Personally, my opinion of the game is that it's both incredibly pretty, and incredibly well optimised. It's a clear step above the original in terms of graphics.
Gameplay-wise, though? Eugh. Now, I'm not going to blame consoles, because frankly that'd be saying that I think all console gamers are morons who couldn't see any tactic other than "run at the guys holding fire". There are certainly areas that have fallen that can be directly blamed on consoles - or rather, controllers - namely the lack of a lean that actually works and the complete removal of prone, and the overwhelming linearity could certainly find its reason there, but I find it hard to blame the basic gameplay on consoles. Unlike some of my fellow PC gamers I don't think console gamers are subhuman - which you'd pretty much have to think to blame most of C2's failings on consoles.
In any case, CryEngine3 makes use of a lot of very fancy technologies. A shadow is not just a shadow, there are a lot of different ways of producing "a shadow". And, of course, fancy graphics are what crytek does. It's their *thing*. They attract the best graphics programmers in the industry because their work is so well known, from far cry onwards. I certainly don't expect bethesda to be able to come close to the sheer level of optimisation CE3 went through.
I would recommend playing C2 on PC, though, graphically it beats the first one, and it runs better too. Even the lowest settings are higher than console settings - and almost any decent machine can run them, so it's worth playing for visuals alone.
You make alot off good points! That is what grabbed me, the way Crysis2 looks and has been optimized... clearily Crytek have put ALOT of work into getting it to run and look its best on all 3 systems, but I am really amazed it looks and runs as smoothly as it does on the PS3 and Xbox! Not sure what its native resolution is on the PS3 because it upscales to 1080p, but the textures always look sharp, there is none of that fuzzy texture that games like COD Black Opps seem to have (which is the biggest dissapointment in FPS's IMO) plus they managed to squeeze in all the pretty lighting and graphic effects and I haven't noticed it slow down yet!
I wasn't saying that Bethesda can recreate Crysis 2's graphics, it was more of a nod of what can be achieved through optimization and talent! If what of half Bethesda are claiming is true in regards to their game's features it will look pretty damn impressive still ! I agree with others, the TES series has its own style but I still sit and stare at awe at even Oblivion sometimes when the lighting is right

Regards to nolean and no prone... yeah I noticed that, dunno why Crytek left that out, would have been easy enough to map to all controllers and keyboard you would think?
I will probably get Crysis2 for my gaming laptop when I get it too, its just one of those titles that I think I would be silly not to invest in on both my platforms!