I play with 3d glasses since 1 year and half and after 1 hour playing crysis 2 in 3d i've started noticing that there's something strange, first sign was the performance, 44fps in 2D and 40fps in 3d? WHAT? i was positively surprised about performance but there must be something strange, as all games in 3d loses about 40% fps and this one less than 10%?
then i've searched a bit on the net and now is clear, world is not 3d, hud is 3d and for the world there's a sort of "shift" that creates a 3d effect but it's more near to a 2d to 3d conversion than to a real "dual camera" 3d.
This explains also the strange distortion around the weapon and near the monitor borders, as you have not information on what's behind the weapon when is shifted so there's that "approximation".
I can see the reason of this strange 3d you have implemented in this game, xbox360 is not the newest console, and in order to have a good 3d without playing at 10 fps you have invented this hybrid 3d technique that is really fast and uses very low resources.
I want to congratulate to crytek programmers for this achievement as also myself i have been cheated by this at first.
Now the question, do we (PC GAMERS) really need this kind of surrogate 3d ? i love to play at higher fps and the effect is not bad, but i'm sure that a proper 3d is another story.
Maybe with a real 3d i should lower some details to have a nice framerate with my current config, but i prefer much more to play it in a real 3d without those artifacts, and with the ability to set higher depth than now.
And we can always buy another card and do a sli, that is my current wishlist for the future.
Any Chance to have a real 3d for this game in the future and leave this technique for consoles only ??
i've never been able to play any crytek game properly in 3d, the first crysis and warhead had unfortunately some wrong depth issues on shadows and some other things, so to play in 3d i had to turn off a lot of features, for crysis 2 not wrong depths but wrong 3d ?

thanks for reading and sorry for my english

god dam
i thought i really became crazy coz i sensed from the first minutes of playing the game that THIS 3d is VERY strange.. i just tryed to understand and it seemed ALL objects in game were 2d. now i seeeee.....
i've just launched CoD: black Ops with full 3d support
it is BIG difference
it is COSTRATED 3D in Crysis2
FLICK YOU CRYTEK!!! FLICK with your **** EA
you just **** powned us
FULL programm of pownage
EVEN 3D!!!!!!!!
you **** silly sh1t
**** you and your **** Crysis 3 in future