Crysis gets robbed by Gamespot E3 editors choice awards.

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:53 pm

Can you image fighting in some of the more congested city streets, hoping over hot dog stands, running through parking lot potlucks, and a flee-market of sorts. All those little pieces just begging to get blown to smithereens. The bands playing on and people are running around screaming their heads off before the buildings are coming down around you?

It looks like Crytek evacuated the city already, probably to limit the NPCs but for multiplayer maps it could be really cool to use civilians running around as cover. I hope they give us a little variety also Enfadel, I think that was where Farcry and FC2 went wrong. They tried to stick to that FPS environment with locations right out of Africa. There is a lot of potential with the assets they gave to get some solid multiplayer maps mad. Some match the theme, but others break the mold completely.

It is like when I watched Inception and the city started folding over onto itself. I thought to myself, 4D Distortion on the 360 for FC2, I played that already! It was a good feeling.

If Crytek is smart they will tempt everyone with a watered down version and charge for Publishing Titles for the Companies interested. It's like I said a couple years back on the UBISOFT forums. By putting out those Editors, they set the Industries Bar for what they expect entry level employee's to be familiar with. It is a brilliant strategy really. So they might sacrifice some revenue because if the User's create the maps and it is harder to sell DLC. I always thought they could circumvent that by holding contests for the best and then bring the Winner's Maps into the studio. You know, clean them up, remove all the hidden hidden poly's, set some boundaries, maybe even add some Particle Effects with the added bandwidth and then release them to the wild as real DLC. Let the community perpetuating contestants act as a sudo Project Manager for their Indie Map. I think it could be great publicity!

Image if there was a Enfadel Pack, or a NEOKINESIS Pack. Not that I am any good but man it gives me goose bumps just thinking about. I bet the community would respond very well. Ha ha, super wishful thinking. I would like to see a Skorpius47 Pack, that guy has super talent! I don't think Crytek wants to be seen playing favorites.

Ubisoft did this in essence when they released Ubi Recommended Maps for FC2. It was a great idea because it showed you who they appreciated. You could look up those Mapper's and download all kinds of quality stuff to play on. Where they could have improved was during clean up. There are some guys out there that produced great maps if they could have gotten the FPS down. This user Mikk Q even made it in a magazine and on some small TV show in the UK for having such Interesting Architectures in his Maps. I don't think he ever went anywhere with it but his maps could have benefited from some clean up for sure and people responded well to the way they looked. But then again, FPS probably doesn't mean much to the regular Crysis Player. With computer performance a regular bragging right, I doubt much of the community really entertains the idea of 'Asset Economy'.

Ha haa, I am sure there is some Legal excuse why not to do it but I bet half the Mapper's out there would wave the rights if the Pack included their name somehow.

Crytek has built a reputation on visually stunning games. They are often striving for and marketing the idea of a Bench Mark. What sits in the shadows is the way they have empowered the little guys to follow their aspirations and dreams. Whether they admittedly did it on purpose, they created a micro-climate where the nobody can become somebody over night with a little bit of creativity and a lot of passion.

I know I respect their decision to include creative content in the past. Sadly, I believe it's wishful thinking to expect an Editor
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:44 am

According to the article I read yesterday, it sounds like Crytek let their emotions get the best of them in releasing the Snipers on the Journalists. It is going to be hard for Gamespot to paint your game into a beautiful picture if you keep leaving them in pools of blood.

The article seems to talk a lot about the past, as if they spent so much time laying dead on the ground they only had time to reminisce about old memories of past lives. I am still waiting to hear something new.

When I would do Demos for the Press, our objective was always to give them a 'good fight'. This often meant shooting around the enemy but it made the experience more enjoyable and in turn made better articles. There are two things I walked away from the article with. One, Crytek needs to ease up on the n00bs, or two, if they were, the sniper is still an unfairly balanced class.

If you are interested in the article it can be found here:
I guess only time will tell?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:39 pm

HAHA, I thought that was weird that they destroyed the journalist. I know that if I have someone over to play Halo or MW2 for their first time, I don't go and destroy them, that's the fastest way for someone to lose interest in the game. I just played a game that had AI present during multi-player action and it was kinda weird. Not sure if I'm a fan or not. I like things to be clear, broken down to it's simplest most compelling components and then expand on those. From the videos I have seen so far of Crysis, I think this game has huge potential to deliver big time on the multi-player aspect.

It appears to me, the main competition for C2 are halo and black ops. The largest component involved in longevity for these games is multi-player performance but when you can also deliver a great single player experience and co-op campaign, these games establish themselves as heavyweights. Unfortunately this has all become par for the course, so including these factors will produce a feeling of ambivalence in respect to true accomplishment as it has all been done before.

So how do we kill two birds with one stone? You got me thinking with your comments about map building but there is a problem with this. Some companies (that do not include Crytek, instead might include other companies involved(EA)) feel that there would be a loss of saleability with DLC if a map editor was included with the product. There is also a concern that including this program could dilute the campaign and multi-player aspect because of space on the disk.

Well, something that might make EVERYONE happy is a DLC map editor program, maybe even available on disk like Dragon Age Awakenings is. I could even imaging some sort hub like the Halo Waypoint on 360 were players can discuss and share their creations with others on PC. If the console editor is allowed to use the a full disk or cache of downloaded content, then the capabilities would be a lot stronger then one tacked onto the original disk (Unless they have a single player disk and a multiplayer disk). I would easily imagine this community being the largest map editing communities in the world. I know that for me, the longevity of the CryEngine 3 mini-editor would allow for countless applications and endless fun.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:07 am

@Enfadel - Double HA HAA, I couldn't stop thinking about rG II Outlaw when we were trying to film for some of those map videos back in the day. Jimmy just kept on killing everyone no matter what we set the rules at. Maybe its a UK thing?

There is a time for work and a time for play. You and me are pretty driven people, its hard not to mean business.

As long as developers can find creative ways for the single and multiplayer areas of games to be different, I believe their will be a market for it. When I sit down and play Halo, it I would just rather be playing against real people. Same for MW2, but what both of those games do differently is they cater an entire level to Multiplayer. I hate when developers get lazy and they give you a level in the game, because most of the time single player objectives and mutliplayer objects are soo different. I play single player for story, depth, achievements. Online, well I just want to teabag the n00bs with my highly organized team.

I think with on disc and off disc options you also need to anolyse the storage space of the weakest link. In this case, although I prefer the 360 over the other systems, it has the smallest storage capacity. Maybe they offer the Editor to the 360 players after download and package it on the Blu-Ray or PC Media versions. This is something some games are overcoming by using multiple discs like you mentioned Enfadel. Even games like Final Fantasy must have been reworked so they didn't have to be console exclusive. I know it has a couple of discs on the 360 version and only one BR for the PS3.

Whatever the case, it should definitely be on the table. Disc space is the last thing the developers should be worrying about. Thats why Microsoft made it easier for titles that were larger then the normal size limit restrictions to still be downloaded. Battlefield 1943, I believe was the first, but more recently the new Tomb Raider (Lara Croft and the Guardian of Ligh). That game is pushing 2Gbs.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:37 am

I know EA is big on selling "new" games as opposed to having people wait till someone turns one in and buying it used. I just got a copy of tiger woods 2011 and there was a feature where if you bought it new, you received a code to play in multi-player tournaments, otherwise you could buy as DLC. This is a good way of marketing the new Crysis 2 with a map editor because this addition as a special feature would be motivation for buying a new copy or DLC, either way the company wins. Also for those who do not buy the game new and don't have access to their mom's credit card, generally those who are not as serious about the game will not be able to spam the map market with 20 minute thrown together maps.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:57 pm

Ridiculously great idea! Map Editor sales for people that are serious about making maps makes better maps. Better Maps makes better multiplayer experiences and if you don't have take the plunge in purchasing something you are unsure about, you already know you got your bases covered by owning the game first.

EA can sell all the Map Editor DLC they want. AND if it is packaged and Marketed along side the competition strategy written about earlier, then they make money off the DLC from peoples maps. I hope EA isn't behind the lack of talk about an Editor. When I was working for EA all they did was talk about revenue, micro transactions, and DLC. As far as I am concerned they still haven't managed to raise their stock anywhere comparable to where it once was.

I wonder if a Map Editor infringes on any agreement Crytek might have with Ubisoft, a no Competitors Cause or something?

@Cevat - I don't suppose you would just tell us?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:17 am

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:25 pm

Hi Guys, Sorry i didnt chip in sooner, been a bit busy with my o'l Mum, goes in Wednesday for the first op, she aint too happy about also, I'm sure she will be happier after the favt though, :-]

Trying to het my Head around those Novels again, a challenge to read from a simple gamers point of view, but interesting in a way, but may I just distact for a moment and go to the origional subject,
Crysis Robbed- Editors choice.
I just put my Gamescom vote in, no doubt you know Crysis2 is nomiated, so I wonder even though its doing very well at the moment, what the final outcome will be, and will it also lead to this thread continuing in that light.

While i hope Crysis 2 comes out on top, we have allready seen how thngs can go way out of expectation, but thats for later for sure, then we will see.

I'm just a Gamer, all I want is good content, lots of targets/shooting, and the opportunity to blow lots of stuff up lol. that said, map editing is not something that appeals to me, despite the fact that it is on disc in some cases.

The gaming community is full of very good Modder's EG Natural Mod Crysis 1, was fantastic and made a great difference to the game, i was delighted with it, and the fact that one or more people had taken the time to indulge the hobby and make such a difference to my game experience.

I dont require that I get Editing on the game disc, but I do think its a great idea for me in the long term, as i will benefit from someone elses hobby, it can also add to my game experience with new maps and so on, you know where i'm coming from.

I dont see it being very Fair on the Modders who do some fine work for the communtiy, to start charging for this content, seeing it was free and included preciously, why change to DLC.

The simple view is, yes, it takes up space, but if I need extra Discs I dont give a flying fart, lets go way back, the Atari ST upgraded, was great for playing RoboCop lol, But as A Word Poccessor, it required 8 diskettes, and you frequently had to switch between disks, hell it was quicker to phone people.

If Robocop had required 8 Diskettes, that I would have tolarated at that time, just to play the game, and moving forward for Eg again, the first Splinter Cell came on 3 discs, the first Alien v Predetor was on two discs, and so on.

It was around ther where we began to see the change from CD to DVD rom for potentiel Disc space with the bigger game content, example, "Prey" and "S/C Chaos Theory" then on DVD Rom similiar time frame.

The Games got even bigger and we see titles now needing two DVD Roms with the extensive multiplayer games, and I believe overall, it wont be too long before we will be tied to clouds completely, even for some content.

for the present time however, as an average Gamer, I think the inclusion of Editors is a great idea, and would hate to see them go to DLC, I dont care one iota how many disks i need to load up my game, the new AVP took ages to load up on Steam, but that was covered by making a cup of tea and prepping a small snack.

Once all that was finished and pots were washed, the game was ready to play in all its glory, lol, the Majority of people/gamers, are just that, Gamers, and I dont imagine there would be too much profit in chargin for such extra content.

I would even go so far as to say, that it may even cause some potentially very talented people, to go completely off the idea alltogether, that would be a loss to the communty as a whole, there is plenty of potential for increasing revenue from DLC without touching Editing.

If someone produces a poor map, I dont have to use it, simple as that sounds, thats a fact, but when i see a really good solid design, now thats worth my time, as I only want the best game experience.

The used market thing doesn't count in my case, PC games are now basically tied down, so dont count, but when i'm in store, and I see all the lost revenue with the many used games on shelf that people have been waiting to snap up, I wonder why all games are not tied down.

Used Market, Great for Gamers, Bad for publishers, lost revenue on new sales, only saying what I see, the current market for used games is very strong, and sometimes you will even find as with my Sons freinds, they each get a new title, play it, pass it around between them on each titlte.

Imagine all the lost revenue, now if publishers were examining good mods and paying modders for good maps, and then making revenue for those mods through DLC, that I would love, I am a Gamer, I will pay for good additions to my Game, simple and clear.

Guys, I hope that all makes sense and is in keeping with your recent views. :-]

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:10 am

Sorry for all the Typo's, I am beat just now and forgot to check, :-)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:20 am

Hi Guss. I know you say your not into map editing and if I used Crysis 1 as a reference, I might feel the same way. You need a degree in computer science to figure out the CryEngine. My point of reference is the Far Cry editor as you probably already know and this editor in itself was a lesson in intuitive programming. The user interface is one that a lay 10 year old could fuddle around with and produce a totally viable map, probably mot the greatest, but playable.

About the DLC, this is a huge roadblock for our mapping community. EA operates as a corporation. This is a necessity now that the gaming industry has become a multi-billion dollar industry. So there is always a cost/benefit factor involved. A little different from Crytek, while cost/Benefit is in their equation as well, I imagine the word legacy is involved also. If you want to work at Crytek, you need to have a passion for games. That is not an overlookable criteria. Crytek employees have their hands on the game daily and when they give this game to the world, their number #1 desire I believe is that we appreciate all the hard work they have put into it and have a great time playing it.

Point is, when you have a publisher like EA, they don't play around. The brass at EA's love for the game is rivaled by their stock holders love for profit. Right now, DLC or micro-transactions are a huge driving force in the companies plan to conquer the game industry. I hate to say it but map editor tools are a hard sell because of the notion of lost DLC revenue on map packs. So that is why I proposed the idea that DLC can be achieved though the map editor. Imagine being able to design your own DLC maps or having access to infinite high quality multi-player maps.

Now I have another idea. How about the maps created in the editor are only allowed to be played in the social rooms. Then Crytek chooses some of the more popular, well rounded maps and approves them for ranked play, then does a slight overhaul to polish out the edges and sells a ranked map pack as DLC. It would be a completely community driven expansion, guaranteed to satisfy even the most hardcoe ranked player.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:04 am

I want to clarify that multiple discs on the PC platform is something that for a long time was expected but when I was referring to single discing it had heavier weight on the consoles. Final Fantasy’s design for its games that use multiple disc, dislocates the areas of the game from one another. Since each disc can only be retrieved to access certain textures, geometries, etc. it makes it difficult to create a open world game where you can not go back to a previous area. Although the games for the PC still follow the linier pattern (minus DIablos, WoW, and Fallouts) The games on the consoles are often in my experience more encompassing because of the way they revisit and reuse. I believe this was the solution to a number of problems, the first being linear games. When you play through a level based game, there is no going back and often times this makes a lot of the time it took in building certain levels no longer important once beaten.

So, what happened? Developers discovered that by making open world games they could reuse assets, locations, even characters throughout the entire game. GTA is a great example of this. You can revisit every inch of those Cities as many times as you would like and it in turn makes the game longer and more engaging in the end.

Developers also discovered that it was less expensive to make the box and CD. Companies like EA have been for a long time trying to reduce shipping costs. For Console Gamers, we recently saw game boxes that use less plastic. EA has a long time reputation for printing bare bone manuals in black and white to cut costs. They have partnered with Valve and are working on using Steam with most if not all of their titles these days. This movement away from the Material Good is happening but it is just taking some time to get the infrastructure right. Ha haa, EA doesn’t want another Spore DRM fiasco on their plate, that’s for sure.

Developing Games in the last 10 years has made a constant push away from level based games, partly for the same reason. Quite frankly, I would rather recycle to save money if it was cutting my revenue in the end. Simply put, it saves money and makes the game longer.

With PC titles, you can install so the parts needed when returning to areas and levels is no longer an issue. But on the Consoles, to have multiple discs means in part, some of the previous game is lost. There needs to be a game mechanic, or story function, or technological leap where you character can not go back. Although this fits often times nicely into on of the Three Acts of popular storytelling, it changes everything.

When do multiple discs work the best for console gaming? They work the best when you can separate the elements needed to play the game. A Map Editor would be perfect because you could include only the parts needed to make things and add an interface like Enfadel mentioned with WayPoint. There is no need for story, credits, sound, scores, or anything the User doesn’t absolutely need.

Another area multiple discs works is for Multiplayer only areas of a game. MW and Halo do this for the same reasons pointed out in the previous paragraph. You only put what you need on the disc to eliminate spin cycles, looking for data, or anything else that might slow down overall performance.
I think the point to this isn’t really the cost of the Disc, box, book, etc. The idea of conservation should influence all of us. But what I get when I step back from Enfadel’s comment is that it is more important to think about Supporting your Game’s Community, and delivering on the demand. Burnout Paradise, Mass Effect, Halo, MW, and even Borderlands have DLC because the community wants more. The community wants something that enriches the experience and they are willing to pay for it.

Enfadel's proposal is great because it makes dollars and sense. Why not make money off DLC that creates more DLC and keeps the community engrossed?
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:12 pm

Hi Enfadel, & neo,

Reading the novels again, and as I said before it's not too easy for me lmao, but I think I do get where your comming from in both cases, i will cover what i can soon but i have stuff going on just now keeping me occupied.
Get back to you soon :-)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:51 pm

No sweat Guss600, can't wait for what you might have. Tomorrow is the big day! Goodluck to your mum.
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:31 am

Hi Guys, so, I had a busy week in more than one way, but My O'l mum sacked me today lmao. Picked her up after the procedure, brought her to her home and made a hot drink, then promptly got told to stop fussing around as she was fine.

Clearly its been more than on her mind and she just wants time now to get her rest, so no problem all went well, and i amonly a phone call away if needed.

I hope to cover the above in short order, I'm not too good at novels, tending to drift of at times, so to start, and having had a coupla days to think, I believe that as we are in each case looking from a different perspective.

To some degree we have met on some points though not so clearly, while I see some of whats said by both of you, there are some points I dont understand, this doesn't mean I dont agree but these few points are only minor.

Its more a case of me not having the same experience or knowledge as you two guys, and thus I am not able to communicate on the same level, I have only ever been a straight up manual labour for wage type, who found gaming took my fancy.

Enfadel i Did take a look at the Far Cry editor, not sure I could create anything cool on it without a great deal of tuition, mainly because I need a ten year old just to setup a new DVD recorder

I put this rig together without help, as it only requires snapping a few cables into place, and for the most part, you cannot go wrong as the fittings are different, even so, I stared at it for 4 days before i hit the power button expecting a disaster.

I have to think as if I was very capable in this editing mapping thing to go on, so If Editing was to be say DLC, and i wanted to go on with my hobbie, i have to make that purchase, but in the same light i would also expect reward if I created something that could be marketed by the publisher.

Thinking along the lines of a vocalist getting royalties from his work, like so much of each CD sold, then the remainder goes to publishing costs and stockholders pockets, i know its a small amount but worth it per large volume sales.

I still actually prefer to think of This as available on disc though, as i feel sure there are many other good ways for publishers to get decent returns from DLC, like the kits in BFBC2 as an instance, currently score means dollars in that game, and you can get additional DLC stuff that way.

Pretty sure there would still be takers by the hundrreds if not thousands who want to seem batter then the restlol, does that make any sense at all, more over, if you got a DLC editor, and created this fantastic Map/Level expansion.

Offered the same to the publisher for consideration, who thought it to be fantastic, (dollar signs in thier eyes), would you expect some return on your offering,???? :-)

While I get your ideal conclusion/remedy, i have to ask, and as an enquiery only, how workable would that idea be, I mean I think I amquite addicted to Crysis as an instance, but I paid for the game allready, and Paid monthly fees to online time with ISP, and I also kmow the community support is pretty strong.

Question is will it be strong eneough to take in additional costs per gamer on the bigger picture, I would go for that idea myself, but the rest of the community?? dont know about the majority??

Kida covers some of what you say neo, but i have to admit i was only thinking PC wise when we discussed the Disc content issue, only ever having played PC games, to it was that simple and so I have leaned even more from this input, you somewhat broadened my view and I take on board much of what you say.

Never even considered things like Spin Cycle and so on, and didnt even realize that issue to its extent, though i picked up on it soon as you mentioned that fact, as is the case in most of what you say.

Question, regarding open world, and reusing content if i put that correctly, sort of using the same disc content but in a different way as you plough through the game, i really am NOT computer literate so forgive my ignorance, i had to ask.

Regarding PC at least as I mentioned, i believe the push towards steam type clouds is a forunner for conservation and we will see more and more, " of you need an internet connection" on the back of in store game puchases, wouldnt be suprized to eventually see most PC games being Dital download onlyin time.

I really dont know much about consoles, save that i purchased an eggbox for my Son some time back, and at times used it with him for a race or the like, and found the cotrollers a bit hard but like wise he did take control of my PC at time for a crack at Crysis, and equally found the K/board hard to manage.

As a gaming platform i can only take what you say as gospel, as your so deep into technology, though you do make it quite easy to follow, so thanks for that, and you allready know my view regarding Enfadels idea, and I hope you see my thoughts in a posative way.

The conclusion is, you can have as many microtransactions as you wish as publisher, make those stockholders smile, just make sure its not cheesy grins at the cost of Gamers, who will only go so far, lol

Many thanks for the input guys,
Awaits your response. :-)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:20 pm

You said quite a bit, you should be proud! I really like that kind of courage and wished the rest of the community was as willing to speak up. You are becoming their voice, we all are…

Although you covered quite a bit I wanted to touch on two main things you said that really speak to me. Awesome that you checked out Farcry’s Editor, by the way. You should hop on the Egg Box (I think you mean xbox360 when you say that) and download some of Enfadel and my Maps (or any of the other Mappers I mention daily). You said you have a Player’s Heart and that is who we create our maps for. We need to know what the players like you want.

I would say it’s pretty all-encompassing for Creators in General but, I try to give as much back to the community as I can. For those players that enjoy my maps, they know I am very involved in the community and play right along side everyone. I know the games, their faults and their strengths and try to make improve the Gaming Experience through my levels to help people have a good time. Maybe something us Mappers did you might have liked, maybe something we made, you didn’t like. But if you tell us then we can fix that. Maybe someday down the road Enfadel or I might work at Crytek and those voices of today will echo into our work so when you are playing with your Kid’s Kids, you will see all those things you wished for.

[quote] The conclusion is, you can have as many microtransactions as you wish as publisher, make those stockholders smile, just make sure its not cheesy grins at the cost of Gamers, who will only go so far, lol [/quote]

John Riccitiello (CEO at Electronic Arts) has communicated a similar message numerous times when asked about Activision’s sudden rise with games like Guitar Hero and the Modern Warfare Franchise. He paints a reassuring picture that EA’s underlying driving force revolves around innovation, and although sometimes other games take that spotlight away, by being the type of company that is willing to relax PR while it develops innovating New IPs is what allows them to plan a future they can count on. They look for talent and make partnerships like they have with Crytek. The personality of EA is calculating and precise. This excited me while at EA’s Headquarters because it was driven by a passion for a better experience for the player.

[quote] really am NOT computer literate so forgive my ignorance, i had to ask. [/quote]

You are doing just fine. What is important to me is that you ask if you are eager to learn more and I believe that parallels the players of Crysis and its tangent games quite a bit. We are playing this still, even with the MWs and the Halos out there. Although you got to admit, When I saw the interview for Halo Forge and heard player maps will become Ranked Maps it made me very happy. I am a Indie Game Developer, a Industry Professional, a hobbiest Multiplayer Deisgner , and everything in between. There are three parts to a game cycle, before-during-after. For Bungie, they realize they are in the last Act of the Journey and what people will remember are those things they think of after the Credits Roll. I am glad to hear that they built a foundation for the game to continue growing and being self propelled through the community, it’s continued involvement and, it’s passion.

If every company could think of this legacy its game leaves behind, I am sure we would have much better, more well thought out games.
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Erika Ellsworth
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:28 am


I'm not gonna pretend I read half of that...
Seriously - OMFG
But I made an attempt.
A lot of good points, and a bloody novel by neo.
"console hood rats swiiming around"... I liked that one ;)

I found the quality of Saw movies just lowered with each advance -
and Saw 2 was terrible. They're just not as deep as they were.
But i'll admit the "chainlink trap" made me go OMFG.

Old subjects long forgotten ftw.

I think Halo has built a damb good "legacy", and from what I saw of Crysis1, it was a damb-high quality game. Rediculous graphcis, nukes
and a map editor, and a bunch of other stuff.
That's why Crysis2 interested me. Anyway, I forgot what I was gonna say... TV distracted me.
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Penny Flame
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:22 am

@Mr Wanna Go - that is too bad you haven't gotten caught up yet. There is a lot of really great stuff that has been covered that Crytek could do to improve its presence. I think the biggest point you will see driving the thread is how it at least needs to be on par with its competitors by offering what they offer. The hologram was a cool new feature and the next day Halo said they had one too. Funny how that works, its just too bad Halo Reach comes out first. As I am sure you know, sometimes first gives you enough of a jump on the competition that with a solid plan for the future, you can stay ahead.

Do you think Crysis 2 will be given an ESRB rating low enough that will allow it to be sold in Australia? I know developing games with blood was always a concern for games any studio i worked with, shipped to Germany.

Maybe that Court Ruling that about certain words being censored as being unconstitutional will eventually filter down into the ESRB and game censorship, you never know? I think the link was:

It was some time ago... I remember thinking it would be horrible to turn on the cartoon channel on TV the next day and be flooded with swear words and advlt content. Ha haa
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:31 pm

[quote]@Mr Wanna Go - that is too bad you haven't gotten caught up yet. There is a lot of really great stuff that has been covered that Crytek could do to improve its presence. I think the biggest point you will see driving the thread is how it at least needs to be on par with its competitors by offering what they offer. The hologram was a cool new feature and the next day Halo said they had one too. Funny how that works, its just too bad Halo Reach comes out first. As I am sure you know, sometimes first gives you enough of a jump on the competition that with a solid plan for the future, you can stay ahead.

Do you think Crysis 2 will be given an ESRB rating low enough that will allow it to be sold in Australia? I know developing games with blood was always a concern for games any studio i worked with, shipped to Germany.

Maybe that Court Ruling that about certain words being censored as being unconstitutional will eventually filter down into the ESRB and game censorship, you never know? I think the link was:

It was some time ago... I remember thinking it would be horrible to turn on the cartoon channel on TV the next day and be flooded with swear words and advlt content. Ha haa[/quote]

I hope the ESRB just lightens up a tad bit. FPS games used to be rated Teeen 13+, but nowadays they are rated 17+ because the graphics and player interaction has evolved into something better. When i walk into a game store and more than 50% of games are rated Mature, and all the rest are Wii kiddy games, then something isnt right. Either the ESRB needs to lighten up a bit, or people wont even consider the ratings. I mean, when a parent walks into a game store with their kid and sees rows and rows of Mature rated games, they are going to learn to completely ignore the rating. Its not like 13 year old kids dont know what cursing and blood is. A game is simply that - a game. If you have some kind of psychotic breakdown because GTAIV told you to, then you were psychotic prone to begin with. I think the ESRB should lighten up a tad bit on the cursing and blood cencoreship, because their current ratings are a complete joke. Hell, even NHL games get rated 10+ or Teen... Its not just games that should lighten up, the R rated movie concoreship is also a joke. I undertand the rating, but teens should be allowed to enter the movies without parent surpivision. As it currently is, all the teens just buy tickets for kid movies, and then walk into an R theatre, which is EVEN WORSE.

There is a general disrespect for gaming in general that i dont like. Gaming is not appreciated as an art, its looked down upon and scorned by politicians, and i think its time past generations started to lighten up a bit to the new generation. The older generations had their drive in romantic movies, and this generation likes shoot em ups and brawlers like Street Fighter IV. You cant change that... Its a losing battle and its just better for politicians and the rating systems to lighten up a bit for simple blood and cursing. Now, i seriously think that any game promoting street crime should get a Mature rating, mainly Saints Row 2 and GTAIV. THOSE are the types of games that should be rated Mature, not some ultra futuristic shoot em up like Halo or Crysis. I mean, even the press Medal of Honor is getting just because it has a Taliban side in the Multiplayer is rediculous. Its not like somebody joins a certain side because they support the Taliban, its because autojoin put them there. Most shoot em ups are extremely unrealistic compared to modern day combat anyway. Go play ArmA II and then try Crysis again, and then tell me which one should get a Mature rating... ArmA II being a military simulator, should get rated M, whereas a futuristic nanosuit egoshooter should simply get a Teen rating, because all kiddies have already seen violence in shows like Tom & Jerry, and blood when they play tackle football... But shooting pixelated bullets at the Taliban is a no-no son...come play with my new hunting rifle instead.... The rating should be a guide to the parents to make better decisions for their children, but when they see nothing but tight lipped Mature ratings, they arent going to torture their kids and make them play "Barbie Returns" are they? No, the parents will look at the rating system as a joke and let the kid pick up whatever they want. There is a difference between keeping a close eye on game with the rating system, and simply stamping a M on the game because it had blood in one scene.

My $0.02
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:25 am

I really like the way you set the tone with your first line.

[quote]nowadays they are rated 17+ because the graphics and player interaction has evolved into something better.[/quote]

It is interesting how older is perceived as better often times. Every once in a while I find one of my maps being played in FarCry2 and I hop in and slaughter everyone for a little while. Most of the times I hear high pitched voices and my first thought is usually, 'Your parents should be punished' but its always nullified by the fact they are actually doing me the favor.

After all, MW and Halo wouldn't be at 10+ million Players if they were all advlts. I admittedly regret tea bagging some of the younger n00bs. ;]
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:52 am

[quote][quote]nowadays they are rated 17+ because the graphics and player interaction has evolved into something better.[/quote]

I really like the way you set the tone with your first line.

It is interesting how older is perceived as better often times. Every once in a while I find one of my maps being played in FarCry2 and I hop in and slaughter everyone for a little while. Most of the times I hear high pitched voices and my first thought is usually, 'Your parents should be punished' but its always nullified by the fact they are actually doing me the favor.

After all, MW and Halo wouldn't be at 10+ million Players if they were all advlts. I admittedly regret tea bagging some of the younger n00bs. ;][/quote]

I wouldnt consider Far Cry 2 an old game. Im talking back around the Far Cry 1 era of games (1999-2004). ^-^
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El Khatiri
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:21 pm

[quote]@Mr Wanna Go - that is too bad you haven't gotten caught up yet. There is a lot of really great stuff that has been covered that Crytek could do to improve its presence. I think the biggest point you will see driving the thread is how it at least needs to be on par with its competitors by offering what they offer. The hologram was a cool new feature and the next day Halo said they had one too. Funny how that works, its just too bad Halo Reach comes out first. As I am sure you know, sometimes first gives you enough of a jump on the competition that with a solid plan for the future, you can stay ahead.

Do you think Crysis 2 will be given an ESRB rating low enough that will allow it to be sold in Australia? I know developing games with blood was always a concern for games any studio i worked with, shipped to Germany.

Maybe that Court Ruling that about certain words being censored as being unconstitutional will eventually filter down into the ESRB and game censorship, you never know? I think the link was:

It was some time ago... I remember thinking it would be horrible to turn on the cartoon channel on TV the next day and be flooded with swear words and advlt content. Ha haa[/quote]
I think they're reviewing the restrictions here.
We might get an R18+.
It's not like kids won't see advlt things anyway -
Most kids have seen porm by the time they're 12.

Hell, I lost my virginity at 14.
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:40 pm

[quote][quote]nowadays they are rated 17+ because the graphics and player interaction has evolved into something better.[/quote]

I really like the way you set the tone with your first line.

It is interesting how older is perceived as better often times. Every once in a while I find one of my maps being played in FarCry2 and I hop in and slaughter everyone for a little while. Most of the times I hear high pitched voices and my first thought is usually, 'Your parents should be punished' but its always nullified by the fact they are actually doing me the favor.

After all, MW and Halo wouldn't be at 10+ million Players if they were all advlts. I admittedly regret tea bagging some of the younger n00bs. ;][/quote]
Regret nothing. I teabag everything - no one is safe.
I even teabagged one guy while he was still alive.
I'm proud of that one.

Kids arn't all bad - just the ones with microphones. ;)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:38 am

I dont know if any of you noticed, but the rating's idea seems at least to be something of a joke really, one way or another, if a kid wants a mature game, then he get's it no matter wich way.

That seems to be fact within my own area anyway and you can hear the pvssyr about the latest hardcoe game ringing through the local park on any given sunny day.

Talon, m8, please do me a favour, and make your case with more paragraphs, i just have a problem with the font size as do many, and putting it all so close to make it hard to read.

Could you also please lighten on the past generations, just a tad please, they aint all tight lipped anol Retentive assholes, trust me on that, lmao. dont be offended, i agree with much of what you say but generally speaking, if kids these days want, then they get lol.
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:05 pm

@Guss600 - If you hold Ctrl and scroll up with your mouse it will resize the contents of most browsers. You can also Hold Ctrl and press the + or - keys to enlarge or shrink the contents. Ctrl-0 resets the browser back to default sizing.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:28 am

[quote]Lol, well, to tell you the truth, I am still pretty underwhelmed by Crysis 2. It just doesn't look anything like Crysis or Warhead. It is obviously totally aimed at consoles, hence why we still are not seeing any PC Video. And don't say that the trailer is PC video, its not in game. And that is what we PC players want to see. Crysis 2 in Enthusiast mode at 1900x1200. Then we can compare it to Crysis and Wars.

So far, Crytek seems to have done nothing but shoot themselves in the foot, 1) by destroying the forums! and 2) by not showing any PC video. And I would say 3) by putting the whole game into the city and 4) delivering empty promises and not telling us anything.[/quote]

i think they didnt show a pc video yet, cause the game looks so beautiful on consoles...just imagine what the pc graphics will look like when even the 360 version kicks my ass ;)

codemasters made that mistake with operation flashpoint 2: they only showed pc footage in their trailers, and i personally was very disappointed when i got my 360 version. it looked like crap!

i think u guys shouldnt be judging crytek by not showing anything from pc yet, just consider the fact that its still 7 months till be patient, i bet crytek wont let any platform down, especially the pc ;)
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