Crysis 2 - Hacked out completely

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:48 am

I feel so helpless right now....what should I do? That stupid **** is the only reason keeping me from playing Crysis 2. I think the MP is nice and fun to play...but only WITHOUT cheaters and hackers.

- I probably cant get my money back
- Crytek isnt responding
- Crytek releases security updates which dont help at all
- I heard that due to the code ppl will have no problem to hack the game until Crytek overwrites it completly which ofc will never happen.

I am/was actually a fan of Crytek. Far Cry and Crysis were 2 awesome games and I thought you rly could rely on them. THIS theoreticly is a nice game too...but since there are so many hackers it wouldnt matter if it was the best or worst game ever. There is absolutly no point in playing the MP atm and everyone has to admit that. If I only wanted to play the singleplayer I wouldnt have payed 50€. This game is about the MP. Yes we are ABLE to play it but with only that you didnt fullfill your job Crytek. If you dont get this fixed you owe us the money back. Noone gets money for things he/she doesnt do. Nor should you!
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jadie kell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:35 am

I 100% agree with sniperdoc.

hell, i just played with him in the same server which was ruined by these f.a.g.g.y. mental nutjobs " crytek programmer" and "tinkerbellfuguup"

they wipes out the entire opp by 25:1 , 24:1 something like that

and these pirated hackers are joking about it,

seriously, these re.tar.ds are mentally ill and they just ruined 3 servers a few minutes ago, i was playing.

Most of all ban these mentals first,
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:41 am

Yep, got a screenshot of tingerbellfuguup 22-0 in 2 minutes.

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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:35 pm

Lol, you do know the pirates can't play anymore, right? So these are all legit players that are cheating. Actually, most pirate don't cheat. They're usually pretty decent players. Most of them pirate because they're poor. Few pirates would spend $50 on a cheat. Only the rich throw money away on stuff like that.
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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:06 pm

I have experienced this hacking first hand. I got killed 10 time in a row 5 seconds after spawning. By someone up in the air with insanely accurate shots. This really takes the fun out of the game. I left the server and went to another one. But if this isn't fixed real soon I will stop playing. EA better take note. I will not spend my hard earned money on games full of cheaters or games that allow cheating.
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:42 pm

Aside from being off topic, Pirates pirate because they're cheap ass bastards. End of story. 9 times out of 10 even if they like the game they still won't buy it. Anyways, sorry to see that this game is being overrun by cheaters. Hopefully that teaches pompous Yerli a lesson in trying to handle anti-cheat tools without additional help such as VAC or Punkbuster.

I think it's sad that a game not even 4 weeks old would have less than 200 people playing MP. Lotsa 0's on the servers.
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:13 am

In a month, there will be none. See you back in Wars.
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chloe hampson
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:47 pm

The aren't engaging cheaters directly, but rather trying to solve the root of the problem. I keep saying they need to ask Futuremark for some advice on tightening their code. Those guys kept their game clean without PB and such. I used to admin SH servers and I never saw a cheater, I did however kick sniper campers. :P

But it would be good if Crytek devs played with us frequently so that they could see discover the problems the same way we have.
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casey macmillan
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:32 pm

They will never solve it unless they did what the community coders did in C1. And they probably won't just out of spite and laziness. Longpoke gave us the assembler code for his major cheat. And it still works in C2. They never changed anything. All the hackers had to do was look at the code and slightly adjust it to work in C2. That's how much Crytek cares about cheating.

As long as you have things client side, you will never be able to completely stop the cheaters.
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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:18 am

ran into crytekprogrammer hacking again floating high in sky spinning aimbotting.
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:14 am

So what did their recent patches do... did they do anything at all? Does Crytek even want to stop this rampant cheating but are incapable, or they can but they just don't give a damn?
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Matt Terry
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:47 pm

I depise hackers and what they do to ruin 14 others' experience for their **** up mental.

"crytek programmer " "**** tinkerbellfuguup" "DGI andrew 0000000"
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:27 pm

So what did their recent patches do... did they do anything at all? Does Crytek even want to stop this rampant cheating but are incapable, or they can but they just don't give a damn?

All 1.2 did was kill the invalid serials, so the pirates couldn't play anymore. I guess Crytek thought they would now pay to play a broken, hacked up game. Lol, NOT. Should have focused on stopping the cheaters Crytek. The ones who bought your game and the $50 hacks. Guess you don't care about that. You don't even ban their legit serials.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:03 am

sure you can.....sure you can buddy......
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:43 pm

In a month, there will be none. See you back in Wars.

i agree, as there wont be anyone left playing it
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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:37 am

omg. i cannot imagine how they can have fun cheating like that. what sad lifes they must have.

Come on, they loose hard in real life. Maybe we should grant them five seconds of joy online.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:51 am

tweaked weapon stats (accuracy, damage etc, not too 1hit level, but alot stronger than normal, very hard to tell those hacks from killcam)

So those ARE possible? I kind of had a feeling about that, but wasn't 100%. There were plenty of times where I'd get insta-killed in Armor mode with full hp/energy and couldn't figure out why they could do that, but I could unload a clip into their back and melee them and they wouldn't die -_-.

Omg?!, thats why, when u see theyr killcam, they always kill ya whit the first or second bullet to leave theyr guns??
I was rilly gettin annoyed over this, coz i couldent understand why everyone else are makin 1 shot kills, when i almost never can,... GRRRRRR, that rilly ruins the game now,...
coz theres allotta more people hackin like that, than the suithacks then,...
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Kate Norris
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:57 pm

Damit FIRESTORM has aim bot, super speed, infinitive cloak and armour, flying and walking and flying fro walls now he shot 59 then everybody else killed about 2 others. It is good game but damit put KICK VOTE ASAP and add PB or something similar to game.
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Luis Longoria
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:42 pm

Yeah, votekick should be a quick resolution, a ban feature for the server admins and a permaban for server admins and account deletion for EA/Crytek would be fantastic.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:35 am

the best AC is a programm like ESL find all hacks...and autoban the players out the rule game..... so they cant join a server anymore...
i mean
we spend 50€ for a game....and crytek haven't the money for a anticheat!?
how many people buy crysis 2 because crysis is one of the best games?
crytek win sooooo many money so pls write a anticheat ....ban all level 50accounts and ban all hackers pls

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laila hassan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:44 am

the best AC is a programm like ESL find all hacks...and autoban the players out the rule game..... so they cant join a server anymore...
i mean
we spend 50€ for a game....and crytek haven't the money for a anticheat!?
how many people buy crysis 2 because crysis is one of the best games?
crytek win sooooo many money so pls write a anticheat ....ban all level 50accounts and ban all hackers pls



ESL is the most hackable anti cheat out there

for 3 euros u have wallhack and autoaim for Cod's for 1 Euro u have for cs... com on...ESL? hacked millionz of times i played there alot...will NOT do it again
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:39 pm

the best AC is a programm like ESL find all hacks...and autoban the players out the rule game..... so they cant join a server anymore...
i mean
we spend 50€ for a game....and crytek haven't the money for a anticheat!?
how many people buy crysis 2 because crysis is one of the best games?
crytek win sooooo many money so pls write a anticheat ....ban all level 50accounts and ban all hackers pls



ESL is the most hackable anti cheat out there

for 3 euros u have wallhack and autoaim for Cod's for 1 Euro u have for cs... com on...ESL? hacked millionz of times i played there alot...will NOT do it again

Nha,it's VaC .
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:09 pm

Add RUS DevilSoldier to the list. He and 3 others on a custom server use a cheat where they blink in and out of existence while you shoot them, once you run out of ammo, they turn and kill you. I've killed him several times but it was incredibly hard to get one single hit even at point blank. Several people on the same server said the same thing about him. Why is it usually Russian players?
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how solid
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:41 pm

" in soviet russia game hacks you"

couldn't resist
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Averielle Garcia
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:06 am

There is one funny part about this whole mess, I actually kill a lot of the cheaters. They svck so badly in the game because it just got released so they didn't have anytime practicing anything. It's a really good feeling when you own a cheater..
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roxanna matoorah
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