Crysis gets robbed by Gamespot E3 editors choice awards.

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:05 am

Guss, dumb question but how does crysis MP play, if you had to compare it to Halo 3 or MW2. in other words, which is it closer to because those are the two i play. is it an arcade shooter like halo with weapon spawns or is there a load-out system like MW2.
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:31 am

@Guss600 Halo got the formula right. When I waited in line for the games to come out the night before, everyone was also very friendly. We didn’t need to talk crap in the line because everyone there knew I would be tea bagging their dead bodies and screaming my head off once I got home. From Mama jokes, to how I boned their sister, there are really no boundaries in Halo. And the best part was how challenging it could become with the right crowd. There is no game that made me dropkick my controller off a 3 story balcony more than Halo 2 against my neighbor in College. If you get online, you should challenge him, Bonelips, he is a badass.

Halo is almost a Right of Passage in becoming a Modern Man. You go out into the world alone and come back a super soldier, a Spartan. No battle scenario has been unseen, no strategy missed. Allies are met and made and people connect. There is room from everyone from MLG to the N00B. It is a very different experience.

Back to you MoH comment about the sniper. I never liked the sniper class because they hurt their team being selfish while they fight for crumbs in dark alley ways. Something about being the type of player that has to coward its way into the top of an elevator shaft just so they can shoot people in the back, very dishonorable. Your teammate grieving you was probably trying to communicate that its a team effort, maybe she thought you weren't pulling your weight. She can't always be the bait. Giving away kills, either way, is absolutely shameful. When I play Halo, most of my kills are Melee. I will run right up to your face and smash your skull in. I will wipe the smile off your face just before I pat you on the ass with a sticky grenade. No distant button pusher here, I like the real raw nitty gritty deal of a bare knuckle fight and make it bloody, up close, and personal every time. :]

@Enfadel if you saw the art for DeadSpace you may not drool as I did but there is no denying the amount of emotion in each piece. By the way, how is the beach, the surf, and all those SoCal bodies? There is a chance the lady and I might fly out there this weekend, maybe we can hit up the Zoo. I want to see some Orcas splash the people in the first couple rows. It is the best when they have ice cream or popcorn.
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:45 pm

I have to say that I cannot make any comparison between the three titles, as far as Crysis goes with me, i found it glitchy, and not short of cheaters at the time I indulged, It was apparently going through a rough patch at the time and I didnt re-visit.

Having started playing Crysis warhead among other titles it didnt seem worth my time, but maybe Talon can furnish you with that info, he seems to be on the ball so to speak.

I Have never played Halo, though I have seen it, as my son is so into it on his eggbox 360 one can hardly miss, but it just doesn't appeal to me and I cant say why, its what I term as, a
philosophical phenomena.

I picked up MW2 at the same time as AVP2, I got well into MW2 and I so like how it plays, but at the same time, allready having the origional AVP2, started to make comparisons.
Strange as it may seem, my vote goes to the origional AVP at least for the more realistic sounds as heard in the Movies, sure the graphics are much improved, but the characters still wlak around looking like they have a combi stick up the jacksy.

In short, im sorry but I have no answer. :-(
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:56 am

Your the man, :D
I like the mix of both face on close quarters combat, and the tacical advantage of a good sniper placement, my thing with being sniper is based on team cover, and if the enemy is picking off my teamates from a similiar sniper placement, I'm gunna pick him of, thus providing adequate cover for ny team mates when thay are exposed.

However my point was in that case, Sure, with a high powered sniper rifle his first kill on me was quite valid, but as you know, it doesn't take but a few seconds to respawn.

So the other sniper had no time to relocate, and as I had seen him allready scoped on me way across the vally as he took the shot, that would mean he was still there for his second kill on me on re-spawn.

The game tells you who shot you and what weapon he used, it was the same guy, but this time he used a pistol, way across the vally, that is against all logic. A small calibre, - Ballistics,- fall of shot,- Low accuracy, downright impossible. had to be a cheat.

I dont see myself as acting cowardly as a sniper, its a fact of war that the enemy will use every means possible to win, logic dictates that the same tactics be employed by the home team, though most ingame snipers are, as you say, just picking off the crumbs, they again, shoot anything that moves.I dont think these people dont understand the role of a sniper.

As for the team mate being over enthusiastic, i figure this player didnt have a clue whose side to play on, despite the marker. the only objective they saw, would have been the award for knife kills. thus the spray and prey brigade evolves through that mindset.

If it moves, knife or shoot, kill at all costs.So imagine if you will, the same game with no re-spawn within a round, do you see these players using somewhat moderated gameplay. after all, the game is centered around a real and bloody war.

I actually dread to think, that some of these players will go on to joining the armed forces, Sure at the end of the day MoH is just a game like many ohters, and for entertainmnet, with a realistic edge, so how about some realistic play in this case.

Elite and covert teams, are supposed to get the job done, with minimal fuss and attention, this sometimes calls for harsh tactics but not often, so for me personally, take out re-spawn, wait for the next round, then try to be more realistic. I would sure like to see it :-)

I havn't seen much by way of posative comments Re: MoH so far, in the main it has been commented as being a rip off of games like BFBC2 I acually like the game despite the above comments, infact its on pr-oder for me now.

I am hoping that on completion, they will have implemented some object destruction, that is currently missing, but even without, i will still enjoy the game, :-)
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:53 am

My correction.
I dont see myself as acting cowardly as a sniper, its a fact of war that the enemy will use every means possible to win, logic dictates that the same tactics be employed by the home team, though most ingame snipers are, as you say, just picking off the crumbs, they again, shoot anything that moves.
(( I dont think these people understand the role of a sniper. ))
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Arrogant SId
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:03 am

crysi 2 is good an they didnt give it a win?
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:57 am

@Guss600 no sweat man. I thought maybe I could bait you into a Halo or MW2 challenge. As it goes for gaming, I am much more concerned with the Fun then the Win. But be sure that if it was real life I would be perched up somewhere safe with a long line of sight.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:23 am

[quote]@Guss600 no sweat man. I thought maybe I could bait you into a Halo or MW2 challenge. As it goes for gaming, I am much more concerned with the Fun then the Win. But be sure that if it was real life I would be perched up somewhere safe with a long line of sight.[/quote]I hope you aint gunna forget the high powered rifle and scope neo, if it came to it, they would be as prized as the tactical vantage.

Crazy thing is, i noticed also in the MoH Beta, when i use sniper role, they always seems to be some dumb **** come sit on my head, in an attempt to see past me.

They say in the write ups and suchlike, that the elite of the elite, actually had major input into the creation of this game for added authenticity, wich is swell, but almost immiediatly, that idea went clean outda window with most gameheads.

for the most part, it has become the bog standard sprey and prey, but hey that can also be quite amusing, and I admit i have allready pre-ordered down the store, just wishing for some new Crysis 2 news, and a li'l bit less from the trolls. :D

As I place myself quite low profile but well forward, its the only way they get advantage view, thus giving away position. thats just plain crazy, but fun also
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:49 am

Crazy thing is, i noticed also in the MoH Beta, when i use sniper role, they always seems to be some dumb **** come sit on my head, in an attempt to see past me.

As I place myself quite low profile but well forward, its the only way they get advantage view, thus giving away position. thats just plain crazy, but fun also
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:04 am

MoH sniping can be lots of fun, thats for sure. :D
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:58 am

Hi Talon,
Hope that wasn't you sitting on my head last time around, lmao :D

do you like it so far, will you order it ?

were'd all the trolls come from ? :-(
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Cat Haines
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:18 am

I suspect there will be more and more redundant comments the closer we get to release. Gotta love the n00bs they just make killing easier.

I love grieving people, it was probably me on your head. You should do what I do, I like to prone and move right up to the edge of a cliff so when people try and do that to me they fall to their doom.

But then the enemy just has to look for a pile of dead lemmings at the bottom of a giant cliff.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:34 am

then just sit on the farther side of the cliff and hopefully just hopeful they will just shoot all the "lemmings" jumping off the cliff :)
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Symone Velez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:34 am

@piratelord00 cause that is what the developers want, a bunch of people mocking blood sweat and tears to make the cliff edge just right. I liked MW2's crashed Airplane level, there were some places where you could just slide right down into trash or on old bed mattresses. Some of the flow design for that level was pretty interesting. Oil Arsenic... I mean Fuel is still one of my favorites, though.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:07 am

Nah, couldnt of been you sat on my head, I shot this dude in the ring peice, fair comment, you cant kill ya own, but it makes em stand up a bit on the quick side, = perfect target for the enemy sniper, problem solved, got my grandstand peekin spot back, lmao. :D
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:42 am

[quote]Hi Talon,
Hope that wasn't you sitting on my head last time around, lmao :D

do you like it so far, will you order it ?

were'd all the trolls come from ? :-([/quote]

I like it, but i wont be buying it. By the time MoH comes out we will be jamming out to the Crysis 2 Beta. xD
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:08 pm

@Guss600 why play with training wheels if you are going for realism? I only play friendly fire on. There was a time when I played FC2 with it off and I turned into a matrix character dropping bullets, bending spoons, and the whole thing. Once you learn the rules of the game there is little challenge. I have found that getting shot in the back by my own teammates adds a bit of 'random' that heightens the experience for me. It brings me back to the unexpected. Do you have a 360 or PS3? We really gotta play some games. I'll try and make sure Enfadel shows up too.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:32 am

[quote]@Guss600 why play with training wheels if you are going for realism? I only play friendly fire on. There was a time when I played FC2 with it off and I turned into a matrix character dropping bullets, bending spoons, and the whole thing. Once you learn the rules of the game there is little challenge. I have found that getting shot in the back by my own teammates adds a bit of 'random' that heightens the experience for me. It brings me back to the unexpected. Do you have a 360 or PS3? We really gotta play some games. I'll try and make sure Enfadel shows up too.[/quote]

He plays on the PC. ;) But yes, i like Friendly Fire as well. The only problem with FF on is that people are used to it off all the time, so they dont watch their shots and the teamkills skyrocket.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:05 am

never even checked the Beta control setts, but you gotta know, now thats been mentioned, if I can find a FF on, then you'll see what happens when some dude sits on my head again. TBH, I find no kind of organisation in MoH Beta, and no voice over wich explains alot, and of course the only two maps are quite limited, so for now, its bound to be anyone for themselves, FF off kinda dissarray.

Talon go it right, PC through and through, and I really hope that the full game has lots more to it, I allready pre-ordered, so fingers crossed, also got Black Ops on pre-order, and waiting to pre-order Crysis 2.

Damm thats allready £30.00 down before I even settle up, lmao, now to the online match, we got us a problem right there, and its called a timezone thing, and I never get it right when i call my folks over the pond, seems I always mixes it with my kinfolks in NZ, you know, ones so far in front, and one so far behind, dont know how but I always wake someone up from deep slumber. lol :D

In due course we should work something out, but just for the present, my o'l mum keeping me a bit on the busy side, getting her to and fro hospital and the like, she gotta have an eye op soon, she plum crazy is my mum, not a clue about cars, but wanted to borrow my car and go alone last time.

Letter from the Hospital said, they wouldnt need to apply eye drops this appointment, so she would be OK to drive. lmao, you have to admire such a cool sense of humour from someone near mid 80s that can still make jokes like that about eye surgury.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:35 am

never even checked the Beta control setts, but you gotta know, now thats been mentioned, if I can find a FF on, then you'll see what happens when some dude sits on my head again. TBH, I find no kind of organisation in MoH Beta, and no voice over wich explains alot, and of course the only two maps are quite limited, so for now, its bound to be anyone for themselves, FF off kinda dissarray.

Talon go it right, PC through and through, and I really hope that the full game has lots more to it, I allready pre-ordered, so fingers crossed, also got Black Ops on pre-order, and waiting to pre-order Crysis 2.

Damm thats allready £30.00 down before I even settle up, lmao, now to the online match, we got us a problem right there, and its called a timezone thing, and I never get it right when i call my folks over the pond, seems I always mixes it with my kinfolks in NZ, you know, ones so far in front, and one so far behind, dont know how but I always wake someone up from deep slumber. lol :D

In due course we should work something out, but just for the present, my o'l mum keeping me a bit on the busy side, getting her to and fro hospital and the like, she gotta have an eye op soon, she plum crazy is my mum, not a clue about cars, but wanted to borrow my car and go alone last time.

Letter from the Hospital said, they wouldnt need to apply eye drops this appointment, so she would be OK to drive. lmao, you have to admire such a cool sense of humour from someone near mid 80s that can still make jokes like that about eye surgury.[/quote]

What happened to your mom? Eye surgery? Thats pretty random. I hope she ends up alright. :O

I live in the United States, but i often catch games with the Europeans. Seeing that you live in the UK, i am 5 hours behind you... but i usually catch matches with the euros. I actually used to play in a Crysis Wars European League, but i quit it becuase of ping...but i could always catch a match. :)

About MoH: im not preordering it or purchasing it because it screams console port all over the place. I simply cant buy anything that straight up give the middle finger to PC gaming. The same goes for Call of Duty: Black Ops.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:10 pm

@ neo,
reckon she gunna be OK, its been a while coming, the eye problems are called cattarach or some such, I probably didnt even spell that right, but like a film slowly developing over each eye, not entirely sure about the procedure, but one eye at a time, as she aint no spring chicken.

I always takes her an then gets ger back home, and will stay late any time she wants me around, but I dont want her to feel like I watching her all the time, she still so damm independendant, so I dont want to cramp her style also, just another fine line I often walk. lmao.

Regarding the games, and of course your right, but how can I critisize the crap outa something I dont have any experience of, also as you know, some of my o'l favourite PC games dont like windows 7 or any compatability mode that I have tried, so I guess they also filliing the void of casual change at times.

But despite the rush of trolls, and spoils that seem to have come up lately, I am so still eagerly awaiting the release of Crysis 2, and hope that all the negative stuff I have read hereabouts, hasn't rubbed of on to the game, and that its all I expect from Crytek.

Couldnt believe how long Crysis kept me going, and it was what led me to put this rig together, I only had an entry level E machine previously, that had been ok at first but once the aliens started with the ice shoots, well you can guess, so rammed up to 2GB maxed out, plus a 1gig Nvidia card, got me to the end of the game, and made it quite saleable also.

Gots to dash for now my friend, is playing chauffeur in tha morning for mom, so I needs my handsome sleep, regards to Enfadel Be good, infact, be fantastic. lmao :D
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john palmer
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:00 am

I think it's funny that these trolls get so much attention, really, who cares. Too high strung in here.

@Neo. Sniping rocks, it's a nice progression from the run and gun. Everyone starts playing every FPS by running and gunning, then they gradually get better with the controls and game play routines and get a chance to progress to a more challenging play style. If the sniping program is created correctly, it can be very rewarding, for example Halo. If it is not, it is practically useless, for example Battlefield 1943. At the risk of boring you further, it is also pretty fun to have to watch your back constantly since sniper class is much more challenging at close range. Even this can be mastered.

@Guss, hope your Mum is ok.
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Charlotte X
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:52 am

GS was dumb. But we'll also have to wait for the Beta.
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:57 pm

reckon she a bit nervouse, they do one on wednesday, an onother when that settles, so I could be a bit busy here and there, depends when she wants help, will still get here as and when, thanks and be seein you guys soon. :D
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:41 am

No real big problem with trolls, its just the search for bumped posts, and trying to find a li'l bit of substance within the many other threads, some of the trolls are realy amusing even at times, real deal is when they so many at once, otherwise no biggy. :D
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