I have to agree the Halo crown is well fitting, I recall visiting the supermarket late one night, on entering as usual it was very quiet aside from one or two satff stacking up shelves.
I casually collected my needs and wants, it was close to the bewitching hour as i wondered over to the far end, but then turned to go to the checkout, at just after midnight.
When I got there, I found a que count of 56 people all clutching the latest Halo, they were all very exited to have been among the first to buy, and had been waiting for some time for this release.
Apparently, It could not be sold prior to midnight, all these people had been dotted around the store in small groups eagerly waiting to make thier purchase.
At that time, I hadn't even realized that the supermarket sold games, but what was really amazing, was that they saw me with just a few items in a basket, then stepped back suggesting I go through the checkout first.
I was completely stunned but thankfull that these folks, despite all wanting to get home and play, took the time to see beyond that, and showed totall respect to me.
Going back to Doom 3, I only wish that I could play this on Windows 7 64 bit, it was always great fun and also as you say, it did have a few brown trouser moments lol.
Try as i do, I just cant get it to run, and there is no answer from Activision so I am at a loss with that now, Much the same case with Splinter Cell Chaos theory, I just dont understand why only one game of the Five Splinters, doesn't even load.
I could understand if perhap's the first and oldest Splinter Cell was a problem, but why the third? there is a resolve to this among the Ubi forum members, but not that can use, its way beyond my understanding. lmao.
I understand that its possible to have dual O/S on the same rig some how, and that I could then decide wich O/S to boot from, and so, play the few games that are limited to XP, but with my limited knowledge i'm more likely to crash the rig.

So foward now, to the MOH beta, just a couple, one thing i noticed on the leaderbourd, over 10,000 kills in 2d 9hrs, OK, then the sniper, way across the vally, who put me down with one high powered shot, and on respawn, just a few secs, he did the same thing to me from same spot, while I was moving with a single pistol round.
I am well familiar with the spray and prey guys, only last night while sitting in a perfect sniper spot, one of my guys came up and proceeded to stab me, and continued to do so on and on till the enemy shot him, so whats wrong with MoH.
I mean, c'mon, they gotta be kiddin, Right??

^^variety is the spice of life^^