Crysis 2 PC fixes & info [Updated 16th April]

Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:04 am

i cant play the multiplayer and when i try my connection give me problems even for navigate the internet or anything else...
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Michelle davies
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:23 am

GOD!!!! Everybody STFU!!!!!!! all i hear is "direct x 11" WAAAAAAA, "console port" WAAAAAAAAA, "settings/motion blur" WAAAAAAAAA, "the game won't scratch my ass and blow me" WAAAAAAAA. First I'll say if it bothers you that much that a game is multi-platform or according to you a "port"(which is stupid cuz they came out at the same time) then I tell you what. Hold your breath for the next game that is exclusive to the PC and that is worth anything. You'll end up playing MMORPG/RPG and RTS games all your life, even though some of those are going multi as well. GET OVER IT. You should have waited to buy the game instead of pre-ordering it and expecting it to be the perfect game that, for some reason, you expect. That goes for the DX11 douches too. WTF? Sure I agree it should have DX11 from the start but it didn't, so tough. Its only been out for a couple of days. Wait a little, JESUS!!! I understand that these are forums and that they're here for everybody to express ideas and opinions, but stop beating a dead horse to oblivion. I am sure CRYTEK is working on something right now to address these issues. If they don't, THEN you can complain until your blue in the face. As far as the setting/motion blur goes, I also agree. I was a bit perplexed that you cannot customize detailed....details, though I dont see where the motion blur took away from game. I got over it and played, finished, and enjoyed the campaign. It looked beautiful and ran smoothly on my mediocre system. I'm happy in spite of the handful of issues. THESE are some of the reasons why PC gaming is on the decline. Companies don't want the endless **** and headaches from dealing with jerk off PC gamers that have a chip on their shoulders. and before you people start calling me noob or troll or console lover or whatever the hell stupid ass nicknames that you have in your arsenal of idiocracy, I am exclusively a pc gamer. I boycotted Microsoft's 360 cuz I got tired of having to pay them constant money to put up with their crap and Sony cuz it is heading the same direction. So, in ending, shut up and go play another game that takes you to your happy place whilst they fix these issues. Thank you.

Most people don't give two **** about DX11, i don't, the game looks great.

What pisses me off are the rather stupid bugs thats obviously havent been picked up while testing. Its quite obvious from playing the single player experience thar I have found numerous bugs that would usually be picked up and remedied through thorough testing. Map bugs (Getting stuck in invisible areas), suit bugs (Melee not working), it feels rushed. What gets on my nerves more is the mutliplayer aspect, real stupid bugs have slipped through that really should not have slipped through. It feels like im playing an early dev release, not a product release.

A - Your achievements and unlocks are not remembered. This wasn't present in the demo.
B - The servers dont register the ping correctly, this has been present since the demo yet it still hasn't been fixed.
C - You are kicked from every game after one game. Again not present in the demo.

I can accept little bugs, but not complete flaws that pretty much render the multiplayer aspect obsolete. I would love to play the mutliplayer now, but I can't due to the fact the game won't let me play half the time. The mutliplayer demo had less flaws than the actual product release did. The only thing they have listened to is the fact that nanovision is no longer as strong as it was in the demo.
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James Potter
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:34 am

@bull this post is in german because its reacting on bulls

natürlich war die meinung aller von ea einst sehr hoch, bis crysis 1 war ich auch mit deren gamehandling auch relativ zufrieden und ahtte nie probleme mit ea, die haben sich aber anscheinend, das, was am wenigsten funktioniert und für die gr??ten probleme sorgt bei ubisoft und valve abgekuckt frei nach:
wenn die scheisse machen dürfen, dürfen wirs auch, zumal ich diese multiplayerprobleme, welche herrschen überhaupt nicht auf crytek beziehen würde, da ja london für den mp verantwortlich war, bis auf ide m?chtegern mein pc packts ned aber ich will bessere grafik, den kleinen bug mit dem nanocataclyst und dem fehlenden dx11 support hat crytek frankfurt ne verdammt gute leistung gebracht und ist mit dem vergliech zu dem viel verkauften aber grottenschlechten cod tausend mal besser
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Emily Jones
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:17 pm

everyone thats trying to be a child about the direct x 11 needs to stop it will be out later and plus you cant return pc games it doesnt work like that enjoy the beautiful game because either way it looks beautiful of pc and crappy on everything else and if it doesnt on your computer well you need a new on simple as that if u cant put it on extreme in 1920x1080 upgrade your tower. you cant experience it fully until you run it like i do at 50 to 60 frames perfectly with no studdering and if there is any other visual defects try throwing away any ati card and get nvidia:):):)

well this whole post is quite subjective and rather asinine, but I just wanted to comment that yes, in this case you CAN return the opened pc game. EA has admitted to releasing faulty software and even GAMESTOP has agreed to give me a refund in full. I chose to accept store credit as opposed to a charge-back on my debit card, since I will likely be back to give them another 60 bucks of my hard earned money.

feel free to wait for updates, etc. if you wish. I however will give EA/Crytek until monday to release the patch of all patches, or they lose my patronage.
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:11 am

like many others,
i can't play the multiplayer, really high ping, minimum 110, only every 10th lobby i try to join actually lets me become part of it. And if i made it into a lobby the game won't start, that is really frustrating. Another problem is that my nat type is only moderate, though i have my router set to upnp and in every other game the nat type is open.
Luckily the singleplayer works fine and the grafiks are amazing.
Hope that there will be a patch really soon fixing the multiplayer issues.
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:31 am

@berridgeab if you get that stupid bugs its seems youre the only one, well what is to blame the devs or youre pc straight thinking update all drivers noob

i played the unofficial beta leaked about 2 months earlier several times and the actual final version and there are only two bugs occured in both versions to me ( i got one **** 2000$ selfmade high end pc,which in the end well i think was too much money spend...) the missing sounds in the beta which are now available and the **** minor nanocatalyst bug with nanocat disappering from your count which is still present but not worth speaking of so **** stop complain noob and get one better pc

considering any of ya noobs thought a little and tried some games the mp works but not the ranked servers so just try one custom unranked one (exactly the french and uk unrakned custom work pretty fine in europe)
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Gemma Archer
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:40 am

I have encountered another minor bug in singleplayer (I haven't played multiplayer yet because I can't login with my gamesas account):
Sometimes after either loading a level, or re-loading after dying, all melee options other than power-kicking large objects (stealth-killing enemies while cloaked, meleeing enemies, or just meleeing objects in general) doesn't work.
I starts to work again after you reach a checkpoint, or after a dialogue is triggered.
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:15 pm

@bull this post is in german because its reacting on bulls

natürlich war die meinung aller von ea einst sehr hoch, bis crysis 1 war ich auch mit deren gamehandling auch relativ zufrieden und ahtte nie probleme mit ea, die haben sich aber anscheinend, das, was am wenigsten funktioniert und für die gr??ten probleme sorgt bei ubisoft und valve abgekuckt frei nach:
wenn die scheisse machen dürfen, dürfen wirs auch, zumal ich diese multiplayerprobleme, welche herrschen überhaupt nicht auf crytek beziehen würde, da ja london für den mp verantwortlich war, bis auf ide m?chtegern mein pc packts ned aber ich will bessere grafik, den kleinen bug mit dem nanocataclyst und dem fehlenden dx11 support hat crytek frankfurt ne verdammt gute leistung gebracht und ist mit dem vergliech zu dem viel verkauften aber grottenschlechten cod tausend mal besser

ahh-endlich mal jemand der meiner meinung ist...

- server k?nnen nur für geld gehostet werden
- konsolenoptimierung
- halbfertig
- schwachsinniger kopierschutz der mit wenig kenntnissen umgehbar ist
- kein dx11
- matschgrafik
- kein LAN-Modus
-kein sandbox 3

an diesen sachen die ich da genannt habe ist denke ich auch ea-games im spiel gewesen...

also mir hats bei CRYSIS wars einfach gefallen das man alles modden und ver?ndern konnte. ssm aegis und co waren alles wunderbare mods die beim aktuellen crysis 2 alle nicht kommen werden-was letztendlich dazu führen wird das keiner das spiel mehr spielen wird nach ein paar monaten!
dabei ist das potenzial des spiels einfach gewaltig!

cod wird doch eh nur noch gespielt wegen seines rufes-der so langsam verkümmert...

jetzt frage ich mich einfach warum ich mir nen guten pc gekauft habe der 70 und mehr fps durchschnitt in dem spiel hat...
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kelly thomson
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:55 am

well think about this like mentioned before programmers aren't demigods, they do mistakes minor bugs is a issue a pc gamer, consoles have partially to be blamed on it, has to live with and which will eb fixed latest in the patch comning about one week after release, you just have to sit tight and wait for it

the expectations some people have towards this game are superhuman, if people would have the same exps towards the cod series the **** devs and publishers would be unemployed and the game wouldn't have been sold at all.....
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Krystina Proietti
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:58 am

i think the only problem i havnt had at all is the motion blur problem........i have no idea what some people r on about.....must have crap rigs :-P (only jokein)

what really bugs me is the stupid as **** ai and that probably 90% of all servers wont connect in multiplayer and make u sit in the lobby like a twat.................
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:24 pm

@bull ich glaube das spiel wird wie im englischen sch?n asugedrückt prevailen, weil eben diese bugs die derzeit bestehen auf das multiconsole zurückzuführen ist und da ea kein dx11 für consolen braucht, es denen also auch kaum geld einbringt, da die meisten idioten sich eben nur ne console leisten weil sie da für wenig geld ne hardware bekommen die sie mit weitaus teureren spielen nur nutzen k?nnen ( da gleichts sich eh nahc meiner meinugn wieder aus wenn mann passioniert spielt, da das geld was sie sparen, die leute für spiele wieder blechen müssen), jedenfalls wird des nach den ersten patches auch im mp nen diamantstandard, das heisst unzerst?rbar erhalten, weil eben des prinzip des mps meiner meinugn anch genial ist, das was kritisiert wird kann halt eben durch keliner patches behoben werden
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:32 pm

@ dike@durstig... Wow dude yo talk the biggest load of sh1t.. you have absolutely no idea what you talking about.. all these people have the right to moan. EA is HUGE and they should not be releasing a game with some many bugs.. its as simple as that. when you go to the doc, you expect him to be perfect.. its your life in hi s hands.. he has to be flawless.. EA needs to be flawless because they are so big and well known. theres no excuse for all this.. COD didnt even have 10% of the bugs thats crysis has... some1 said before.. its no wonder EAs games dont last.. they just want money.. and they BS you spoke about getting a better pc to fix issues.. really.. how nood are you.. better pc wont fix bugs you clown.. go play outside..
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:19 pm

@gin toxic what where you expecting from the ai?? it is better than any cod ai ever been and most probably better than the one cod8(mw3) will have, people complaining about it just should raise the cahllengelevel by selcting posthuman, for me i found it altough it is noithing in comparison towards multiplayer, for a singleplayer ai quite good because the only ai better, only in caporison for the standard at that time, was the one of fear, which got with the sequels quite crappy
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:24 pm

any time i try to play a multiplayer game (and fail), also the browser give me the same error and i have to restart my pc.
so c2 in multi destroy my internet.
i dont have problem of connectivity with any other game, but if i try to play it my connection go crazy...
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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:07 pm

@ steel, well at first about the pc has anybody complained about those minor bugss not occuring to me, who has listed his sy specs and they re high end?? , pretty **** not, those issues i ment are related to the consoletextures, those people complaining about bad textures have **** outdated pcs, because no **** bad textures accured to me and if you had really read my post i blamed all the **** that happens wit the crysis series on ea noob, i wanted to speak crytek free of the charges, because disregarding minor bugs in sp crytek frankfurt did a **** great job and because of ea pushing the game was released unfinished
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:07 am

WOW, I want my money back. Never in all my time as a video game consumer have I ever played such a UNFINISHED product before.

Crytek, I honestly expected so much more, the demo worked fine and was loads of fun.

How can the final game be so broken? Did you bother to do any testing at all?

Spent 1hr last night TRYING to play multiplayer, no go
Cant redeem my Limited edtion codes
I have to use work arounds so it remembers my code
I get my code is in use errors

Seriously what kind of garbage is this? Why not release this POS when its finished in a month. Beyond a joke, you went and sold out to consoles and I uderstand that there is a a big market there, but if you release it on PC as well I expect it to function too.

I will be contacting steam to organise a refund through local consumer protection if this is not fixed by the next time i log in. What a waste of my time
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:41 am

@gin toxic what where you expecting from the ai?? it is better than any cod ai ever been and most probably better than the one cod8(mw3) will have, people complaining about it just should raise the cahllengelevel by selcting posthuman, for me i found it altough it is noithing in comparison towards multiplayer, for a singleplayer ai quite good because the only ai better, only in caporison for the standard at that time, was the one of fear, which got with the sequels quite crappy

it just really bugs me when u uncloak infront of them and they sometimes just dont see u...or run against walls/rocks for ages. or if there is a group of ai and u shoot the one in the middle and he screams like mad and dies, the others dont even turn around nor take notice ^_^

sure it may be a good ai but i was in someway just expecting more from a !crysis! sequel.....

and usually when changing the level of ai they dont automaticly get better, u just dont get as much ammo and bullets make more damage....

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victoria gillis
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:09 pm

@duppolo have you made an exception in your antivir and firewall becaause the game seems to have issues with both
and in multiplayer try to enter one server without rank, becasue no ranked servers work, they just count down and then restart
without ranks mean, if you look at the server list theres a symbol with ea at fron (sometimes even missing, think it stands for hackingdetection), after that symbol theres like an armyrank symbol, if its not there the server should quiet sure work, try europe as location and the french servers with fr in front they worked all quiet well for me
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 10:29 am

Hey everyone!

blabla bla

[*]I cannot log into Crysis 2 with my gamesas account
This is a known issue that is currently being investigated, when there is a fix to it we will update this post with the correct link.

  • Ranked servers failing to start
    Some ranked servers are failing to load into the game. This is a known issue that we are currently investigating. If you find yourself in a game lobby without voting options or a game countdown then you should leave the lobby and find another game as this one will not load correctly. We will post updates on this issue in this thread when they are available.

Thank you very much for your patience and your assistance in helping find and fix issues! More to come! If you know of any answers/information that's not listed here, please PM me and i'll add it in.

- gamesas Team

Absolut unglaublich......

Seht mal zu das Ihr den Crap in den Griff bekommt.
Ich will gar nicht Wissen wie viele Leute Crysis 2 gekauft haben und wie viel
Kohle euch zu flie?t für die Verkauften DVD's.
Und dann liefert Ihr den Leuten so ein halb fertiges Spiel.
Sp ist durchzogen von Bugs und Grafik Fehlern. MP kann nicht gespielt werden
weils Login nicht funzt. Und wenn man sich dann ungewollt nen neuen Account
erstellen musste, kommt man nur auf Bug Server wo der Timer einfach nicht
startet und man sich dann die Zeit im Chat vertreiben kann......
Crytek EA, richtig fail, aber wirklich......
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:40 pm

@duppolo have you made an exception in your antivir and firewall becaause the game seems to have issues with both
and in multiplayer try to enter one server without rank, becasue no ranked servers work, they just count down and then restart
without ranks mean, if you look at the server list theres a symbol with ea at fron (sometimes even missing, think it stands for hackingdetection), after that symbol theres like an armyrank symbol, if its not there the server should quiet sure work, try europe as location and the french servers with fr in front they worked all quiet well for me

thx for the info with servers ;-)
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:21 pm

@gin toxic well i think that's quiet the problem about the whole discussion, because, since i knew it was multiplatform i set my expectations lower and it quiet more than forefill them considering this game was also released for ps3 and xbox360 which indicates a game is total crap (yeah returning to cod, noone has expectations towards that games and they will quiet even get worse and worse with every patch and still sell like basic supplies in a nuclear war...)
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:11 pm

Hi, i have a problem in MP :/
once i login to multiplayer i get the message it installed the limited edition bonus' but the problem is i already played with it today and was level 9 when i stopped playing, now i'm level 1 but i still have my class but everything i bought dissapeared :/ anyone knows what causes the problem?

(new to forums lol)
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Sophie Payne
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:29 pm

@gin toxic well i think that's quiet the problem about the whole discussion, because, since i knew it was multiplatform i set my expectations lower and it quiet more than forefill them considering this game was also released for ps3 and xbox360 which indicates a game is total crap (yeah returning to cod, noone has expectations towards that games and they will quiet even get worse and worse with every patch and still sell like basic supplies in a nuclear war...)

well it is a good game no doubt! the only problem is that evry1 compares it to crysis 1 and thats when people see how much crysis 2 svcks ^^
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:33 pm

did you already redeem your code for ltd edition on this side there should be an address beside your code with the exact link towards the redeeming protocol if you did it has to be added or it think already has been added to the necessary fixes for patch 1.2 we all just have to sit tight
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:01 pm

40 Pages of dissatisfied, annoyed, upset, and angry community members. Who would'a thunk it.
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