Crysis 2 expansion/ the rest of raptor team

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:36 am

By now everyone knows that Nomad and Psycho aren't in Crysis 2.

Some people think they're dead, others think they became symbiotic with their suits and would die without them. The latter theory is supported by Prophet’s flashback meeting with Hargreave ("You turned them into dead men walking").

Assuming they are still alive, I see paths for two expansions. Both would be set during or slightly after Crysis 2. Psycho was recalled by the British government to combat the Ceph threat in the UK (there's a spear in London). Nomad would either be fighting the Ceph in Hawaii (another spear) or is deployed somewhere else in New York. An expansion could have both stories, one of them, or be two separate expansions to cover both.

Contribute any ideas you have for a plot or evidence that they are truly dead.

*The spear locations come from the game cut-scene Epilogue.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:24 am

They were part of the lingshan operation where the Nanosuit was fielded. The reason they were 'dead men walking' was because the suit became literally inseparable, a semi-parasitic bond between host and suit had formed. If the suit was removed, the host would die. Likely what happened was that Psycho and Nomad escaped to safety, but were then killed by the removal of the nanosuits. Kind of lame, but it's truly the only plausible explanation.
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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:29 am

I think that link bs makes no sense and is such a cop out/load of ****. Are we actually told you die if you take the suit off? Prophet has to kill himself, he doesn't just drop dead. Alcatraz would die because of his injuries and the suit is the only thing sustaining him.

"The beers are on me when this is over."

Were they going to go to a bar in their nanosuits? Before Lingshan did they ever go to the toilet? Did they ever sleep? Did they ever go home to their families?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:16 am

I think that link bs makes no sense and is such a cop out/load of ****. Are we actually told you die if you take the suit off? Prophet has to kill himself, he doesn't just drop dead. Alcatraz would die because of his injuries and the suit is the only thing sustaining him.

"The beers are on me when this is over."

Were they going to go to a bar in their nanosuits? Before Lingshan did they ever go to the toilet? Did they ever sleep? Did they ever go home to their families?

You're right, we were never told that the wearer would die upon removal of the suit. Also, Prophet removed nanosuit 1 just fine when he upgraded to the nanosuit 2. Even then, he could remove nanosuit 2 just fine as well. His "breaking the link to the suit" was bullcrap as well; Alcatraz was already wearing the suit when he shot himself. What, the suit has telepathy and can tell if the previous wearer was still alive???
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Charles Weber
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:08 am

I think that link bs makes no sense and is such a cop out/load of ****. Are we actually told you die if you take the suit off? Prophet has to kill himself, he doesn't just drop dead. Alcatraz would die because of his injuries and the suit is the only thing sustaining him.

"The beers are on me when this is over."

Were they going to go to a bar in their nanosuits? Before Lingshan did they ever go to the toilet? Did they ever sleep? Did they ever go home to their families?

You're right, we were never told that the wearer would die upon removal of the suit. Also, Prophet removed nanosuit 1 just fine when he upgraded to the nanosuit 2. Even then, he could remove nanosuit 2 just fine as well. His "breaking the link to the suit" was bullcrap as well; Alcatraz was already wearing the suit when he shot himself. What, the suit has telepathy and can tell if the previous wearer was still alive???

Supposedly the suit alters your cells, so in theory it could tell if the previous owner was still alive.
However that requires too much speculation, which in my opinion a good story shouldn't need that much speculation.
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:29 pm

No expansion, but a comic...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:43 am

I think what it was was that the suit wouldn't bond to Alcatraz unless Prophet was dead. Just because Alcatraz was wearing the suit while Prophet was alive doesn't mean he could operate it. Prophet had to "break the link" so that it would bond to Alcatraz.

Also, it wouldn't be like you die the second you take the suit off. Imagine it being like drug withdrawls that kill you if you go too long without the suit, or dehydration. There is also no indication that the wearer becomes symbiotic with a specific nanosuit, only the suit to a living operator. This explains how Prophet could upgrade to the N2. My guess is that the wearer's body becomes dependent on the enviroment the suits create. The suit also seems to reduce the effects of lethal wounds, but doesn't heal them.

How would the suit know Prophet was dead? It's a NANOsuit, full of NANITES! Prophet would also be full of them. It's likely that they sent a signal when Prophet died, or stopped transmitting. Either way the suit would know that he kicked the bucket.

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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:33 am

Likely what happened was that Psycho and Nomad escaped to safety, but were then killed by the removal of the nanosuits. Kind of lame, but it's truly the only plausible explanation. There could always be the chance that Prophet informed Nomad and Psycho of what had happened. Either way, it is made unclear in Crysis 2 what exactly happened to them. It only shows the deaths of Aztec and Jester, not Nomad or Psycho.

And even though there is a comic, there should still be an expansion where you play as Nomad/Psycho again. If they die in the comic I'm going to be pissed off.
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:44 am

"The beers are on me when this is over."

Were they going to go to a bar in their nanosuits? Before Lingshan did they ever go to the toilet? Did they ever sleep? Did they ever go home to their families?

There are two ways this can go.

1. Jacob Hargreave didn't design the suits to come off. Once you're in, you need a suit to live. Forget about your family, they'd never get the security clearance to see you.

2. Post-op, you go through a kind of "de-tox" to break your dependence on the suit (see my drug dependancy anology). Special medical nanites would be administered to heal any critical wounds that the suit suppressed.

This could only work up to a point. Perhaps the members of Raptor team were so badly injured that the nanites didn't work and they had to remain in their suits. This made them technically dead. The military oficially lists them as MIA and continues to use their "bodies" as weapons.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:38 pm

I think we'll have to read the comic to find out if Nomad, Psycho, and Eagle Team are still alive or not. From what we've seen, Prophet survived the removal of Nanosuit 1 and he was able to remove Nanosuit 2 as well. There's no reason to believe that Nomad and Psycho would be any different.

However, I've always been wondering what happened to the Korean Nanosuits. Were they based on Ceph technology as well? Were they symbiotic? And have Nanosuit soldiers from other countries suffered any problems?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:00 am

So how do they have six? In a nanosuit?

Infact we haven't even seen a nanosuit guy take a piss, does the front part flip down? Hahaa.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:14 am

probably the nanites use the piss somehow xD

Well, the Nanosuit v1 can be separated from the wearer without much risk, I think. Only v2 is this symbiotic thing.

And if Nomad and Psycho are still alive, they would wear this strange suit under the nanosuit (like Prophet) to stop the Nanosuit from symbiosing with their bodies too much. Alcatraz is f****ed cuz he doesn't has this special underwear, so the nanites can use his body without any restrictions, and this is why he can't take off the nanosuit.
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