Crysis 2 Vs. Hacking

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:22 am

It seems that our forums has recently shifted our focus from game glitches to hackers.

While it is an obvious fact that any major multiplayer FPS will have aimbotters and idiots of the type, we Crysis 2 players seem to be crying about hackers more than Battlefield forums or even COD forums.

This hints that Crysis 2 probably has more hackers than Battlefield and COD at the moment. While there is no easy fix to this type of thing, because hackers are HACKERS for a reason, I cannot seem to understand why the server admins don't have the ability to directly kick or ban players from their servers. Afterall, they are dedicated servers not owned by EA or Crytek.

If server admins were able to hand out kicks and bans instantly in game, I'm sure we would see much less hacking, and would be able to enjoy the game, legitly, of course.
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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:45 am

Well, ofcourse we'll shift to hackers. Crytek take 60$ on a professional game and take 2 months to introduce Pukbuster? WHy whats wrong with those dodo's?
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:04 am

is punkbuster enabled? how am i then able to play without it? (deleted it when i deleted APB)
and enyway PB sux...

dont know why they dont do what valve did with counterstrike...
was easy to keep cheaters of servers... easy to votekick/ban
easy to changemap
easy to make custom content...

and that game is how old? 12 years or more...
no wonder alot of ppl still play it... it takes skill to be good and its mostly cheater free (or at least easy to get rid of cheaters)

and the whole gamespy lobby is CRAP to say the least...
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Cassie Boyle
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