I wonder if crysis sales heve been goog enough to crysis3 have a future?
Int not understand why quite a few have compained abut the graphics. I play crysis2 with the best settings
and think it looks damn good.
People are 10 times more likely to complain than people who sing praises for a product.
For example, people working in tech support for a product may start to believe that their product is horrific because they hear constant complaints or about product failure, even if the fail rate is 1%, they hear hear 80% of the people with the problems. Who rings tech support to say, thank you your product is excellent. (I am not saying that Crysis 2 has reached excellent status, I would put it as playable with some nice graphics options).
Crysis 3 will be coming out for XBOX 720 with DX11 support, or at least thats the plan.