» Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:27 pm
Really? And what PC games have you played that only gave you 3 preset choices? I too have not encontered this in playing PC games for the last 8 years (and yes I have played a lot). Your reply is absolutely ridiculous!
From 2007 to today, I have bought more than 50 games. Many of them give more than 3 options but with the classical illusion for the typical brain dead PC gamer: "Very high" that is completely equivalent to "High", with no increase in overall quality but with big performance hits.
I can list you a bunch of games with just few settings: Stranglehold (you can change only the resolution), Darksiders (you can change only the resolution), Street Fighter IV (useless settings with no difference), Devil May Cry 4 (again, fake settings), the first edition of Unreal Tournament III (few settings, you need to use the INI to obtain a performance loss without increasing anything in quality), Split/Second (two settings without differences). The first Assassin's Creed gave no advantage when running under DirectX 10 compared to DirectX 9. Far Cry 2, instead, was a joke: DirectX 9 quality was even better than DirectX 10. Even the first Crysis have few advantages in the highest settings compared to the performance loss. Does this sound ridicolous? Ridicolous is someone who asks for things he doesn't even understand. Exactly like you. Try to play at least 10 games per year before trying to judge a blockbuster like this. I repeat. If you have not encountered such games in 8 years, try to spend more money in games and less in hardware. You haven't played sufficient games to be able to judge a game like Crysis 2. Now, tell me. Which game you have played in 8 years that you can compare to Crysis 2, graphically speaking? Come on, don't be ridiculous.