Crysis 2: Exclusive Multiplayer Demo for Xbox 360 Announced

Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:19 am

Ps3 is not stronger than the 360... Ufff this **** Fanboy trash at this website is horrible :/
PC Fanboys crying like little babys whaa wahh no C2 Demo for us. Solution? Get a **** 360. God damn.
why would anyone spend 200$ on a dumbed down port with worser graphics and its only a demo

And i hate both the ps3 and 360 because they both broke on me but the ps3 is stronger than the 360 even though the ps3 is like 6 years old

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Emily Jones
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:32 am

Ps3 is not stronger than the 360... Ufff this **** Fanboy trash at this website is horrible :/
PC Fanboys crying like little babys whaa wahh no C2 Demo for us. Solution? Get a **** 360. God damn.

Buying another system and subscribing to an online service just for a demo? That must be the stupidest thing I've read in 2011 and there are a lot of moronic posts I've read from you Xbox 360 freaks.
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:31 am

Ps3 is not stronger than the 360... Ufff this **** Fanboy trash at this website is horrible :/
PC Fanboys crying like little babys whaa wahh no C2 Demo for us. Solution? Get a **** 360. God damn.

What has happened here :| ? The flames of chaos are rising. Let's all just try to keep our heads in the right place okay :)
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:05 pm

1 more 360 exclusive announcement & Im canceling my pc pre-order & buying this when it's comes down to $35!!! Red Orchestra 2 will be just as awsome anyway!!
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:44 am

Ps3 is not stronger than the 360... Ufff this **** Fanboy trash at this website is horrible :/
PC Fanboys crying like little babys whaa wahh no C2 Demo for us. Solution? Get a **** 360. God damn.

What the f**k is this?

Everyone knows the PS3 is more powerful then the Xbox360, hell even the founder of Crytek said that in a video... the Xbox is the weakest out of the 3... end of... or at least back up your comment with proof...
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:36 pm

Ps3 is not stronger than the 360... Ufff this **** Fanboy trash at this website is horrible :/
PC Fanboys crying like little babys whaa wahh no C2 Demo for us. Solution? Get a **** 360. God damn.

What the f**k is this?

Everyone knows the PS3 is more powerful then the Xbox360, hell even the founder of Crytek said that in a video... the Xbox is the weakest out of the 3... end of... or at least back up your comment with proof...

actually it may have been the head of crytek UK that said that, I can't remeber... but anyway... it was said by a very high figure in crytek.
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Kellymarie Heppell
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:50 am

Ps3 is not stronger than the 360... Ufff this **** Fanboy trash at this website is horrible :/
PC Fanboys crying like little babys whaa wahh no C2 Demo for us. Solution? Get a **** 360. God damn.

What the f**k is this?

Everyone knows the PS3 is more powerful then the Xbox360, hell even the founder of Crytek said that in a video... the Xbox is the weakest out of the 3... end of... or at least back up your comment with proof...
Haha a mad ps3 troll :D
PS3s weakest point is the GPU... 360 weakest point is the CPU. So there is nothing that proofs that the ps3 is better. U **** little kids should get banned for **** console wars trash. I'm tired. I thought this is a Crysis Fanforum for everyone? (Console,PC) But i only see this **** trash System Wars everywhere. Whaa whaaa PC is better...WHAAA WHAAA Crytek betrayed us. Whats wrong with u guys??
I got a PC,PS3 and 360. I'm laughing right now about u PC Fanboys here xD Its soo funny as a Multi System owner.
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:34 am

Ps3 is not stronger than the 360... Ufff this **** Fanboy trash at this website is horrible :/
PC Fanboys crying like little babys whaa wahh no C2 Demo for us. Solution? Get a **** 360. God damn.

What the f**k is this?

Everyone knows the PS3 is more powerful then the Xbox360, hell even the founder of Crytek said that in a video... the Xbox is the weakest out of the 3... end of... or at least back up your comment with proof...
Haha a mad ps3 troll :D
PS3s weakest point is the GPU... 360 weakest point is the CPU. So there is nothing that proofs that the ps3 is better. U **** little kids should get banned for **** console wars trash. I'm tired. I thought this is a Crysis Fanforum for everyone? (Console,PC) But i only see this **** trash System Wars everywhere. Whaa whaaa PC is better...WHAAA WHAAA Crytek betrayed us. Whats wrong with u guys??
I got a PC,PS3 and 360. I'm laughing right now about u PC Fanboys here xD Its soo funny as a Multi System owner.

WTF dude... I'm just saying... crytek have said that it will be better on the PS3 than it is on the 360... I don't own any consoles. I only use a gaming PC... I'm not taking any sides here about this, I'm just saying to the person with no proof where he's not right... gee
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Gen Daley
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:37 pm

Saw this coming.
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Iain Lamb
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:29 pm

What the f**k is this?

Everyone knows the PS3 is more powerful then the Xbox360, hell even the founder of Crytek said that in a video... the Xbox is the weakest out of the 3... end of... or at least back up your comment with proof...
Haha a mad ps3 troll :D
PS3s weakest point is the GPU... 360 weakest point is the CPU. So there is nothing that proofs that the ps3 is better. U **** little kids should get banned for **** console wars trash. I'm tired. I thought this is a Crysis Fanforum for everyone? (Console,PC) But i only see this **** trash System Wars everywhere. Whaa whaaa PC is better...WHAAA WHAAA Crytek betrayed us. Whats wrong with u guys??
I got a PC,PS3 and 360. I'm laughing right now about u PC Fanboys here xD Its soo funny as a Multi System owner.

That's nice that you love wasting your money on multiple platforms, but not all of us are stupid enough to buy all three systems for the odd content that is exclusive. The PC is so much better than the consoles that I see no point in wasting money on those systems. Why blow money on systems that play mostly the same games but at far lower settings?
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louise hamilton
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:37 am

Crysis is a new thing to consoles, and there is a lot of uncertainty of how it will make the jump from PC to consoles. We know the PC version will be the best, but how good are the console versions going to be?

1) You can show that the game is great on consoles and PCs at the same time. It's not mutually exclusive. Show the game on PC. Show it on PS3. Show it on 360. Then we can know that (a) it made the jump from PC to consoles (yay) and (b) it works on PC too (double yay). Of course this involves the interns running Crysis 2 PR to get off their asses and actually work for their money.

2) We don't know if the PC version will be best - don't make assumptions. Sure it may look gorgeous by what does it matter if it lags to hell and crashes all the time. If Crytek is really trying to "push boundaries" and be at the "cutting-edge" wouldn't it be a good idea to test the game the most rigorously on the platform with the most variance?


The bottom line is that since crysis 2 was announced (back in 2009 or whenever) we have seen ZERO confirmed PC (or PS3) footage. None. Nothing. Zilch. Not a screenshot not a single gameplay clip. A bit weird, don't you think? Especially for a game that follows such a towering icon of PC gaming.

For those of you who don't get what the fuss is about, imagine for a second that after much success With Halo/Halo2 as an exclusive on the Xbox (we'll gloss over Halo PC for now) Halo 3 is a multiplatform game. Now imagine that Bungie announces it (to much excitement from Halo fans) and for 2 years shows no 360 footage and pushes the game hard on the PS3. Then, out of the blue, the PS3 gets an exclusive MP beta. Still no news of how the game is shaping up on the 360. Then it gets an exclusive MP demo. Now imagine it's less than 2 months before release and still, there has been not one single mention of how the game performs on the 360. Sure people have been speculating - "is this trailer from the 360 version??" "what about this screenshot?" "damn I wish they would even just release a confirmed 360 screenshot," but nothing has been confirmed. Not a single shred of evidence that it's even being developed for the 360. This is kind of what's happening to fans of the original Crysis.

The flaming you see on the forums is clearly the exclusive 360 demo compounded with all of the other disappointments fans have met during the last 2 years (and yes, some of us have been waiting for crysis 2 since we finished the first one... back in '07). Are some people going a bit overboard? Probably. But I would say that fans who played crysis on the PC when it first came out and have been waiting the longest have good reason to be complaining.

I, for one, am sick of the lack of attention the PC version is getting. I was hoping for at least something by now, but nothing. :/
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Dan Scott
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:11 am

Pc and ps3 users, just don't bother. We have the real version of portal 2 to enjoy, and can even play together! We can all laugh at the 360 platform when they get charged 800 MS points per DLC pack :D
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:00 pm

well you know the ps3 has overall the best gaming experience when it comes to genres
3rdps Uncharted, Metal gear solid, socom
Platformer: LittleBigPlanet 1&2, Ratchet and Clank
fps: ? ps3 falls short because most people play fps for online and the ps3 isn't the best for fps's but inthecase of fanboyness Killzone, resistance, and MAG
Role-playing: infamous.
sports: MLB the show 11 with move support :)
Racing... Don't get me started
etc. Twisted metal, Heavy Rain, The last guardian, and agent

sorry if I missed any just too much to list :P

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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:11 pm

PC and PS3 house my favourite games. My 360 gets used as a monitor stand because it's been **** since 2007.
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:54 am

well you know the ps3 has overall the best gaming experience when it comes to genres
3rdps Uncharted, Metal gear solid, socom
Platformer: LittleBigPlanet 1&2, Ratchet and Clank
fps: ? ps3 falls short because most people play fps for online and the ps3 isn't the best for fps's but inthecase of fanboyness Killzone, resistance, and MAG
Role-playing: infamous.
sports: MLB the show 11 with move support :)
Racing... Don't get me started
etc. Twisted metal, Heavy Rain, The last guardian, and agent

sorry if I missed any just too much to list :P
again.... Can this Trash stop know???
Btw LOL at this list.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:58 pm

well you know the ps3 has overall the best gaming experience when it comes to genres
3rdps Uncharted, Metal gear solid, socom
Platformer: LittleBigPlanet 1&2, Ratchet and Clank
fps: ? ps3 falls short because most people play fps for online and the ps3 isn't the best for fps's but inthecase of fanboyness Killzone, resistance, and MAG
Role-playing: infamous.
sports: MLB the show 11 with move support :)
Racing... Don't get me started
etc. Twisted metal, Heavy Rain, The last guardian, and agent

sorry if I missed any just too much to list :P
again.... Can this Trash stop know???
Btw LOL at this list.
lol u said u had a ps3. What bs. I wouldn't be surprised it all you had was a 360 :P
and whats so funny about the list the truth hurts i guess :P
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:31 am

Your right man! its not Crytek, people dont know what the hell there talking about. Its EA, and even if it was Crytek they can do what ever the hell they want! its there game, its there product that we enjoy! we should all feel privileged that there gracing us with the awesomeness that is Crysis...
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:02 pm

Your right man! its not Crytek, people dont know what the hell there talking about. Its EA, and even if it was Crytek they can do what ever the hell they want! its there game, its there product that we enjoy! we should all feel privileged that there gracing us with the awesomeness that is Crysis...

Yet bioware and DICE are under EA, and apart from not having ps3 versions of mass effect (understandable since the ps3 wasn't around when they started ME1) they've never screwed over a particular platform in favor of another.

inb4 'bad company', it was the console version of battlefield, when PC gamers asked for it, they got bad company 2, which is still the console orientated series, but with some pretty damn good PC support going for it.
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:39 am

WHAT THE ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PC PS3 And 360 players need to shut the **** up!!!!!!!!!!!! all this bickering has turned this sight into a hell hole!!!! Crytek and EA need to go shove their money up their asses!!!!! As for Cry-Tom and Cry-Adam , you guys need to tell Crytek and EA what we think and tell them to shape up their act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:13 am

Bioware and DICE probably have the balls to tell EA to **** off. It's not that hard. You just gotta act like Malcolm Tucker and do this:

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Richard Thompson
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:50 am

True, DICE and bioware are proven companies. Crytek still don't have a high profile within EA, They've always spent too much money on their engines and haven't had a huge seller since far cry (crysis did ok, but was a bit too demanding, which was a pity as it was an amazing game, but they banked too much of CE2 licensing for revenue). So i guess crytek haven't earned the respect of EA like DICE and bioware have.
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:41 am

Your right man! its not Crytek, people dont know what the hell there talking about. Its EA, and even if it was Crytek they can do what ever the hell they want! its there game, its there product that we enjoy! we should all feel privileged that there gracing us with the awesomeness that is Crysis...

Wow, way to take it up the ass like a bich. Sure, Crytek and EA have the right to shaft their fanbase, but there are consequences for such actions. The fanbase does not have to take this and the fanbase will not take this. There are plenty of other games being released in 2011. Here, let me list some:

- Duke Nukem Forever
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- Shogun II: Total War
- Torchlight II
- Dead Space 2
- The Witcher 2
- Possibly the two Battlefield games (play4free and 3)
- Dragon Age II
- Brink
- Portal 2
- Red Faction: Armageddon

and many more. Why should I stick to one game where the companies in charge couldn't be arsed to release a demo for all targeted platforms? They bragged about how great CryEngine 3 is at creating multiplatform games and yet they couldn't produce a simple multiplatform demo of the premier game that is supposed show off the engine? They haven't even shown any footage from platforms other than the Xbox 360. Give me a break.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:53 pm

Your right man! its not Crytek, people dont know what the hell there talking about. Its EA, and even if it was Crytek they can do what ever the hell they want! its there game, its there product that we enjoy! we should all feel privileged that there gracing us with the awesomeness that is Crysis...

Wow, way to take it up the ass like a bich. Sure, Crytek and EA have the right to shaft their fanbase, but there are consequences for such actions. The fanbase does not have to take this and the fanbase will not take this. There are plenty of other games being released in 2011. Here, let me list some:

- Duke Nukem Forever
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- Shogun II: Total War
- Torchlight II
- Dead Space 2
- The Witcher 2
- Possibly the two Battlefield games (play4free and 3)
- Dragon Age II
- Brink
- Portal 2
- Red Faction: Armageddon

and many more. Why should I stick to one game where the companies in charge couldn't be arsed to release a demo for all targeted platforms? They bragged about how great CryEngine 3 is at creating multiplatform games and yet they couldn't produce a simple multiplatform demo of the premier game that is supposed show off the engine? They haven't even shown any footage from platforms other than the Xbox 360. Give me a break.

my list of games to get this year have to be...

1 - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
2 - Brink
3 - F.3.A.R
4 - Deus Ex: Human Revolution
5 - Bulletstorm
6 - Portal 2

and yet Crysis 2 used to be the top of the list a few hours ago... I wonder what changed my mind...
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:56 pm

I think guild wars 2 will be amazing personally as well, but that's not got a release date yet, hopefully it'll be 2011.
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Helen Quill
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:39 pm

well you know the ps3 has overall the best gaming experience when it comes to genres
3rdps Uncharted, Metal gear solid, socom
Platformer: LittleBigPlanet 1&2, Ratchet and Clank
fps: ? ps3 falls short because most people play fps for online and the ps3 isn't the best for fps's but inthecase of fanboyness Killzone, resistance, and MAG
Role-playing: infamous.
sports: MLB the show 11 with move support :)
Racing... Don't get me started
etc. Twisted metal, Heavy Rain, The last guardian, and agent

sorry if I missed any just too much to list :P
again.... Can this Trash stop know???
Btw LOL at this list.
lol u said u had a ps3. What bs. I wouldn't be surprised it all you had was a 360 :P
and whats so funny about the list the truth hurts i guess :P
LoL No but ur List is trash,thats it. I dont care about this uncharted,Socom crap...
MGS4 was bad. MGS1 to 3 was awesome. But not the 4th.
Im using my PS3 more for Bluray watching i dont care about this games in ur list.
Im getting Killzone3 next month,thats it. I only have 5 games on my ps3...
On 360 more over 20 games. Xbox Live >> PSN >> PC
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