Crysis 2 DX11 patch was a FAIL

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:30 am

So, Crytek, the new patch is out, great, uh?

Now to be perfect just two or three little, tiny things.

The load game option (Or continue game). Used to work, after dx11 doesn't. At all. Keeps loading until game crashes. I don't want to start a new campaign over and over.

The game has a grave problem of stuttering. It really doesn't depend on HD textures, settings or resolution. This is not a performance issue, is a dx11 patch related bug. I can improve performance, but not get rid of stuttering.

The game has really awful performance on Ati/AMD cards (Besides stuttering). I know it is a "the way it's meant to bla bla" game, I know Nvidia paid for the ads and all, BUT I PAID TOO, AND I HAPPEN TO HAVE AN AMD CARD. Really. And I feel cheated. Again. Comparably cards in Nvidia range are doing just fine, while I am not getting 20s and have the game freezing every 2 seconds. Work with AMD or don't, I don't care, but if something you release is not going to work on certain hardware YOU SHOULD WARN YOUR USERS, so next time I won't buy that hardware or I won't buy your game.

This "gift" (That's what Cervat Yerli called it) is just what you promise the game I bought to be in the first place. So honouring your word should not count as a gift. And for some of us is not really working anyway.

The game I paid for is unplayable now unless i go back to 1.8.



And yes, I am a little mad at the situation.
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rolanda h
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:18 am

strange. i dont have any problems after the patch. so it must be you.
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:02 am

Oh, do you think?

Ok then, now I feel a lot better.

I thought I may have wasted 50€ in something that was not really as advertised, and that now is just useless after update.

I'll go change myself for another guy, hopefully with some luck this time.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:29 pm


don't use DX11
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Mimi BC
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:00 pm

You also didn't say what kind of card you have, I have 2x 6870 and play the game typically with just 1 enabled. It gives me great performance, still was studdering however with everything maxed, I figure it's from lack having more vram. When slightly lower the cards explode and tear the game apart, can't say for sure how effective they are since I turned the 2nd card off and went back to multiplayer with lowest possible settings.
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:31 pm

My card is a HD5850, 1gb VRAM. I bought yesterday a cheap 560ti, let's see if it solves anything (at least in the performance section)

Anyway, it is a sad, sad situation. Still not gonna be able to load a savegame though.

Sometimes I wonder why I keep doing this kind of stuff. It is discouraging. Selling mine, still wasted another 80€. If this is nvidia's goal for "The way it's meant to..." program, they won with me... This time. I don't know if Crytek won also though. This whole thing is being a real eye opener for me.
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El Khatiri
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:11 pm

I have no idea what could be causing that loading issue. I had a game about half-way through before the patch. I've since then resumed (on two different occasions) and beat the game.
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:58 am

me too dont have any problem with DX11 or High-Res Texture related bug.even though my pc can handle it with aprrox 30 fps but i dont have any problems regarding save game or graphic glitches.
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:28 pm

What is really pissing me off is the lack of answers on Crytek side. Apparently, they are sitting still, doing nothing and waiting for the storm to calm down, again. There are plenty of people with issues, and not only performance ones. Take a look at the forums. Stability does not seems to be one of the game's last patch characteristics.

To stay away from DX11? Yeah, maybe you are right. Maybe consoles were the right choice all along. Cheap, small, and without significant issues. Maybe I should return the 560ti and order a xbox.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:37 am

Ok, the Nvidia card did the trick, unsurprisingly I must say.

Stuttering gone, not a single trace of it, performance is now on the 30s with ocasional lows in the 20s, with the stress here in the word "ocasional". I haven't done any serious numbers, not that I plan to, but I'd say performance has doubled in this particular game at 1920x1200, and it is silk-smooth at 1680x1050.

Here it is. That is all I should expect from Crytek. Not a word on the issues, not a patch to fix the patch. If you want something, try paying to the companies that are paying them. Loyalty is a nice thing these days, but I think I'm done with Crysis after this one.

Unless Cervat pays for the new card I'm gonna need. He should. After all, I'm a loyal customer. I was.

Still cannot load a freaking game.
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:46 am

Dude ...

I can understand you are pissed and frustrated, I would be if I were you, but I think you're too rough with CryTek though.
It is a fact that DX11 patch brougth many people troubles instead of the pleasure it was once destined to provide 'em, but here you react as if those troubles were brought on purpose and as if Mr.Yerli was the king of hypocrites.
You simply are just a usual customer with no knowledge in game developpement. Yes, Crytek does run silent while dozens of players are complaining, but this is precisely why Crytek runs silent : they are too busy about solving the trouble. It's obvious. Don't imagine they only work once a decade to create one game and let it fall appart once there's any trouble. These guys sure work a lot on the matter, and if you ain't got news now, then just wait and be sure that as soon there will be news, they'll be told to you.

Though, I'd like to highlight the fact that I perfectly understand your situation, and I ain't saying you shouldn't be complaining. Just, don't be too rough on these guys, they worked hard to bring that game, they worked really hard on upgrading it to this point, I'm totally confident about their "keep-on-working" attitude to solve this trouble.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:20 am

I am running AMD Quad Phen II with ATI saphire 6850 1 gig Ram (Factory overclocked by saphire)

No issues ~ of course I can play Ultra but it is choppy...I did not expect it to run perfect with a solo card... I still can go sight seeing in ultra..but playabilty I need to tame it down a bit

AMD just had a processer update and I have had 2 catalyst upgrades in the last few weeks.

Make sure you update then install the New graphic pack in order Dx11 first download install start cyrsis 2 enable it then exit then get the texture pack install and go back in crysis2
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:55 pm

To Painbringer71, as I said in previous post, performance is no longer an issue as I got the "recommended brand" (Forced I'd say) of graphic cards. To be honest, 11.6 on the 5850 gave me all kind of problems, and 11.5 just didn't make the cut. And the new card is beyond awesome, like more powerful and all, but it should,as it is a year newer than the AMD. The point is, with a 460 people are getting good results on this game, and that is only marginally faster than the 5850, which was absolutely unplayable, at all, so maybe there is something to be pissed about. I have reinstalled, in several orders if you ask me, removing any registry trace from the game, and all that I feel is I'm losing my time.

And for kala86, I know I sound a little bit rough, but I disagree with you wether Crytek deserves this or not. Come on, a company like this, pulling off games like Far Cry (Purchased), Crysis (Purchased), Crysis Warhead (Purchased) and now Crysis 2 (purchased, regreted) is big enough to have some PR department or person, even a secretary or a recepcionist, I don't mind, someone to answer for their mistakes. Ok, so the game was not as intended when it came out, people bought it anyway, under the promise of improvements along the way, not a good beginning if you ask me. 3 months later(!), patch out, lots of problems with all kinds of hardware, lack of support or help from them, nor even a single word about them trying to fix the thing. They were not that reluctant when they took my money. Nobody told them to give them half now, and the rest of it 3 months later. The "keep-on-working" attitude seems to me a "not-gonna-spend-another-single-dime-in-this-crap" attitude, and what's done, done. This is not caring about your customers, and if the "consolization" of the game "backfired a little" (Yerly's words) I really hope this attitude really kick some a**es at the company, they do deserve it.

No, I don't think Crytek is to blame for all the problems of the game (most of them only), or that it caused them on purpose. But they are definitely the ones to blame for not being fast enough, fixing it or informing about causes or work in progress. Provoking hype on a game, failing to deliver, and failing to fix it, even 3 months after the release, even when you promised, should not go out unpunished.

Should this happened to some other game or company, it would be alright, game just would sell some copies less than intended and that would be all. But this is Crytek. And Crysis 2. Is not some game, or company. PC people expect the best from you, and now I am disappointed.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:56 am

Update on the situation.

Still CANNOT play because of the load savegame problem.

So, no development at all. Just thought you might want to know.

I do not plan to stay quiet on this one.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:28 pm

after installing DX11 & HD Textures i wasnt able to load old save games too. had to start a new game.
but that was ok for me, because i always play good games twice.
but i read (often) Crysis 2 does not need so much hardware like Crysis 1.
Crysis 1 runs on ... there is nothing i could set higher, but part 2 wanted lower settings for smooth frames in lower resolution.
i read about nvidia paid crytek for supporting nvidia cards and stopping ati cards.
i got a 5870, it runs all about highest settings when i throttle the tesselation, but not Crysis 2.
so ill go back to Crysis 1 and Wars and CoD. thats better and nice too
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:30 pm

Performance under ATi cards was a lot worse than it actually is on nvidia. I guess that is not any longer an issue for me, BUT is really not nice to your customers, unless you make an offer with special discounts for ATi users, for having a definitely lesser experience (stuttering being a MAJOR issue not related to performance), or a discount in your next nvidia card (as you HAVE to buy one to be able to enjoy the game).

Thing is, I still cannot play the game, on July 18th. The patch came out on June 27th. This svcks. Really.

If like slot108 suggest, we should come back to previous games of yours to get rid of troubles, I want a refund. Really.
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:23 am

It seems true that ATI/AMD-users have issues....not nice. (Although I have Nvidia).

I don't have the problem of the non-loading savegames, but I, too, have a bit of stuttering. Maybe my card is too weak, gonna upgrade it in the next weeks.

-Do you have the stuttering in DX9 or DX11 or both?
-You using VSync?
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:17 pm

I've changed my gfx to nvidia, and still have issues. Gone is the stuttering, with the other card it was present with and without DX11 and with or without vsync activated.

560ti SOC did the trick, performance is now fine. Still can't load a freaking game though. And now the mouse cursor blinks like crazy.

The game is broken, I cannot play. Still no word from Crytek
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:02 am

i read about nvidia paid crytek for supporting nvidia cards and stopping ati cards.

Okay, firstly, that's called anti-trust, and is EXTREMELY illegal. Crytek would not do that. I have a friend running AMD and ATi hardware all round and crysis 2 renders flawlessly on his machine running 30+ FPS. Even after the DX11 update.

I can't speak to ATi cards, but I have an AMD phenom II 3.2 GHz with an nVidia GTX 260. The game runs fine with 'ultra' settings enabled (my card doesn't technically support DX11 but most of the 'ultra' features work) and I have no load game glitch.

Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling? This seems to be a rare issue, and since others with ATi hardware aren't experiencing problems, it may be a fault with your graphics card, either within that series/manufacturer, or with your individual card.

As I said above, I've had no issues with the load glitch. The way you're ragging on crytek is kinda unfair, they would have worked their arses off to get the DX11 patch out. Also, have you noted that the DX11 patch is optional? Have you tried removing it?

And yes, I do know what I'm talking about. I've been in the IT industry as a technician for nearly 5 years now and have been playing videogames since before I could walk. The patch wasn't a failure. It seems to work for almost everyone, myself included.

EDIT: As a footnote, I'm not trying to attack your position on this matter grey_godfather, in fact, I completely understand. I've bought games that were FAR more buggy than Crysis 2, and one that didn't even work after I paid $80 AUD for it. *cough* Alone in the Dark *cough*. The fact that you can launch and play the game is luck in of itself. Just keep trying. If the reinstall doesn't clear up the load glitch, you may have to look at reasons other than the game itself. Also, have you updated to the latest catalyst drivers? If you have, try rolling them back.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:53 am

I understand that many of you, like R4g3qu17, are really tired of listening to people whining and complaining around BUT...

You did not read the whole post dude. If you did, you would know that not only I did reinstall the whole darn thing several times, I went as far as buying a new card to make it work. It solved some of the problems, but not the most grave of all them, the loading issue. I cannot do anything else on my end of the rope, now is Crytek’s turn to provide a solution.

Listen, I really understand your confidence in a company that never failed you, but in this regard, is letting a lot of people like me down.

You have a 260, it works flawlessly. Many with 460 have it working like a charm. Try look up if many with a HD5800 series (Being 5850 nighly inferior to 460) are making it work without stuttering. I’m not saying Crytek disabled entirely one card maker in its game (6870 and up work fine, as far as I’ve heard), but it clearly favoured one over the other, kicking out a series that did not need a replacement yet (HD5800), while their equals in “the other side” are doing just fine. I’m their customer. They should think first about me, not the company that pay for the ads, and they are not.

I know the patch is optional. BUT (again) maybe I only bought this game because Crytek and PC are the only company and platform that can provide the kind of show I’m hoping for. I bought every other game from them, and they always delivered, and sometimes excelled at it. I played the game to the end as it came out, only to be dissapointed by the quality of textures and some effects. Yes,dissapointed. Come on, it is not better than a XBOX 360. And my card only costed just as much. If they did not announced DX11 patch coming down the road, I would have not bought the game in the first place. there are many shooters, but I really wanted this to be it, the defining moment of this generation in PC gaming. The perfect gaming AND graphic experience. And it was not in the beginning. And the patch that should fix everything, screwed everything instead.

The patch is not optional. Not for me. The patch is the only thing making me come back here and complain once more every three or four days. The patch is the game, without it, the game is nothing to me.

That is why I game on PC. If not, I would have a XBOX 360, and be done with this kind of sh*t. For good.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:03 am

Almost two months later, this thing does not work yet.

I want a refund.
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:01 am

having Far Cry, Crysis Warhead, Crysis2 and never saw 1 problem with any of these games. Too many gamers overclock and complain about the resulting instabilities. Don't do that and you get a much better life, seriously!
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:33 am

I also have this crashing problem, I can't load my saved games anymore, since I installed the patch1.9
It worked all right before that patch.
I don't overclock anything, I have a GTX580, an Intel Quad and 8Go RAM, Vista 64bit.

Dozens of people have exactly the same problem, and talk about it all over official forums, without a single answer from Crytek or EA.
Here are two examples :
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The Time Car
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:53 am

I installed the DX11 & 1.9 patch and have yet to experience any problems loading or graphically. I run my rig on ultra settings and it runs smoothly.

I am running a 2500k @ 4.8ghz, with 2- 560ti oc's in SLI and don't have any issues.

What Nvidia driver set are you running? I have tried a few of them and some work better than others on Crysis 2. Currently i'm running 270.51. They have a new one out, but have not tried it yet. 266.58 also runs very well.

Loading issue, don't really have a freakin' clue.... I wish I could help you out on that one.
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Toby Green
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:15 am

@ grey_godfather got same problem here too brought the game on steam and done title update to v1.9 installed hi res pack and dx11 sucessfully and now cant load save games can though play a new campain but getting boring now but not suffering from stuttering issue i was getting tearing running down the screen because i somehow got the 24hz bug from crysis 1 that was never officially fixed then passed over to crysis 2 but the work around for 24hz bug is have any folder minmized on taskbar then run crysis 1 or crysis 2 and when the moniter switches to 24hz mode press & hold ALT + TAB to switch screens but just switch to the game running and LET GO of ALT + TAB and the moniter will stay in full screen but change too 60hz FIXED when playing crysis 2 apart from load game bug and 24hz issue 1.9 patch, hi res and dx11 turned on it seems to run smooth for me and i can see quite a big graphical difference from dx10 maxed but find it strange my system is lower power than most systems attempting the crysis 2 graphics upgrade why does my 5770 run smooth and higher end AMD cards are struggleling ?

AMD Phenom X4 9950BE @ 2.8ghz - cpu
Coolit ECO ALC CPU Liquid Cooling - cooler
4GB Corsair XMS2 800mhz - ram
HIS 5770 1GB GDDR5 - gpu
OCZ Fatality 550w psu
Win7 64bit Ultimate - os
Samsung 530Class 32" 1080p - hdtv

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