- I probably cant get my money back
- Crytek isnt responding
- Crytek releases security updates which dont help at all
- I heard that due to the code ppl will have no problem to hack the game until Crytek overwrites it completly which ofc will never happen.
I am/was actually a fan of Crytek. Far Cry and Crysis were 2 awesome games and I thought you rly could rely on them. THIS theoreticly is a nice game too...but since there are so many hackers it wouldnt matter if it was the best or worst game ever. There is absolutly no point in playing the MP atm and everyone has to admit that. If I only wanted to play the singleplayer I wouldnt have payed 50€. This game is about the MP. Yes we are ABLE to play it but with only that you didnt fullfill your job Crytek. If you dont get this fixed you owe us the money back. Noone gets money for things he/she doesnt do. Nor should you!