Crysis 3 hands-on (

Post » Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:36 pm

When I first played this at gamescom, there wasn’t a round won by C.E.L.L. operatives; no matter how hard we worked as a team, or in smaller groups. It was a frantic mode that showed a lot of potential; particularly when you imagine the speed at which it will be played on PC when the accuracy of the mouse makes the one-hit-kill bow an incredibly fearsome weapon. With the new airport-based map, though, the tables were flipped, and there wasn’t a round where C.E.L.L. didn’t beat the clock.

The script flip was so extreme that matches quickly turned into C.E.L.L. operatives hunting down the supposed hunters; a feat that’s made none-too-easy by the fact that the hunters are perpetually cloaked. This, in turn, was made stranger by the tight design of the map. If anything, on paper, it should have been too easy for the hunters to win; especially considering how easy it is to track and spot C.E.L.L. players when in the Nanosuit. Still, even the inversion on the mode was a lot of fun, albeit with the regular PC-to-console frustrations of feeling handicapped when it comes to aiming, with many firefights deteriorating into a whole lot of spray-and-pray scenarios.,crysis-3-hands-on-8211-it-sure-is-purty-on-pc.aspx
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Rachel Hall
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