MS don't interested in buying of some exclusive, but easly buying something cheap content like DLC or demos. End of story. Right choice for MS, no doubt...
But I can't f****** to test it on my pc!
About trailer, Crysis 2 MP looks GREAT, GOTY FPS 2011, I think.
I applaud you. Most people have been flaming about this announcement, yet you seem cool about it.
Its more of EA then Crytek and others everyone.
EA has been in bed with Ps3 with Dead Space 2 Content and even Medal of Honor Ps3 only Content so it seems FAIR to do this.
Also EA is doing **** for the PC too with Battlefield 3 being separately cared for by DICE also will have Open, Closed Beta and even exclusive stuff.
People are not flaming, they're sayng the truth: PC Community deserves the demo first, but Crytek and EA is giving it to the ******* **** conserve

I get that your angry, but dont take it out on a platform. Again, it was most likely EA's move.