» Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:54 pm
@Gamerkid700 - I thought Editor's Choice made it obvious that Kirby won the hearts of the world at the show...
@Guss600 - scale, schmale. I know 80 year olds still going to school. You gotta take life by the horns, no more excuses. :]
@Talon95 - You better believe Forge World is going to be awesome. I have already started laying the foundations for some maps I will create for it using, ironically enough, the Far Cry 2 Level editor. If Crysis 2 had a public map editor I think it could cripple the FarCry Franchise, but I don't see Halo going anywhere. I was pretty excited to hear about Halo going to Activision, especially after the way the direction the Reach Beta went. Reach for me is a MW2 and Halo hybrid baby. The classes, the customization, the speed, now the editor and of course depth all that brings. People will buy Halo because they trust it, and they will love the game because it will be more then they ever had before. If Activision was able to put their adrenaline spin on it, I can image it conquering a place in time that no game will ever be able to compete with.
The Halo Fanboy's will get the last laugh, it is simply a numbers game.
@Enfadel - Halo is a Giant, for what it lacks, and there is some, it really makes up for in all the other areas. I still hear and see people talking about how Crysis was a better game for its graphics. It saddens me a little the more comfortable I get hearing people looking past the test of time. Am I a long time Halo Fan? Sure I am, but I am not obsessed. Gee, I don't have all the achievements, however quintillion there are now... Am I a Crysis Fan? not as much as I am a Crytek fan. Have I put tens of thousands of hours into their games? Well yes I have. However, what I really appreciate about that Halo franchise is that they deliver.
It is just like you said, every couple weeks for as long as I can remember, there has been some kind of Halo News. Of course it is hard to come up with stuff to say week after week after week. But as I see it, maybe Crytek just doesn't have as much to offer... :[ That wont stop me from trying the game. I am interested in CE3 from a development level, but to have an Editor that lets me experiment quickly with an endless amount of players to pull form, excites me. That is the key reason why FarCry, Crysis, and FarCry2 have been so captivating for me. Let's face it, not everyone is a Map Maker, Mission Designer, or Developer but there is still a lot of people out there looking for a way to learn the tricks. I am still able to create things I could never have imagined with some of those old engines. Like Editor's Choice demonstrated, and Kotaku touched on in the article I posted some time back. 3D Shooters could still innovate, I think their weakest link is still the gameplay.
I believe you agree, whenever I look at your Maps it is very apparent to me that you are trying to find ways to make the experience more rewarding for the player. Your 'Dismalland' Map on Xbox360 in FarCry2 is a perfect example of how there needs to be layers of gameplay. Not everyone comes to the game with the same priorities, but occasionally someone finds a way to rope everyone into a great experience. It is too bad Infinity Ward and Activision didn't give you any credit when they made, 'Carnival' for MW2. It uses the same tricks and a very similar layout. Kudos on your map, bro.
I guess the lesson learned is, what works once, will work again. Maybe that answers the rhetorical question about why Developers like Crytek are still sticking to old formulas.. I like to think that something new is what worked the firs time. Soon enough, there will be another filter for our looking glass. Check out what has been going on with String Theory lately.