» Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:51 am
nat problem is inpropable to be the reason, many server seem still to be **** unstable
@steel well crytek is not quiet that big a developer and well i can say that because crytek main in frankfurt is only about 20 km away from my place so actually right at my doorstep even know some working for them....
yeah and i do protect them because most issues accur in mp for which substudio london was responsible... sp seem quiet to work well and i'm still hopefull this **** that still is going on will be fixed because the consoleversions were ready and ea pushed i quiet refuse to belief crytek gave up the pc community which helped it rise to its todays strenght and popularity, i might be proven wrong in a few days but considering they allready told been working on 1.2 i still think once gotten rid of those issues there will be no dissapointment anymore just a faint memory of a short annoying time which then led to the one great game
and im not some kind of blind follower just one adding the fact that the gameplay of this game is better than any cod could ever offer and the design although programmed for ps3 and xbox set standards for those consoles that none game ever reached, crytek pushed the last bit of power of those system why should it be different with the pc??
allready mentioned all ranked servers arent working thx to london
well you should mention it customers support so it will be included into the patch
last but not least the game was ment to be a trilogy why should they give up right at the finishing line??
and well black ops issues reportet by one of my friend started with the typicall impossible download on releasdate (steamtypical and one reason a hate steam) and ende with bad support for his system offered by treyarch, who actually pooped out some **** called world at war which **** gameplay was quiet adopted, the only cod games that were quiet entertaining were the ones by iw