancement pack.
4. Installed the Hi-Res texture pack.
5. Ran the game, logged in to my account, entered my serial # (which it doesn't save...easily fixed however) and went to adjust the options for DX11 only to find out there were none shown in the setup/config screen. The highest level I have is: hardcoe.
NOTE: I have no issues whatsoever playing in hardcoe mode with the nVidia 275.50 drivers. The game does truly look incredible despite running via DX9/10 (or whatever the default is)...and I cannot wait to see just how DX11 will look when I can get it to install/work correctly.
Now....I tried to figure out what individual files are contained in both the DX11 upgrade as well as the hi-res upgrade and to my knowledge came up with the following:
Crysis 2 High Def package - Contains a single file called 'TexturesHiRes.pak' which weighs in at: 1,737,340KB (In Windows Explorer)
Crysis 2 DX11 Upgrade package - Contains 'dx11.pak' which weighs in at: 561,123KB (In Windows Explorer)
Also: I have a file called 'patch1.pak' as well @ 17,487KB within the same folder.
Now...can someone verify the sizes of those two files AS WELL AS the location they are in? For myself, the above files are located within the ../../gamecrysis2 folder with several other texture, music, sounds and objects .pak files.
I do not know if this location is indeed the correct folder for these upgrades to be placed in and thought that might be the issue with the lack of DX11 controls within the game.
Below are a few of the errors I get via the game Log feature.
<11:47:38> [Error] Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_physics' key 'p_max_substeps' is not missing in default
<11:47:44> [Error] [Tweaks] Cannot locate active profile table
[Lobby] Start SessionRegisterUserData error 0
<11:48:02> [Error] Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.startCountdown' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<11:49:04> FSCommand: '-437434209' '-------MY SERIAL # GOES HERE--------'
<11:49:27> [Lobby] Start SessionJoin error 0
<11:49:30> [Lobby] Start UserGetPurchaseHistory error 0
<11:50:31> Initializing default materials...
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_ext_roof.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_ext_roof_02.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/architecture/buildings/cafe/cafe.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/architecture/buildings/cafe/cafe.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/architecture/buildings/cafe/cafe_lod1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/architecture/buildings/cafe/cafe_lod1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/architecture/buildings/cafe/cafe_lod2.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/architecture/buildings/cafe/cafe_lod2.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/props/rubble/buildingdebris_set_02.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/props/rubble/buildingdebris_set_02_lod1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:34> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/characters/human/story/prophet/nanosuit_v2_helmet.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:34> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit_v2/nanosuit_v2_helmet.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:49:34> [Error] Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState" [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<11:49:34> [Error] Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<11:49:34> [Error] Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.selectFirstAsset" [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<11:49:34> [Error] Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.selectFirstAsset' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<11:50:01> [Error] Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState" [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<11:50:01> [Error] Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<11:50:02> [Error] Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState" [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<11:50:02> [Error] Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<11:50:02> [Error] Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.selectFirstAsset' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<11:50:05> [Error] Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState" [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<11:50:05> [Error] Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<11:50:19> FSCommand: '-1111456195' 'yes'
<12:21:50> [Error] [flow] SetGameTokenFlowNode: cannot find gametoken: 'Dialog.0_Global.Dialog_Buffer_Full'.
<12:22:00> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [libs/ui/menus_infictionmenu.gfx]
<12:22:00> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [libs/ui/menus_infictionmenu.gfx]
<12:22:00> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [libs/ui/menus_infictionmenu.gfx]
<12:22:00> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [libs/ui/menus_infictionmenu.gfx]
<12:22:00> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [libs/ui/menus_infictionmenu.gfx]
<12:22:00> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [libs/ui/menus_infictionmenu.gfx]
<12:22:00> [Error] Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "ButtonBack.Icons" [libs/ui/menus_infictionmenu.gfx]
<12:22:00> [Error] Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "Root.ButtonLeft.Icons" [libs/ui/menus_infictionmenu.gfx]
<12:22:00> [Error] Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "Root.ButtonRight.Icons" [libs/ui/menus_infictionmenu.gfx]
<12:22:00> [Error] Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "Root.ButtonNavigate.Icons" [libs/ui/menus_infictionmenu.gfx]
<12:22:00> [Error] Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "Root.ButtonSelect.Icons" [libs/ui/menus_infictionmenu.gfx]
<12:22:36> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 75 PartID: 75
<12:22:37> CActor::Ragdollize: blackop_01_heli_1004
<12:23:07> [Error] [flow] SetGameTokenFlowNode: cannot find gametoken: 'Level.Mission.Backgate_Castle'.
<12:23:19> CActor::Ragdollize: blackop_leader_1005
<12:23:26> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 9 PartID: 9
<12:23:26> CActor::Ragdollize: blackop_leader_1005
<12:24:53> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 42 PartID: 42
<12:24:55> CActor::Ragdollize: blackop_driver_1099
<12:25:01> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 75 PartID: 75
<12:25:02> CActor::Ragdollize: blackop_04_1004
<12:26:29> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndPlay' on invalid object. [Libs/UI/AllInOne_HUD_2D.gfx]
<12:26:29> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndPlay' on invalid object. [Libs/UI/AllInOne_HUD_2D.gfx]
<12:26:29> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndPlay' on invalid object. [Libs/UI/AllInOne_HUD_2D.gfx]
<12:26:37> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndPlay' on invalid object. [Libs/UI/AllInOne_HUD_2D.gfx]
<12:26:37> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndPlay' on invalid object. [Libs/UI/AllInOne_HUD_2D.gfx]
<12:26:37> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndPlay' on invalid object. [Libs/UI/AllInOne_HUD_2D.gfx]
<12:33:17> [Error] Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState" [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<12:33:17> [Error] Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<12:33:18> [Error] Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.selectFirstAsset" [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<12:33:18> [Error] Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.selectFirstAsset' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<12:33:26> [Error] Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState" [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<12:33:26> [Error] Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<12:33:26> [Error] Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.selectFirstAsset" [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<12:33:26> [Error] Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.selectFirstAsset' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<12:33:28> FSCommand: '7920160' 'exit'
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
<12:33:28> System Shutdown
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
DXInput Shutdown
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\animations.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\dx11.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\gamedata.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\music.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\objects.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\objectsls.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\scripts.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\sounds.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\textures.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\textureshighres.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\videos.pak
Closing PAK file: engine\engine.pak
Closing PAK file: engine\shadercache.pak
Closing PAK file: engine\shaders.pak
Closing PAK file: engine\shadersbin.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\localized\english.pak
Now remember that I have no issues while actually playing, but all the errors above cannot be (at least I think) 'normal'.
Can someone shine some light on this issue or point me to another source that I could compare settings/files with?
Thank You
Tim dikeerson
P.S. For nVidia users: Go download the latest version of 'nvidiaInspector' and you can manually adjust many of the settings for DX9/10/11 for a thoroughly custom experience - This is the current replacement for the older 'nHancer' utility.
<11:47:44> [Error] [Tweaks] Cannot locate active profile table
[Lobby] Start SessionRegisterUserData error 0
<11:48:02> [Error]
<11:49:04> FSCommand: '-437434209' '-------MY SERIAL # GOES HERE--------'
<11:49:27> [Lobby] Start SessionJoin error 0
<11:49:30> [Lobby] Start UserGetPurchaseHistory error 0
<11:50:31> Initializing default materials...
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_ext_roof.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_ext_roof_02.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/architecture/buildings/cafe/cafe.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/architecture/buildings/cafe/cafe.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/architecture/buildings/cafe/cafe_lod1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/architecture/buildings/cafe/cafe_lod1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/architecture/buildings/cafe/cafe_lod2.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/architecture/buildings/cafe/cafe_lod2.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/props/rubble/buildingdebris_set_02.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:32> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/props/rubble/buildingdebris_set_02_lod1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:34> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/characters/human/story/prophet/nanosuit_v2_helmet.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:50:34> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit_v2/nanosuit_v2_helmet.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<11:49:34> [Error]
<11:49:34> [Error]
<11:49:34> [Error]
<11:49:34> [Error]
<11:50:01> [Error]
<11:50:01> [Error]
<11:50:02> [Error]
<11:50:02> [Error]
<11:50:02> [Error]
<11:50:05> [Error]
<11:50:05> [Error]
<11:50:19> FSCommand: '-1111456195' 'yes'
<12:21:50> [Error] [flow] SetGameTokenFlowNode: cannot find gametoken: 'Dialog.0_Global.Dialog_Buffer_Full'.
<12:22:00> [Error]
<12:22:00> [Error]
<12:22:00> [Error]
<12:22:00> [Error]
<12:22:00> [Error]
<12:22:00> [Error]
<12:22:00> [Error]
<12:22:00> [Error]
<12:22:00> [Error]
<12:22:00> [Error]
<12:22:00> [Error]
<12:22:36> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 75 PartID: 75
<12:22:37> CActor::Ragdollize: blackop_01_heli_1004
<12:23:07> [Error] [flow] SetGameTokenFlowNode: cannot find gametoken: 'Level.Mission.Backgate_Castle'.
<12:23:19> CActor::Ragdollize: blackop_leader_1005
<12:23:26> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 9 PartID: 9
<12:23:26> CActor::Ragdollize: blackop_leader_1005
<12:24:53> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 42 PartID: 42
<12:24:55> CActor::Ragdollize: blackop_driver_1099
<12:25:01> [CGameRules::KillPlayer] HitJoint: 75 PartID: 75
<12:25:02> CActor::Ragdollize: blackop_04_1004
<12:26:29> [Error]
<12:26:29> [Error]
<12:26:29> [Error]
<12:26:37> [Error]
<12:26:37> [Error]
<12:26:37> [Error]
<12:33:17> [Error]
<12:33:17> [Error]
<12:33:18> [Error]
<12:33:18> [Error]
<12:33:26> [Error]
<12:33:26> [Error]
<12:33:26> [Error]
<12:33:26> [Error]
<12:33:28> FSCommand: '7920160' 'exit'
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
<12:33:28> System Shutdown
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
<12:33:28> [Error] Runaway thread
DXInput Shutdown
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\animations.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\dx11.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\gamedata.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\music.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\objects.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\objectsls.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\scripts.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\sounds.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\textures.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\textureshighres.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\videos.pak
Closing PAK file: engine\engine.pak
Closing PAK file: engine\shadercache.pak
Closing PAK file: engine\shaders.pak
Closing PAK file: engine\shadersbin.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\localized\english.pak
Now remember that I have no issues while actually playing, but all the errors above cannot be (at least I think) 'normal'.
Can someone shine some light on this issue or point me to another source that I could compare settings/files with?
Thank You
Tim dikeerson
P.S. For nVidia users: Go download the latest version of 'nvidiaInspector' and you can manually adjust many of the settings for DX9/10/11 for a thoroughly custom experience - This is the current replacement for the older 'nHancer' utility.
Nicole Mark - Posts: 3384
- Joined: Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:33 pm