well you know the ps3 has overall the best gaming experience when it comes to genres
3rdps Uncharted, Metal gear solid, socom
Platformer: LittleBigPlanet 1&2, Ratchet and Clank
fps: ? ps3 falls short because most people play fps for online and the ps3 isn't the best for fps's but inthecase of fanboyness Killzone, resistance, and MAG
Role-playing: infamous.
sports: MLB the show 11 with move support

Racing... Don't get me started
etc. Twisted metal, Heavy Rain, The last guardian, and agent
sorry if I missed any just too much to list

again.... Can this Trash stop know???
Btw LOL at this list.
lol u said u had a ps3. What bs. I wouldn't be surprised it all you had was a 360

and whats so funny about the list the truth hurts i guess

LoL No but ur List is trash,thats it. I dont care about this uncharted,Socom crap...
MGS4 was bad. MGS1 to 3 was awesome. But not the 4th.
Im using my PS3 more for Bluray watching i dont care about this games in ur list.
Im getting Killzone3 next month,thats it. I only have 5 games on my ps3...
On 360 more over 20 games. Xbox Live >> PSN >> PC