Crysis gets robbed by Gamespot E3 editors choice awards.

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:15 pm

Checks my o'l trench coat, just incase for any watches n stuff, gotta say you just cant beat blowing stuff up, best part of most games, but you can never beat the real deal,,,
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Jack Walker
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:24 am

Oh well, I guess the plastic-fantastic-generic graphics of Gran Turismo 5 beat the real time collapsing skyscraqer shadow casting fire spewing laser explosion CHUG CHUG of the minigun dynamic light sources of Crysis 2.
Crysis 2 doesn't have nearly enough hype, yet. Those editors never even mentioned it.
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:22 am

if you noticed the asian guy spoke for the best pc game wich was a japanese or chinese **** game w/e but also the other asain game for the ds lol.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:38 am

@Guss600 glad you can still appreciate the real deal!

@Aegis You are surely joking, that skyscraqer was like three or four geometric bodies and some particles for smoke. I have seen more care put into animating Saturday morning cartoons. If you turn your brightness up you will see what I mean. There needed to be a lot more falling pieces before I'll believe it.

@oh iTzCryteK360 I am glad you also observed the irony. I thought it was very appropriate given the theme of the awarded games. It seems to be easier to quantify innovation.
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Stephanie Kemp
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:41 am

Well, It looks like my masseuse isn't the only one that believes in happy endings.[tt_news]=183&tx_ttnews[backPid]=1&cHash=04cc3dc771

The People Have Spoken!
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:19 am

I totally agree it was award worthy, just seems like Crytek lost a lot of momentum that could have been gained with a not-so 'Short Bus' Award.

What an insult... Oh yeah everyone, sorry we didn't show you the Most Anticipated Game in our E3 Highlights.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:02 am

[quote]So far, Crytek seems to have done nothing but shoot themselves in the foot, [...] 2) by not showing any PC video. [/quote]
Watch "Crysis 2 TV Episode 1". There are parts of some other trailers and for example in 3:10 in right upper corner you see it says PC. Xbox buttons show up because they use xbox controler, but its PC... Quality isnt good enough to say much, but it looks good. Sure there are no shadows from lantern lights, but generally light effects are nice and there are tons of lights. Its hard to compare it to Crysis 1, because its totally different environment, but one thing for sure: CryEngine 3 (PC) is better than CryEngine 2. BTW this E3 awards are bullsh!t. Comic book guy from The Simpsons would say "WORST E3 editors choice EVER!", and Homer would just say DOH!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:57 am

[quote]Well, It looks like my masseuse isn't the only one that believes in happy endings.[tt_news]=183&tx_ttnews[backPid]=1&cHash=04cc3dc771

The People Have Spoken![/quote]Many thanks Enfadel, been waiting for that result here, its cheered me up no end after trying so hard to make a point wiout offence in another thread, big smiles now Eh !!
@neokinesis, did I see you in the MOH beta?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:15 am

@Guss600, No I left EA a while back to go to Capcom. The team that was on stage during the MOH demo were my co-workers while I was still at EA, though. They handle things like website control, installers, cross platform stability, demo distributions, play testing, global multiplayer, etc.. I was exposed to Crysis and Warhammer through working with that team. Previously my Rig at home just wasn't buff enough. When I wasn't working on the titles, I would try and speed run through ALL the games EA offers.

Initially, I believed the NanoSuit was going to be Crytek's One Trick Pony mechanic for the game but was pleasantly surprised by some of the other ways they kept the game fresh.

I actually wouldn't be surprised if that EA team isn't already looking at Crysis 2. We had all the hottest gadgets and buffest computers. If we didn't give it the stamp, it didn't get sold.
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:23 am

@neokinesis, OK, thats cool, must have been a similiar name, didnt get the chance to check in game, too busy trying to avoid spray and prey from my own team while racking up my score.
You would think that the marker should give them a clue why I dont die, but hey, it keeps them amused.
I wish I had a top end rig, but this is the best I could do on budget, Still, there are occasions where I would be more than willing to give it the stamp. or the boot, instead of reboot. lmao,
I'm just gratefull It handles Crysis so well, its all good, :-)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:10 am

It seems like EA is not helping to hype up Crysis 2 up as much as it is Dead Space 2. It seems like they don't have the faith in the title that they should. When you see a reviewer talking about about C2, you get a lot comments that praise the graphics but are not hopeful about the storyline. There is as much information about C2 out there as there is Dead Space 2 but no one is willing to back C2 as a front runner. Honestly, I thought Dead Space was visually boring, not scary at all and the battle system was tiresome. People thought it was innovative but i thought it was corny. Innovation for it's own sake is over rated, taking a successful idea and bending it to the very edge of technology ability is the adrenaline rush I am looking for.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:05 pm

@Enfadel, have to agree with that, Crysis 2 doesn't seem to be the highest priority, I hope this doesnt mean we will be let down on release, I expect a game to get me working hard and on the edge of my seat when required, but I do also expect to have lots of fun with it.

As you know I love main battlte tank action, and generally blowin stuff up, and have experienced both in my military career, so Crysis was all that I expected, including the fun parts, shame The military never let me throw koreans from high vantage points, lmao.

I hope we wont be let down this time with the new release, and will still pre-order as soon as I can from store, Not so with Dead space 2, not highly impressed, and allready have Black Ops, and MOH on pre-order.
It's a budget thing, lol, :-]
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:38 pm

that was gay, my jaw literally dropped at the game of the show, and i thought crysis was better than killzone 3 for sure.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:15 am

@Enfadel, I hate to swing at you this time, but you are contradicting yourself. You mention C2 boasting Graphics and explain how you wish it would innovate, but then bash DS2 for fulfilling your requests. Can you elaborate on what you liked and didn’t like about the two titles? I think I am missing your message.

@falnex, I wouldn't be surprised if PS3 fanboys scoop it up. I thought the silhouette of the characters gave it much more Marketing Gold and it also boasts 3D.

Uh oh, as always this turned into a lot of idea dumps.

I don’t really know where the line is draw for sharing the Advertising Responsibilities of Crysis 2 for Crytek and EA. In my experience while at EA, they definitely wanted a hand in the creation processes, even of their Partner Companies. I assume this allows them to preserve quality just in case the outside developer is off base.

It is possible; I suppose that the Advertising Cycle for Crysis 2 has gotten stretched out. Often time the Press Releases, Magazine Ads, and Demos are done within the last month or so before a project is released. Crytek was catching attention, if I remember correctly, at last year’s E3. I am also remembering a release posted on EA’s site for March of this year, which has certainly passed. How much of that was EA pressuring the studio, I guess we will never know? I would assume the push for 3D on the Engine and some fine tuning of some other things bought Crytek the time to polish some other things for a late Holiday release.

So back to topic, the money budgeted for Marketing may have not been adjusted after the delay causing the Strategy to be re-invented. I like to think of it like waves, where each one is bigger than the previous, but if the calm before the next one is too long, you loose a bit of momentum. It may have nothing to do with anything but if I recall, some of the Brand Management and Marketing for Crytek is done partly out of the Texas area which is half way between the EAHQ in Redwood Shores and the number of Crytek Offices on the other side of the Atlantic. Marketing isn’t always a solely Tele-communicated process. You never know if Dead Space 2 might be getting more attention because it’s in house, or maybe it will be releasing for Halloween again which puts it at a higher priority, or even something else.

While at EA I was exposed to the games we made in house quite a bit more than those offsite. I got to see the Sims, Dante’s Inferno, DeadSpace, and some other unannounced Franchises on the daily. By having that fresh for you all the time it could subconsciously overwrite any plan or effort that should be given to any other External Projects. Maybe that is happening on an Executive Level as well?

Visceral has a lot of very talented people working within its ranks and as mentioned before, I felt like their first and even second passes at the Franchise pushed the boundaries of what to expect from a video game, across the board. I am a fan of DeadSpace, but that doesn’t make me immune to its flaws. I thought the controls were bulky and slow, which is some way heightened the scare element. When I turned a corner the sensitivity was locked, so as a player I felt more cautious to look behind me often. This is something you don’t get from Crysis because people can Twitch 360 with the mouse. I like the responsiveness of traditional PC FPS games so although Visceral tackled the mechanic with their thinking cap on and enriched the mood, I still believe it was something that could be improved.

I also enjoyed DS from a level designing aspect as well. Small design choices like those helped immerse me in the midnight madness. Every corridor you walk through feels like a maze and you lose your sense of direction, it was done to pull you into the moment when you are being attacked and need somewhere to run. I liked turning every corner cautiously checking the left and right before pushing into a room.

I mentioned a million times during its different stages of development, from Prototype for Green Light to the Gold Disc, that the blood should be blue or purple in the vacuum of space. That is something they could improve on. :] I love what I am seeing in the demos for DS2 and how they mix the cinematics into the gameplay in a way that is much more fluid then before.

EA’s focus for DeadSpace 2 to be in the spot light doesn’t need to be all Conspiracy Theory. It seems like a natural extension, like your body pulls your blood inward to keep you warm in the snow, Visceral is EA’s life source through this recession and it makes sense for them to do everything they can to make them succeed.
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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:47 am

Why does IGN hate Crysis 2 so much? They refused to put it on their best of EA lists, and now they didn't even include it on the games their most excited for list.
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:22 am

I dont understand why a lot of places and people write off Crysis 2 so much. It is going to be a sure hardhitter this fall but the reviewing websites and whatnot dont seem to be press releasing it or hyping it up much, Crytek has to do ALL the hyping up.

Judging by the current level of unenthusiasm from gaming websites, i wouldnt be surprised if Crysis 2 is considered a "sleeper hit" among the console platforms.
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Wane Peters
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:09 am

Well, maybe its because Crysis 2 is not exactly a console type game. And maybe the reviewers have seen real PC footage that wasn't exactly glorius either. Crytek trying to make this both for console and PC just may be their doom. Personally, I think Crysis and Wars are PC games, and Crysis 2 IMO looks more like a console shooter ( on PC a port ).

Also, there are many problems with differed rendering. I don't know how they are going to use that and make it look anywhere near Wars.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:16 am

@Neokinesis, First off, you don't have to yell! Second, it looks like I hit a nerve when I slammed Dead Space. Face it, it's over-rated. Everyone was going crazy about the DS2 demo at E3, I thought it looked linear, boring and scripted. I just want the same great style of FPS with better graphics, new guns and new stories. No innovation needed.

@Kuro, You think reviewers don't like Crysis 2 because of the graphics on PC?

There are plenty of great games on all platforms, that just does not make sense. You seem like you feel so betrayed by Crytek because they are not limiting themselves to one platform anymore. I guess I get it in some small minute minuscule way, but the game still looks amazing and I'm sure it will play beautifully on PC. Do you play Wars on Maximum settings anyway? I'll bet you won't be able to play C2 on Max as well, most people won't.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:53 am

from what i've seen everything svcked except Kilzone 3,deadspace 2,Portal 2,child of eden and mortal kombat. in my opinion. but srly Kirby won? im pretty much dissapointed.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:28 pm

@Enfadel Man, you are really making me dig my feet in on this one.

I am crazy about it for the same reasons I go Berserk with Joy when a new Saw film comes out. Did you know there are going to be 10 of those? That’s like Network TV says sorry we pass, too gnarly. So it becomes an HBO series but is still too EPIC to be contained, so instead they make what could be a brilliant series a string of Movies. I am not talking Sequels here, this isn’t like Land of Time. I am talking, trilogy X trilogy + Bonus for a ‘happy ending’. Too big for network TV, too big for HBO, each episode is a full on movie. They set the bar…

Ok, so you never watched Saw or maybe can’t appreciate Horror. I can understand that and would guess that could Trump my previous triple flying bicycle kick with preference for another genre. Do you really want another Land of Time?

Face it, it is totally not over-rated. Although Horror isn’t for everyone, DeadSpace is up there among the Grails for doing Interactive Game Horror right. DeadSpace 2 scores better in every category and compounds it's Legacy.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:09 am

I don't mind them doing it for console, but so far the PC version looks the same as the Xbox. Its just a ported console shooter.
So, no, it didn't get rave reviews. And I guess the console crowd were more interested in other games than it.

So far, I'm far more interested in what the engine and the API can do. If Crytek wants to get some hype, they need to release some far better PC video than they have. Obviously, they have not impressed the console crowd too much, and are ignoring their PC base at their peril.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:06 am

I get it, people like Dead Space for the survival horror. But I'm just not that into it. I couldn't get into most horror games because the substance just isn't there. Maybe because I'm older now and it just doesn't effect me. Resident Evil really is a hard act to follow. I'm much more into Zombie Humans then zombie like Aliens. The aliens just look so made up in Dead Space, they still look like concept drawings so the realism just isn't there for me.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:28 am

OK neo & Enfadel, hope you guys are still ok, love the whole philososphy thing here, and I thought this thread was done at 115, lmao.
Well if it adds a li'l custard to the pie, heres the lesser educated I just wanna play games view.
Forget Dead Space 2, jsut bring out a patch that makes Doom 3 run on windows 7 64bit, and I will be more then happy, as I have tried damm near every thing I can to make it work with no joy, I found that game awsone, gruesome, and very enjoyable.
tonight on my webo home page, they suggest that Crysis 2 may take Halo's crown of Sci Fi, now that would be something.
Sorry for chipping in, :D
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:42 am

@Guss600 You don't need to apologize for wanting to speak your mind. Both Enfadel and I would love to hear some other theories on where we are at and where everyone thinks we are going.

I thought DOOM3 was pretty awesome but at the time the LCD monitors were making a rise, and the contrast ratio just wasn't up to par. I should find some time in the near future to revisit that game one of these late nights when I have the time, now that I have a much clearer setup.

I thought Riddike was pretty near, which i believe used the same Engine. I am not a fan of colored lighting drowning out the colors and subtleties of the textures. The game felt very, Black and White, or Black and .

Doom had such a cool thing going with the flashlight technique they used. I thought Alan Wake on the 360 felt a little Resident Evil with some more of that spooky flashlight mechanic I was used too from games like Doom3.

Oh man, the part where the Demon Dog Cyborg is smashing down walls, I almost soiled myself.

As for Halo's Crown, I don't think that is possible. Crytek has a lot to learn if they thinks they can compete with that Empire... Fanboy or not, I would say most people can agree Halo is on an entirely different level. I am excited to see that Activision might be continuing the Halo Story. I thought MW2 was a great Single Player, and a decent Multiplayer Experience. If they could make Halo SP like MW SP I just might not ever play another game again.

What I think Crytek should be worried about is Forge 2.0. A lot of my FarCry friends came for the editor, and Bungie's isn't that hard to use. If they Make F2 Halo big, I will be very very happy.

Unfortunately, Map Edistors are almost deal breakers for me. If I can't get my hands on CE3, I probably won't buy Crysis 2.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:38 pm

I have to agree the Halo crown is well fitting, I recall visiting the supermarket late one night, on entering as usual it was very quiet aside from one or two satff stacking up shelves.

I casually collected my needs and wants, it was close to the bewitching hour as i wondered over to the far end, but then turned to go to the checkout, at just after midnight.

When I got there, I found a que count of 56 people all clutching the latest Halo, they were all very exited to have been among the first to buy, and had been waiting for some time for this release.

Apparently, It could not be sold prior to midnight, all these people had been dotted around the store in small groups eagerly waiting to make thier purchase.

At that time, I hadn't even realized that the supermarket sold games, but what was really amazing, was that they saw me with just a few items in a basket, then stepped back suggesting I go through the checkout first.

I was completely stunned but thankfull that these folks, despite all wanting to get home and play, took the time to see beyond that, and showed totall respect to me.

Going back to Doom 3, I only wish that I could play this on Windows 7 64 bit, it was always great fun and also as you say, it did have a few brown trouser moments lol.

Try as i do, I just cant get it to run, and there is no answer from Activision so I am at a loss with that now, Much the same case with Splinter Cell Chaos theory, I just dont understand why only one game of the Five Splinters, doesn't even load.

I could understand if perhap's the first and oldest Splinter Cell was a problem, but why the third? there is a resolve to this among the Ubi forum members, but not that can use, its way beyond my understanding. lmao.

I understand that its possible to have dual O/S on the same rig some how, and that I could then decide wich O/S to boot from, and so, play the few games that are limited to XP, but with my limited knowledge i'm more likely to crash the rig. :-(

So foward now, to the MOH beta, just a couple, one thing i noticed on the leaderbourd, over 10,000 kills in 2d 9hrs, OK, then the sniper, way across the vally, who put me down with one high powered shot, and on respawn, just a few secs, he did the same thing to me from same spot, while I was moving with a single pistol round.

I am well familiar with the spray and prey guys, only last night while sitting in a perfect sniper spot, one of my guys came up and proceeded to stab me, and continued to do so on and on till the enemy shot him, so whats wrong with MoH.

I mean, c'mon, they gotta be kiddin, Right??
lmao. :D
^^variety is the spice of life^^
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