I guess my reqeust is the desire of everyone.
I was one of the gamers who pre-ordered the game, and as a pc gamer i am really dissapointed. Not by the game who is a nice game, despite the console port(for me this is a shame), we gamers have a bigger problem: cheaters and illegal gamers playing in our servers.
I payed for this game, and i don't want to share my experience with ppl who don't care about game development. I trusted CRYTEK and all that i want is a game for the real gamers, so i ask you guys to fix this problem and get rid of the unnoficial players. You have information about who has this game in a legal way so use it, and do something about it. I play world of warcraft, and there NEVER will be a unnoficial player, so this can be done. Solve the problem and you will have your respect from the real pc-gamer community back.
Best regards.