Crysis gets robbed by Gamespot E3 editors choice awards.

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:56 am

No real big problem with trolls, its just the search for bumped posts, and trying to find a li'l bit of substance within the many other threads, some of the trolls are realy amusing even at times, real deal is when they so many at once, otherwise no biggy. :D[/quote]

The troll is gone, just so you know. ;)
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Steve Bates
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:48 am

@Talon, At least they give us a common enemy to pull our combined powers against. I have been off for a few days because this darn hotel had a wi-fi outage. I have been forced to experience the real world... not as bad as I thought. Has anything been announced lately, say the past week or two?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:47 pm

[quote]@Talon, At least they give us a common enemy to pull our combined powers against. I have been off for a few days because this darn hotel had a wi-fi outage. I have been forced to experience the real world... not as bad as I thought. Has anything been announced lately, say the past week or two?[/quote]

Nope, its been dry all week aside from some small stuff.

EA Sports "ANT" Engine Used For Crysis 2 Animations:

Crytek's Weapon Designer "On Guns in Video Games":

Crysis 2 Hands-On Preview From Gamesradar US:

One last note: The Crysis 2 Multiplayer is set to debut at Gamescom 2010:

No new videos or anything big yet though. Just some bits and pieces that will head us into the coming months. :)
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:21 am

Hey Talon, Cool as ever n completely on the ball, full rundown, nice one. @ Enfadel sorry to hear bout your brush with the real world mate, how you feeling now, lol :D
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:00 pm

@Guss and Talon95 - I agree, very helpful news updates. I have been so wrapped up lately I have barely been able to come out and see whats going on. It is a very exciting time.
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:52 am

Sure is getting a tad exiting, though I will feel more exited when I get the chance to pre-order this game in store, still no sign of that yet. looks pretty mich like this thread will hit 200 soon also, while its not the origioanl post intended anymore, it should be a first, lmao. :-)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:06 pm

Thanks Talon, great info. Guss, thanks for re-naming me Enafdel, are you dropping hints? I thought you would be at 1000 post by now! It seems like we would have a release date by now. They need to do more hype for the game. The fella's at Halo: Reach get it. Every couple of weeks, they release a Vi-doc to keep you interested and gain more supporters. Now they have a video breaking down the new forge and it looks great. Still a level editor since you cannot adjust the landscape but plenty of land to choose from. Tons of blocks to move around and make what ever structure you like. Don't think it will happen but I am hoping for something like this on C2 360, but amped up just a little bit more.
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:50 pm

A lot of people on the Xbox 360 are calling this game a Halo copy. Honestly, i can see where they are coming from, because they HAVENT seen the first game in action.

I think Crytek needs to release a more "unique" video to calm the Halo fanboys down.

Found out the "Halo copy" problem from this video comments. Crysis 2 is going to need a kickass console editor to complete in my opinion. They seem pretty pumped up about forge mode or whatever the heck its called.

So now might be a good time to show Central Park Crytek! :D
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:54 am

Sorry Enfadel,
Told ya I was way down the education scale, just never said why, shoulda checked b4 submitting, lol
consider myself busted. :D
Also hoping for a release date announce soon. :D
just checked that out, n take your point, I reckon Crytek should be thinking about stepping things up a notch, :D
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:45 am

We all know what won e3 in our eyes... Crysis 2!
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:54 pm

@Gamerkid700 - I thought Editor's Choice made it obvious that Kirby won the hearts of the world at the show...

@Guss600 - scale, schmale. I know 80 year olds still going to school. You gotta take life by the horns, no more excuses. :]

@Talon95 - You better believe Forge World is going to be awesome. I have already started laying the foundations for some maps I will create for it using, ironically enough, the Far Cry 2 Level editor. If Crysis 2 had a public map editor I think it could cripple the FarCry Franchise, but I don't see Halo going anywhere. I was pretty excited to hear about Halo going to Activision, especially after the way the direction the Reach Beta went. Reach for me is a MW2 and Halo hybrid baby. The classes, the customization, the speed, now the editor and of course depth all that brings. People will buy Halo because they trust it, and they will love the game because it will be more then they ever had before. If Activision was able to put their adrenaline spin on it, I can image it conquering a place in time that no game will ever be able to compete with.

The Halo Fanboy's will get the last laugh, it is simply a numbers game.

@Enfadel - Halo is a Giant, for what it lacks, and there is some, it really makes up for in all the other areas. I still hear and see people talking about how Crysis was a better game for its graphics. It saddens me a little the more comfortable I get hearing people looking past the test of time. Am I a long time Halo Fan? Sure I am, but I am not obsessed. Gee, I don't have all the achievements, however quintillion there are now... Am I a Crysis Fan? not as much as I am a Crytek fan. Have I put tens of thousands of hours into their games? Well yes I have. However, what I really appreciate about that Halo franchise is that they deliver.

It is just like you said, every couple weeks for as long as I can remember, there has been some kind of Halo News. Of course it is hard to come up with stuff to say week after week after week. But as I see it, maybe Crytek just doesn't have as much to offer... :[ That wont stop me from trying the game. I am interested in CE3 from a development level, but to have an Editor that lets me experiment quickly with an endless amount of players to pull form, excites me. That is the key reason why FarCry, Crysis, and FarCry2 have been so captivating for me. Let's face it, not everyone is a Map Maker, Mission Designer, or Developer but there is still a lot of people out there looking for a way to learn the tricks. I am still able to create things I could never have imagined with some of those old engines. Like Editor's Choice demonstrated, and Kotaku touched on in the article I posted some time back. 3D Shooters could still innovate, I think their weakest link is still the gameplay.

I believe you agree, whenever I look at your Maps it is very apparent to me that you are trying to find ways to make the experience more rewarding for the player. Your 'Dismalland' Map on Xbox360 in FarCry2 is a perfect example of how there needs to be layers of gameplay. Not everyone comes to the game with the same priorities, but occasionally someone finds a way to rope everyone into a great experience. It is too bad Infinity Ward and Activision didn't give you any credit when they made, 'Carnival' for MW2. It uses the same tricks and a very similar layout. Kudos on your map, bro.

I guess the lesson learned is, what works once, will work again. Maybe that answers the rhetorical question about why Developers like Crytek are still sticking to old formulas.. I like to think that something new is what worked the firs time. Soon enough, there will be another filter for our looking glass. Check out what has been going on with String Theory lately.
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kat no x
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:28 pm

Are people still angry that the winner of this was Kirby?

I can see why people feel angry. I felt angry too, only for about a few minutes, then I said to myself "**** it, life goes on..".

At the end of the day, Gamespot chose that game since it meant something to "Them". Crysis means something to us, but it probably doesn't mean anything to them.

I think everyone needs to get over themselves, that is, if they're still a bit pissed by the results.

Reviews are peoples opinions, and opinions vary from person to person. I've come to accept that. But my personal opinion is what I think, not what others think.

So yeah, life goes on... :)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:16 am

Yup, life goes on, and on, as is the case waiting for a pre-release on Crysis 2, lol. :D

Wow, what a startling come back, lol. I was beginning to wonder had you fallen from existence, however, isn't that a chapter or two short of your usual novel. :]

I know string theory, how long is a piece if string, ? btw, last time I grabbed a bull by the horns, damm thing stood on my foot, must have thought I was going to milk it, lmao

Instead, we took the blighters horns away, it was not a happy bull for some time.

good to see you back, :-)
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Penny Courture
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:27 am

[quote]Reviews are peoples opinions, and opinions vary from person to person. I've come to accept that. But my personal opinion is what I think, not what others think.[/quote]

@Sahdev_92 – I think what you are forgetting is that opinions that are represented like they are by Editor’s Choice, change the consumer’s view. Many times those games in the spotlight earn it and other times they don’t, but those reviews affect revenue. If a company like Crytek lets Crysis 2 fall too far from the spotlight, there might not be enough sales to make another one. Although I doubt that in this case and perceive opening their market to Consoles will likely be a success. There is still a lot of unclaimed territory for Crytek to conquer.

!Manifest Destiny!

Also, with the way EA and Bioware have been mandating 10m (10,000,000) Sales Milestones, Crysis 2 is in very dangerous place when looking for longevity. They are self sustained at this point and using EA mostly as a Publisher, but Crytek needs to think and be bigger. You can blame that on Harry Potter and Madden. Those games put out high numbers and changed things forever.

You are right, we all love Crytek, but we are barely a blink of a percent in their Quarterly Pie Chart. What us fanboy’s should be doing, is finding a way to get more people interested in the franchise, way more people. We should be talking about how they improved the game from last time to make us loyal customers happy. We should be using these forums to point out the faults and then making absolutely sure to come back and explain to the world how they fixed them. If, when the BETA comes around, that is what everyone involved should be focusing on.

This is the reason Halo is such a great game, the developers have been releasing news with developers saying, We observed people had to use tricks with our previous game/editor to get what they wanted. So we made all those tricks a Feature so people don’t have to be hassled anymore. Bungie’s reputation and gameplay does the rest.

[quote] btw, last time I grabbed a bull by the horns, damm thing stood on my foot, must have thought I was going to milk it, lmao[/quote]

@Guss600 – where are you grabbing the bull? I said horns… Glad to be back :]
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:10 pm

@Sahdev, I don't think we are upset anymore, we occasionally discuss it in this thread when someone new comments but we usually go way off topic. I guess you have not been keeping up with the novel.

@Neo, What can we do, you know. Your in the same boat with your Oil Arsenic Map. Something else we discovered as map creators, there seems to be a finite amount of credible map concepts. So they are bound to overlap through theft or coincidence.

@Everyone: So I pose a question,

What game should have been voted "best in show" other then Kirby or C2?
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:14 am

@ Neo: I agree wholeheartedly!
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:07 am

Social housing Lanlord report sheet.
She wrote,
"My Neighbour has a big vibrating tool, it keeps me awake all night".
He wrote,
Re; bedroom
"My Neighbour has a big one, mines half the size im not very about this". lol.
Oh it was definatley his horns, not his horn, I left that bit to the vet, lmao.
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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:18 am

@Enfadel - Oil Arsenic seems like such an afterthought these days. Don’t get me wrong, I love that level and had loads of fun making it.

For those unfamiliar with my 15 seconds of fame for FC2 Map Making you can check out the link to the map on the Ubisoft Forums at the following location
It is jam packed with lots of words, plenty of novel! Or if you just prefer the video you can look her

So anyway, back to Enfadel. I think it is really just an extension of the obvious because it is no secret that Petroleum has been a driving force for World Power for a long, long time. I was watching a documentary recently about Bio-Diesel and it brought up some pretty interested tangents we must talk about soon. I got another conspiracy theory about how BP took the 3rd place for Oil companies with American Companies in the 1 and 2 spot, with BP’s possible buyout, the Government could effectively be controlled if Chevron or whatever the other company was, took it. Wow, that is way off topic.. Just ask me about BPs demise when you see me next.

So my point is that people fight over Oil. It controls the World Economy. MW2 didn’t have an Oil Refinery map. Why? I don’t really know especially with their obvious references to popular movies that touch on the subject. But I do believe it’s more coincidence that the map was made then that it took any influence from mine. Besides the obvious architectural similarities, themes, playstyle, size, objectives, flow, and layout, it is a different map. They did an excellent job with that one.

But for me and my mapping journey, that map was so long ago. Almost a year now? Something like that and I am much more excited about some of the other maps. I worked on one with Steven for a while that I believe is one of the most solid maps I have participated in. Our focus was innovation. I remember a million times saying. How can we condense this mechanic or recycle this technique. There was a whole lot of heart put into that map. Both sides, he really impressed me with what he brought to the table. I would love to see more maps out there with that kind of attention. Oil Arsenic got a lot of attention because it was a new idea with big fancy structures and bells and whistles, but Iron Rebellion is a sleeping Giant! If Infinity Ward wants to make maps that are dangerously close to our maps, I would just hope they could choose the ones that have the dimension needed to keep the players playing for a long time. MW2’s Fuel is a very nice FC2’s Oil Arsenic and they added a lot of layers with the way they roped off some of the return flows for navigating around.

If I could recommend a map for a Developer to look at I would recommend Iron Rebellion. It is polished, played, and close to perfect in my opinion. It is a level designed for the gameplay and the community. Although I don’t think most designers would get how much strategy is really folded into that map without a ton of playtime, maybe if one of them stumbles upon this thread, they can read about it from the source.

The same players saying they loved the map, are the players that will buy and play games like Crysis 2, Halo Reach, Killzone 3, FarCry 3, Modern Warfare 3, etc.. I feel like such a BRAND whore. I totally just pimped two of my maps without any shame.

@Talon95 - Right on!

@Guss600 - I keep thinking Kingpin. Isn't that the movie where someone milks a bull? Ha haa, you are hilarious. You should learn from the vet and spend more time milking life. :]
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:55 am

All very well you saying I should spend more time milking life, would much rather be milking some dame that has the same physical attributes as Laura Croft. lol.
On a seriose note, and typical of the NHS hosptal service here, just as the o'l girl was getting real nervouse about the eye op, she just been told they put her on a callup list instead of the due appointment, now its start to worry again all over,

Thing is, they could call her anytime, so as mum says,
" I dont even know if i'll even get time to be nervouse enough"
just gotta love the cool sense of humour.
Now this really is me going off topic again, but Enfadel did say it was an ever evolving thread.
Keep smiling guys :-)
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john palmer
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:49 pm

@Guss600 - How about that rumor of Kim Kardashian as the new Lara Croft?

I don't know about Enfadel but I love the variety. I think he mentioned User Group at one point. I keep thinking of this thread as that but every once in a while we rope it back on track.

At least the opinions are valid in this thread. It saves a lot of waisted time reading Troll posts, that is for sure! I was just thinking last night, we will eventually make a new thread and I wont know where to go anymore, I have this one bookmarked.

As for your mom, it will all work out.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:06 am

Some rather good news, I just read my stocks went up. Not by much but something. Come on Crytek, don't don't make this article a liar come Holiday time...

Anyone else buy, sell, or trade stock?
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:57 am

Wow, the shares situation looks promising at least, and thats cool, not many shares on the market doing anything much lately so good on ya mate, hope the trend conitnues.

I have a little bit that the Bank sorts for me, but its a very small amount, A guy I know does some online stuff, and he is holding at pretty much level just now, I wont even do the online banking thing so theres just no hope for me, lol.

This count is close on 200 now, and so very diverse as is life, I wonder how long it will run as we still have many subjects at our dispoal, including the delights of the female form.

I'm ok with the idea of Kim Kardashian as the new Lara, but she will have to restrain those bristols a bit or they will cause some problems, its a good thing I have a widescreen TV lmao.

My o'l Mum, she has a wicked sense of humour to keep her smile and thats just so cool, she gunna be fine, no doubt, :-]
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:10 am

@Guss600 - Unfortunately, the article suggests that revenues may be down in the next quarter and a drop may happen at that time but if EA is able to hold steady since they anticipate that, I believe it could pay off.

For a guy that claims to have a little bit in the bank, what are you doing playing Crysis? In the states, when the game came out, a Rig that would run the system offered by most companies, ran about 3,000 USD. And that was competitively marketed. I think for a recession that price is pretty steep, really steep even. It is awesome for Crytek to make the switch to console but there is no denying that many fans might feel like it dilutes the gene pool. As for me, I guess I got lucky, my home Rig could never run Crysis but I have so much time on it at work it got the bug out of my system. I'll be honest, people had gotten kind of used to eating chopped liver and at the time it kind of felt like driving a Ferrari.

Ah ha! I believe that might be why there was so much hostility around the site with the Clashing of the Console and PC communities. I have observed a trend in that a lot of Crysis players feel like part of some Elite Club that you have to pay top dollar to be in. The kind of crowd that has life handed to them doesn’t do well with confrontation. So for the pompous PC brats to have a bunch of stone hard Console hood rats swimming in their pools and drinking out of their basemant bars, it must be quite a shocker. I’d like to think we can all get along as if at one big happy barbeque.

You know, the kind of festival that has an endless gauntlet of food, an amusemant park sounding ambiance because there are so many people, and of course a sandy volleyball court where the new rumored Lara dashes better than anything you’ve seen on screen before.
…She’s new though so I’ll have to teach her… ;]

Ha ha, even your Mum can watch from the sidelines with her new eyes and fist pump the sky with a shocker gang sign.

Turn the music up fellas we are having a party!
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:13 am

Crysis was made before the recession when people could easily drop $1300 for a gaming rig. Nowadays with the recession people are not buying as many high end parts as before, and i think this is a big reason why Crytek will still be optimizing for last generation parts in Crysis 2, and not pushing computer technology forward like they did with Far Cry and Crysis. :)

About the PC and Console clashing, you are right neokinesis. However i am a PC player, and i have no problem with console players joining the club, as long as they have atleast a 90IQ and have common sense.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:55 am

@Talon95 - When do you think the recession arrived?

Actually, this is a question for everyone. When did you start noticing things getting tighter financially? It doesn't matter what part of the world you live in.
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