Your the man,

I like the mix of both face on close quarters combat, and the tacical advantage of a good sniper placement, my thing with being sniper is based on team cover, and if the enemy is picking off my teamates from a similiar sniper placement, I'm gunna pick him of, thus providing adequate cover for ny team mates when thay are exposed.
However my point was in that case, Sure, with a high powered sniper rifle his first kill on me was quite valid, but as you know, it doesn't take but a few seconds to respawn.
So the other sniper had no time to relocate, and as I had seen him allready scoped on me way across the vally as he took the shot, that would mean he was still there for his second kill on me on re-spawn.
The game tells you who shot you and what weapon he used, it was the same guy, but this time he used a pistol, way across the vally, that is against all logic. A small calibre, - Ballistics,- fall of shot,- Low accuracy, downright impossible. had to be a cheat.
I dont see myself as acting cowardly as a sniper, its a fact of war that the enemy will use every means possible to win, logic dictates that the same tactics be employed by the home team, though most ingame snipers are, as you say, just picking off the crumbs, they again, shoot anything that moves.I dont think these people dont understand the role of a sniper.
As for the team mate being over enthusiastic, i figure this player didnt have a clue whose side to play on, despite the marker. the only objective they saw, would have been the award for knife kills. thus the spray and prey brigade evolves through that mindset.
If it moves, knife or shoot, kill at all costs.So imagine if you will, the same game with no re-spawn within a round, do you see these players using somewhat moderated gameplay. after all, the game is centered around a real and bloody war.
I actually dread to think, that some of these players will go on to joining the armed forces, Sure at the end of the day MoH is just a game like many ohters, and for entertainmnet, with a realistic edge, so how about some realistic play in this case.
Elite and covert teams, are supposed to get the job done, with minimal fuss and attention, this sometimes calls for harsh tactics but not often, so for me personally, take out re-spawn, wait for the next round, then try to be more realistic. I would sure like to see it

I havn't seen much by way of posative comments Re: MoH so far, in the main it has been commented as being a rip off of games like BFBC2 I acually like the game despite the above comments, infact its on pr-oder for me now.
I am hoping that on completion, they will have implemented some object destruction, that is currently missing, but even without, i will still enjoy the game,