It looks like Crytek evacuated the city already, probably to limit the NPCs but for multiplayer maps it could be really cool to use civilians running around as cover. I hope they give us a little variety also Enfadel, I think that was where Farcry and FC2 went wrong. They tried to stick to that FPS environment with locations right out of Africa. There is a lot of potential with the assets they gave to get some solid multiplayer maps mad. Some match the theme, but others break the mold completely.
It is like when I watched Inception and the city started folding over onto itself. I thought to myself, 4D Distortion on the 360 for FC2, I played that already! It was a good feeling.
If Crytek is smart they will tempt everyone with a watered down version and charge for Publishing Titles for the Companies interested. It's like I said a couple years back on the UBISOFT forums. By putting out those Editors, they set the Industries Bar for what they expect entry level employee's to be familiar with. It is a brilliant strategy really. So they might sacrifice some revenue because if the User's create the maps and it is harder to sell DLC. I always thought they could circumvent that by holding contests for the best and then bring the Winner's Maps into the studio. You know, clean them up, remove all the hidden hidden poly's, set some boundaries, maybe even add some Particle Effects with the added bandwidth and then release them to the wild as real DLC. Let the community perpetuating contestants act as a sudo Project Manager for their Indie Map. I think it could be great publicity!
Image if there was a Enfadel Pack, or a NEOKINESIS Pack. Not that I am any good but man it gives me goose bumps just thinking about. I bet the community would respond very well. Ha ha, super wishful thinking. I would like to see a Skorpius47 Pack, that guy has super talent! I don't think Crytek wants to be seen playing favorites.
Ubisoft did this in essence when they released Ubi Recommended Maps for FC2. It was a great idea because it showed you who they appreciated. You could look up those Mapper's and download all kinds of quality stuff to play on. Where they could have improved was during clean up. There are some guys out there that produced great maps if they could have gotten the FPS down. This user Mikk Q even made it in a magazine and on some small TV show in the UK for having such Interesting Architectures in his Maps. I don't think he ever went anywhere with it but his maps could have benefited from some clean up for sure and people responded well to the way they looked. But then again, FPS probably doesn't mean much to the regular Crysis Player. With computer performance a regular bragging right, I doubt much of the community really entertains the idea of 'Asset Economy'.
Ha haa, I am sure there is some Legal excuse why not to do it but I bet half the Mapper's out there would wave the rights if the Pack included their name somehow.
Crytek has built a reputation on visually stunning games. They are often striving for and marketing the idea of a Bench Mark. What sits in the shadows is the way they have empowered the little guys to follow their aspirations and dreams. Whether they admittedly did it on purpose, they created a micro-climate where the nobody can become somebody over night with a little bit of creativity and a lot of passion.
I know I respect their decision to include creative content in the past. Sadly, I believe it's wishful thinking to expect an Editor