how can we expect the same on pc like the first crysis, when the golden build will be made on the console? The level design can never be the same on console as it is on pc. They will make it bigger with load sections, but never the same as the pc version of part 1. And if they make the build on pc first, the consoles will suffer from this. So dont expect anything like part 1, but more the same like part 2 but this time with nice dx11 from the start and not 3 months later.
If they should decide to make the MP more like the MP from Far cry1 that will be a plus, but the console needs this COD type MP. Dont ask me why. Damn, the mp from FC1 kicked ass1

That is sooooo wrong... You can realize the same size of maps on consoles as on pc. The Crysis port proofed that. Man can the PC elite pls stop that falimg and hating against consoles? Its so annoying here.
took them six years, 2 generations of continues development of their CE - software and still the whole game had be toned down like hell. Dont gimma this crap that it finally runs on a 360. I am 6 further with my pc and i still get consoleport to play with and most of them are in dx9. Why do AMD and Nvidia even exsist nowadays. I dont hate console dude, read before you reply. I got both of them here at home and the PS is the best one to honest. For me it is annoying to buy crappy consoleport as it for you to read these comment from pc gamer, please move along dude
Make no sense... u got both consoles and u say that u are not against them, but all what i read from ur post is "consoles svck".
I give up. This forum is so annoying and full of ignorant PC fanboys.
Some of you PC fanboys should accept change in the gaming industry. Many PC only devs are now Multiplatform. There is the money. U cant be successfull this day only on PC.
And there is no problem with that. You PC babys are crying and crying. Ok Crytek created C2 for Consoles first, it was they first Console project. They learned from it. The Console crowd got Crysis1! And it runs fine and looked nice on consoles too. You even dont know how c3 will pay out. Wait until you see more from the game until you cry about more how crytek ignores the PC fanboys. If u cant accept the decisions than you should think about a new Hobby.