Crysis 2 PC fixes & info [Updated 16th April]

Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:43 pm

once again to those complaining about missing directx11 support and taht dx10 would've been better wtf??
you even know that from 9 to 10 there never was a real progress its merely the same directx but just exclusive for new windows versions, i didn't brought any new options for gamers and taht you could see
So dx9 still is state of the art because its making the less problems with the most systems

really dx11 is a joke the only thing it supports and the only new opportunity it gives is tesselation so stop complain

to seeing cryengine logo well your pc is **** i see it about 2-3 secs and then it continues you cant demand a hardcoe new standradsetting game and then complain it doesnt work on your systems get back to your dreamworlds noobs

considering the demo i played it the whole time and never any problem occured to me and i was playing with auto off
a **** that occured in the demo was fixed because all the problems you complain about, just think a little, occur to only the things not tested in the demo like ranked servers and redeeming issues!
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Jah Allen
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:34 pm

General problems:
1.The link in this post called "Serial code in use fix" displays the post from the other link "Crysis 2 wont remember my multiplayer key [FIX!]".
2.How do I know if autoupdater worked? Is there a version number in the game? Or what? If there is, please put somewhere in this forum the final version number of the game and update it when new patches becomes available -like a counter or something.
3.I can't login on gamesas with Internet Explorer 9. Dosen't displays the signin miniwindow. In Firefox 4 there is no problem.

Game problems:
1.I use Logitech G5 gamming mouse (...113A version). I can't bind the forward button (mouse button 5,... I think) with any action. In the demo version, I was able to bind it with anything, but not in the final game!!! Why was the demo better? Also, if you fix this, make the orizontal scroll buttons availables too (when you move the scroll wheel side to side). Those are very usefull.
2.In single mode, in campaign, I experienced some lag/delay in combat actions. I press a button (mouse or keyboard -Logitech G510) and the action delays to start. Also, the melee atack dosen't always starts. I sprinted in stealth mode just behind an enemy, I pressed melee button (R) and nothing, ... again... again... then the SCRAB said ... "I'm here... Let me do it...". I hope this is not the case in multiplayer! I not playing it yet. I wait for more patches.
3.The problem with ingame login is that (for who encoutered it): You try to login with gamesas account name and password - wrong; you must use the GameSpy account login data, same as in first Crysis/ Crysis wars.

My system ("rig" or however do you call it):
-Core2duo 3,16MHz CPU
-Asus P5K premium motherboard
-Palit GTX460 sonic platinum 1GB videocard
-4GB RAM (2x2GB) 1066MHz Corsair Dominator
-Samsung x1, WDD x1, Seagate x1 HDD
-Samsung x2 ODD
-Logitech G510 keyboard
-Logitech G5 mouse
-Samsung SM BX2450 fullHD monitor
-Steelseries 5H USB headphones
-power supply... Antec 6xxW, I think
-Win 7 home premium SP1 x64bit
-Eset NOD32 v.4 antivirus
-Lavasoft AdAware free ed. antispyware

-I bought Crysis 2 through Steam
-Steam (and Crysis 2) is installed not in C:, but in H: partition

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Kate Norris
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:45 am

The graphics svck big time. They weren't that bad in the demo but the full game is far worse WTH??
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:22 am

Just for the record: it is almost impossible to play the multiplayer game because the not starting game on the ranked servers. The less buggy servers are full so cannot join.
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El Goose
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:06 pm

mabey this is why you get thje PC version alot cheaper than the console version also you realise they will fix it and its not as easy as you think acting like children and crying on here wont make them fix it faster, do what i did play the single player if you cant play the multiplayer and wait for them to fix it
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:35 pm

Why are people **** crying over the graphics? They are bloody amazing, the physics in the game are amazing, and ppl are **** QQing like hell over DX11..... WTF is the problem? This is the game with the strongest graphics ever, and ppl are still crying like little biches. The only thing we're allowed to comlain about is the fact that most servers wont lauch, which I'm sure they're aware of, and will take care of in the next couple of days.

Dude, the problem is, they should not release with these issues. Its an unfinished product... Would you buy a new car if it would not go into top gear? NO!!! you would not... DX11 is top gear. If you cant understand this, then go QQ your self!
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Olga Xx
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:17 am

no problem with my ati card, extreme graphic work perfect in a 800x600 resolution, sometimes ther is a strange audio interference in cinematics-_-...i hope that when i've finished the campain i can finally play the multy -_-
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Jack Walker
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:13 pm

@dike&durstig..... you list a problem that has absolutely nothing to with black ops. thats a steam issue. not the game so please stop comparing crysis to COD because your "1 friend" had a problem. im over all this ****.. just gonna wait for the patches.. but they gotta realise that they cant release games like this and then just think its ok to patch the **** out of it... thanks bye
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Adam Porter
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:19 pm

I'm sorry, but no $60 video card should be able to play Crysis 2 just fine at 1920x1200, and that's just what my otherwise **** Radeon 5570 does. Crytek, that's when you know you've messed up. lol

Anyway, my GTX 570 SC arrives later today and I can't wait to test it out ON THE ORIGINAL CRYSIS!!!
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:56 pm



DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:41 pm

Add quicksave in the new patch please.
There's absolutely no reason to leave such an important feature out.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:53 am

I cant get my limited edition bonuses OR EVEN PLAY MULTIPLAYER! it says "serial code in use" and at limited editon code it says "code was not found" please help me. i paid 45euros for this chat program.... i can only chat in mp at quick match things...
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Emmanuel Morales
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:51 pm

Well peoples
working awesome for my GTX 560 Twin frozzr
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 10:15 am

Do something with the "I can't login to Crysis 2 game with my account" problem! We have this problem and we can't play multiplayer. This is a 3rd it pls!!! This is unacceptable!!!
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:22 pm

Wait are you saying your $60 graphics card plays this?
If so
Dream on dreamer
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:52 pm

Nano Suit Points
I just lost all my points in the level Semper Fi for no reason. If I try to collect points the counter won t increase and stays zero.
Anyone having the same problem?
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:23 pm

I'm expriencing serous trouble connecting to multiplayer games, most of the time get the answer connection to host failed or server full although the server is just filled with 10 out of 16. When i finally are able to find a working lobby (most lobbys won't start the game!!!), i get kicked after 15 min of playing! the error message says connection to ea lost, blablabla, but my inet connection is steadly working. so playing muliplayer is not working at all, its just frustrating.
Until know i was at least able to enjoy the singleplayer, but when i startet the game today my nanosuit catalysator count was set to zero and i wasn't able to pick up the glittering stuff droped by killed aliens. Actually i could pick it up but i didn't get the 100 points. So i can't improve the suit anymore which really svcks. Furthermore when i reload sometimes the action will not be done probably. It gets stuck and you stand infront of an enemy with an empty gun. not funny!
So please crytek, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!! i#m really starting to get annoyed by the game.

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Leonie Connor
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:54 pm

laggy mouse at constant 30+ frames ingame
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:22 pm

Same here!! Points won't increase!!
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Angel Torres
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 10:49 pm

When multiplayer will be playable?
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m Gardner
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:12 pm

Why oh why was this game not fully tested before its release? I mean it was fairly obvious from the demo that there was a problem logging into the game using gamesas accounts. I can understand a few glitches here and there but just think of the mess this has caused for people redeeming codes left right and centre without soundly knowing if they will actually get the content that was promised to them?

As for people complaining about Dx11 I can fully understand that however; in my opinion the game still looks pretty nice in full HD on max settings and runs very smoothly but some extra eye candy will be nice and would allow us to further personalize our game.

The biggest downfall in this very anticipated game release would have to be the multiplayer feature. The demo was multiplayer only so on day one of getting Crysis 2 I was thoroughly looking forward to shooting n00bs like many others, yet this feature has failed outright with only minimal amounts of people getting to experience it albeit with connection issues etc.

The login feature has probably caused the biggest problem in my eyes but I would not want a botched quick-fix job as this could even exacerbate the situation regarding already redeemed codes etc; but I do feel that a little more feedback from the Crytek staff would go a long way to reassuring people that progress is actually being made, and eventally followed up by an ETA.

I have also witnessed issues concerning the AI, aliens running around in circles, enemies standing in massive groups facing walls, and when shooting and killing enemies beyond a certain distance will provoke no hostile action towards you, so with a sniper you can kill all far away enemies without actually entering combat etc but I'm confident that this will be fixed in due course once the more serious issues have been ironed out.


Game was not ready for release.

1. Provide customers with an overview of what the actual problem is and what has caused it I.E database of gamesas accounts has "something really technical here" wrong with it which was caused by "excuse here, clearly avoiding the obvious one of it was not checked and sorted despite many disgruntled reports from unsatisfied players during the demo."

2. Reassure customers that you are infact tackling one of the various issues regarding Crysis 2 by offering frequent and understandable updates informing us of the progress made and even an estimation as to when the issue will be solved.

3. Iron out all other technical issues I.E issues with poor AI, Issues with the inability to shoot/use melee after a death, the issues regarding Crossfire so on and so forth.

Thanks all,

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Elisha KIng
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:30 pm

How on earth can you release a game that is not finished.
Please refund until you deliver what I paid for..
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Nicholas C
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:42 pm

Why so upset about the graphics?
Is gameplay no longer valid?
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 10:46 am

Guys i have problem with that game. I Have an ATI Shappire HD3870.When i play the first minute the game is ok, ith good resolution, but after start to lag (in singleplayer) Evry time i move i lag. And my fps are 30-40-50, Is a strange lag. Is unplayable, and on my pc of my brother and he have a worst graphic card than me, the game with the same resulution is ok!!! Pls help!
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2008 3:20 pm

Can you guys please fix the basic text chat function? why does it has to take 5seconds for text to appear on screen? make it instant as every FPS on PC is.
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Sophie Payne
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