Just got a call from EA.
That's right... THEY CALLED ME.
Because I filled out the customer service survey, with
"I have found numerous bugs and would be willing to talk to a CS rep."
Apparently EA did not realize the communication problems, now does, and is now taking action; or,
it may have taken 3 weeks to get to my "issues".
THEY have a bug list, and are working to consolidate it, and get on the "devs" to get them fixed.
EA rep was very receptive, and was typing, furiously as I spoke.
It seems like EA is standing up.
First and foremost: Crytek is not communicating BACK TO US on bug status (reported, in-verification, in-engineering, in-testing, patched). They just say "working on it", and the really nasty bugs are not even "being worked on."
Server Latencies make game unplayable in-between major hubs (NYC, CHicago, LA; I live in Ohio)
1000mSec pings reported in-game.
110mS pings repoted, where actual in-area ping is 30mS.
Could help to add more servers in between current major hubs? (unsure, cause I don't know what people are getting for "Ping" inside these central hub areas.)
Network dropouts ("Lost connection to Session")
Network deadlocks (the "...please check your connectivity" error, requires Windows reboot)
Some discrepancy between EA/IGN/GameSpy/Crytek player databases may be causing inability to login. Rumor has it that Crysis-1 IDs may have something to do with it too. (I don't know how the databases are structured, but have seen login problems at non-gaming sites; and, trying to solve them will make your eyes bleed)
Negative Nano Catalyst
unlocks resetting.
Router Port forwarding incorrect in manual (disagrees with readme.txt file)
Items promised for pre-ordering Limited Edition at full price must be renumerated, since they had/have no value. Suggested advance play in new maps, or expanded maps that give more credence to battle tactics (e.g. more sniper positions, gauntlets, possibly a new game scenario) to those who own limited edition.
These are mostly Multiplayer.
I don't know about all the bugs in Single player, so someone else will need to alert them regarding the why's and where's of "stupid AI", game logic deadlocks ("Semper Fi or Die"), etc.
As for DX-11. I guess that we've been officially promised it by Crytek?
(so probably not a good idea to press the issue with EA until the bad bugs are fixed.)
Who ever gets one of these "Customer Feedback" forms:
Fill in the comments section!
Be civil.
Be Nice.
List the bugs.
Be specific - list any error messages, and the steps you took.
Invite them to call.
(you might be pleasantly surprised)
Now, can someone please tell me how to shoot down the helicopters in "Sangre Del Toro"?
(the RPG doesn't seem to do any damage, and I can't find any places to reload it w/o being fragged)
PM me please (don't wanna get banned)
see ya online, when I can play Crysis-2, with a K/D ratio better than 1/4