» Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:28 pm
"Try to respect them and understand them, maybe after they will try to help you."
Respect the money I paid, that's feeding those family's, with a working product. Otherwise, feel the wraith of angry "customers" who aren't being treated as such, unless you idea of good customer service is to post a thread that doesn't even mention the login issue, so people mention it on their own and is the longest thread on this forum.
Customer Service isn't rocket science, simple communication from the manufacturer can lessen the angry they earned by releasing a product that simply isn't working for a sizable number of people.
Or you can continue to believe that the 200-300 people mentioning the login issue should be happy that the collective 10000-20000 dollars they spent is feeding a family they've never met. I could have donated $60 bucks if I wanted to feel good about myself, but in this case, I bought a product.
Here's 380+ replies with a PC issue that's not even addressed in this thread.
From my point of view, whatever marketing/business idiot decided any of this login mess should be fired. I doubt the devs recommended using GameSpy for match making.
I'll be working on getting my money back starting on Monday if this isn't worked out by then. Already decided that I will not be pre-purchasing another crytek game ever again, if I even bother buying them in the first place, which is sad due to the enjoyment I got from FarCry, and Crysis 1. Moving forward on graphics, moving backwards on doing things right.