In a previous thread Laz0r explained that the new layout is very creative design that needs organizing.
With organization in mind we dont need a page full of boxes representing threads, it may look nice but eye candy isn't everything.
- Reason why I like the box threads is because I get to view the thread's first post of the OP without actually linking myself to a new page just to view it. It creates less hassle and easy surfing.
- To make sure your page isn't overwhelm by text it, the boxes only activate via Mouse Overs.
- The Boxes take too much space, I'm on a 1080p monitor and I'm getting about 16 Boxes on my screen, I'm lenient though so it does not bother. The dark are in the box isn't needed.
- It only shows the first post, it's nice to see the original root post but a thread that has a lot of attention can change dramatically with arguments and debate.
You can have the same layout but with Less boxes;
- Have the first 8 threads which are *HOT* (meaning these threads are getting a lot of attention) display the new creative design of the Box Design. Like the old Forums the ones getting replied to the most always jumps to the front of the list to be viewed.
- Instead of the Boxes showing the first Post, show the new reply, but keep the red Title.
- Every thread after the first 8 Boxes should be all links like the old forums (If you can, make them mouse over also like the first 8 boxes with a little change that are smaller in height and longer in width to support enough text so the reader/surfer can understand the text that'll be awesome.
*Other Thoughts
- Where is the search function? Without it there will be mush more people asking the same questions. We have run into users before who have failed to use it, however for those who do use it, it does take away from the unnecessary thread counts.
- Pages, it's nice that we can surf without having us link to a new page. The highest thread replies I've ran into was 24 replies and it was all on one page. All you had to do was scroll down and read. However replies will start to add up and it will take much more to load when you're going back to the page or even refreshing it.