Hello BarJabba, welcome to Crysis 2 forum,
I am a web developer myself from Pakistan, so you got a friend here
LanceAce, thank you for the hand of friendship. I definantly appreciate it. Especially in this day and times.
It seems to be that Multiplayer platform is something not to mess with. I am really just intersted in SP for the time being. I take shugrin at having any issues in the graphics, even in DX9c. I can surely see what all the hub bub is all about in not utilizing DX11 and reverting back 2 whole versions. At least, they should have been intuitive enough to develop in DX10. Even if they were going for a "bait and switch" initial sales ploy.
I just hope I can get the higher graphics mode, as my hardware can handle everything pretty decently. In
COD4:MW1, all those "glitches & zombie things, would just be
down right embarrassing to me as a developer. I might have done the honor/sameri sort of thing (sword in the intrails.)
They made an announcement that they are working on a Dx 11 patch for PC but so far no proper details are released. Also they have made some patches to fix PC bugs but those patches not very effective. In my overall opinion console development of Crysis 2 caused a lot of harm to Crysis 2 PC, no matter how much they deny it, its a fact.
Okay, now I need to get a hold of a good download site for the latest Crysis 2 patch. I went to a few sites, but they required me to totally open my browser, which I won't do. I can download just fine on some other sites. If my alert in IE8 comes up I just allow for this session only and re-initiate the download. These sites wouldn't download the actual file. But, I would get the "thank you" page. I wonder if anyone knows of a quick and easy site to get this download?
Anyway if you're looking to pass some quality time for your healing, I think Crysis 2 will do the trick. The single player is great and multiplayer has a lot of potential, however the bugs are making things dirty. If you're fan of strategy and RPG games then there are some good games for you, Shogan Total War is a big PC hit (Strategy) and The Witcher 2 (RPG) is releasing on 17th May, one of the most anticipated RPG game of year 2011. Get well soon
I did like the original
Command & Conquer title (from 2000 +/-). RPG's have always been a little, well, boring to me. I mean no insult. It's just I didn't like that I got so impateint and I spent more time learning HOW to play it than to actually play it. After a long day of racking my brains on software development, I came home wanting some action. I was all too ready to kill the latest enemy, monsters from some distant planet, or the brain eating undead.
Anyway, thank you for the well wishes concerning my health. I appreciate the contact. Hope to see you around.
My pleasure Bar
What's more funny about this game is that Crysis which was a PC exclusive was Dx9 as well as Dx10 compatible while this one is only Dx9 compatible and they still call it superior than Crysis.
If you wanna play with Crysis 2 settings consider getting this nice little application created by a community member Wasdie, it allows you to fiddle with advanced settings of Crysis 2 which are actually hidden behind three measly presets in the game. Here is the link
As for patch download, the links Mazzel gave you are nice and working
And yes! for some brain eating monster horror, Deadspace 2 is your pick. However moms don't like it