crysis 2 editions

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:33 pm

what ever happened to the editions? i thought you said there was 3 editions, Standard, Limited, and Nano.
the only edition you could even get is the limited!
i know its not a price diff with the standard, but yet again you conned the public. i remember ordering the original crysis 'special edition' to get a unlockable ATV vehicle and also a steel-book close. I got neither of that, instead i got plastic case and absolutely no unlock code.

but i think i understand it now, its really Limited Options, not editions.

The lack of intelligence on this forum never ceases to amaze me.

1.The Nano Edition has been sold out for at least a month now THAT included the steel book case, figurine, art book and hideous backpack. (As well as everything included in the limited edition).

2.The limited edition has been made for a limited time only to include the platinum dog tag, SCAR digital camo, free xp up to level 5 and the Hologram decoy will be available as soon as you get the game. It comes at NO extra charge and that is probably why it doesn't come in a steel book case. It's a limited edition in that it's supposed to only be available to fill the preorders but will probably last another month.

3. The standard edition will be available probably a month or so down the line and will have NO extra features for the exact same cost as the limited edition.

Personally I like the route that Crytek decided to go. Don't complain because you waited too long to get the Nano edition, it's a limited edition for a reason (unlike the Halo 3/Reach legendary editions which you can still find everywhere), and honestly read before you whine, b*tch and complain.
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