crysis 2 has securom

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:14 am

**warning, the following statement contains ironic situations, reader discretion advised**

Would not surprise me. After that moron Yurli blamed piracy for why crysis only sold over a million copies.
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:45 pm

I have no problem with DRM. I do have a problem with SecuROM.

I really hope Crytek aren't using it for C2; they seem to have done (almost) everything right so far. The demo mysteriously "closing" aside, I can't fault them for their efforts to appease a community telling them to do a hundred conflicting things at once while doing the goddamn Riverdance.
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:26 am

the problem with those lame copy protection systems are that they only punish the people who actually pay

it wont mater what protection a game has, there aways be hacked versions, usualy a few hours after the software appears on the market, there is NO WAY to win that war, so harder they make it to hack the game that bigger is the pride hacking it, fun doing work ALWAYS > getting paid doing work, hackers will ALWAYS win

its completely not necessary to put copy protection on software IMO, especially if it has a good MP

sometimes if copy protection is way to annoying even if i have a legal copy/serial i just use the pirated version, good example is laptops the serial is right on the bottom , i have not reinstalled windows in years using a serial number its just way to complicated and problematic compared the pirated versions... even trough i have it right there

OMFG it takes what like 10 seconds to enter in the key, you and people like you are the reason developers have left PC gaming in droves. Please also explain what is so complicated about product keys, it takes more time to set up your router and download the torrent programs or go to the local electronics store and buy the program than it does to set it up...excuses, excuses, excuses. And DRM does not screw anybody over unless your the douchebag trying to crack it and host it.

ohh no you making it way easy, 1st of all most computers have to be regularly reinstalled, i NEVER EVER have to call customer service and argue about why i have to reinstall something the 6th or 10th time, then there is the stupid disk issue witch get scratched and lost all the time anyhow, in case of a laptop you dont even have that 99% of the time, the list goes on and on, its annoying

not sure why you need all that for pirating you say, it takes minutes to download an image, and you just 1 click start to install it , then in case of windows run 1 single executable and its all patched... its perfectly simple and fast

bf2 is a good example i have 2 serials, but the original disk where destroyed/lost after like a week, over the years i had to download the image i think 7 times, and of course even trough i have a legal copy i still have to hack to get the stupid game working with out the annoying DVD

what is this all mater , people who want to pirate they will, copy protection is just retarded and dont help at all piracy, in my opinion it makes it worse
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:21 am

All you people griping about SecureRom need to stop the BS, there is nothing wrong with securerom, none of the games i have ever owned by EA have ever crashed due to securerom, and if you call EA with a legitimate key number on the chance you forget about the revoke tool and pass your install limit they will work with you and raise the limit, it happened for me and im not in any way connected to EA, but condoning cracks is BS and just a petty excuse to try to condone pirating.

And another thing, why the hell should it matter if they want to protect their intellectual property, the more people condone cracking games and pirating them the further away publishers and developers will move from PC as a format. If companys will start making games again that max out my computer I'll be more than glad to let them install any DRM on it they wish.
When thier installing thier crap on my PC without my permission they damned well better expect me to be PO'd. Especially when i can't interact with said program or monitor its activities. How do i know what its doing in the background? How do I know its not slowing down my internet by connecting to a remote server that I didn't know it was doing?
In short you don't install crap on MY PC, without telling me or asking first. Before you say "ToS' I'll shut that down fast, nowhere in the ToS is it disclosed that your giving EA the right to install Securom on your system, nor that its even a part of the installation.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:34 am

or you could just buy it off steam :) don't have to deal with any scratched disks and your key is saved with your account. no matter what you do, if its there people will pirate it. adding drm ain't going to help except by annoying owners.
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Jason King
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:28 am

or you could just buy it off steam :) don't have to deal with any scratched disks and your key is saved with your account. no matter what you do, if its there people will pirate it. adding drm ain't going to help except by annoying owners.
I don't know about the others, but it's on Steam that I'm worried about at the moment - there have, in the past, been games on Steam that still inexplicably have the SecuROM DRM too... That said, Valve are normally good at having nice large warnings on the store page for games that do this, and I see no such warning on the C2 page.
So, I'm hopeful (as I guess I should be, Crytek are awesome after all. :D)
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:48 am

my Crysis 1 disk hates SecuRom, it sounds like it's doing flips
inside my DVD drive

do you already have SecuROM installed and not know it ?

Windows Vista/7: C:\Users\?USER?\AppData\Roaming\SecuROM\UserData
Windows 2000/XP: C:\Documents and Settings\?USER?\Application data\SecuROM\UserData
Windows 98SE/ME: C:\WINDOWS\Profiles\?USER?\Applicationdata\SecuROM\UserData

if you have it and play with it and break it.
don't blame me

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Craig Martin
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:56 am

a large number of ppl buy from steam. having additional layer of drm just pisses them off. Crytek still hasnt patched securom off warhead
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:38 am

well it seems the Xbox and PS3 does not use Release Control
or they would not be able to play it before the 22nd
so probably no SecuROM either

secuROM and Release Control and both made by Sony

any PC retail copies running SP yet ?

"Release Control was employed to protect the game(DA2) against usage prior to its release date"
^ Dragon age 2 fuss
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:35 am

still securom is securom...........
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:13 am

just a clarification

if you are not a pirate (and thus you BUY your copy) and all you want is to avoid conflicting issues then there is nothing wrong with ripping Securom or any other DRM from your games. Your money still goes to the right people, you are not hurting the market and you are enjoying your game without having it crash or ruin your computer.

that said using DRM as an excuse to pirate is just bull.....

I apologize if I came off harsh but all i was reading was boo hoo i don't want DRM so lets get a hack version of the program, I mean if its over principle of not wanting DRM that people revert to getting pirated version of games and claiming that they paid for a legit copy then downloaded a pirate one I say that is total bull. If you have a legitimate issue with the game not running (which i have never ever had any problems with DRM screwing anything but im sure there are) and you have exausted all resources then I guess If there were a way to remove the DRM part but still put in a key so it is a legit copy than thats ok. But I fail to believe that as many people as replied to my post have had that great an issue with DRM, to me its more of well he's doing it lets do it symdrome, not that it fixes anything just people are doing it out of principle. Oh and the crap about having to constantly reinstall programs is BS unless your overclock is not stable and you are constantly corrupting the OS or you change hard drives/motherboards as much as your underwear, still the average user is fine with the system as is and I don't believe it affects near as many people as it is being made out to.
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:55 am

just a clarification

if you are not a pirate (and thus you BUY your copy) and all you want is to avoid conflicting issues then there is nothing wrong with ripping Securom or any other DRM from your games. Your money still goes to the right people, you are not hurting the market and you are enjoying your game without having it crash or ruin your computer.

that said using DRM as an excuse to pirate is just bull.....

I apologize if I came off harsh but all i was reading was boo hoo i don't want DRM so lets get a hack version of the program, I mean if its over principle of not wanting DRM that people revert to getting pirated version of games and claiming that they paid for a legit copy then downloaded a pirate one I say that is total bull. If you have a legitimate issue with the game not running (which i have never ever had any problems with DRM screwing anything but im sure there are) and you have exausted all resources then I guess If there were a way to remove the DRM part but still put in a key so it is a legit copy than thats ok. But I fail to believe that as many people as replied to my post have had that great an issue with DRM, to me its more of well he's doing it lets do it symdrome, not that it fixes anything just people are doing it out of principle. Oh and the crap about having to constantly reinstall programs is BS unless your overclock is not stable and you are constantly corrupting the OS or you change hard drives/motherboards as much as your underwear, still the average user is fine with the system as is and I don't believe it affects near as many people as it is being made out to.
EDIT: typo fixes
Its not a matter of having issues with Securom cuasing computer problems. its an issue with companies installing software on your machine without your consent. If its not shown in the EULA and its installed on my system its an invasion of my privacy and if you really get technical, what i would label as digital trespassing, as thier software is on my property without my consent for it to be there. That all being said I have in the past Pirated a cracked copy of a Game I'de already purchased after discovering Securom had been installed on my machine. I will not tolerate a company invading my personal space in such a manner without warning nor consent. Should Crysis 2 also have Secorum I will not be purchasing it. there are several others shooters coming out soon that look just as interesting if not more engaging than this sadly watered down console port.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:45 am

All you people griping about SecureRom need to stop the BS, there is nothing wrong with securerom, none of the games i have ever owned by EA have ever crashed due to securerom, and if you call EA with a legitimate key number on the chance you forget about the revoke tool and pass your install limit they will work with you and raise the limit, it happened for me and im not in any way connected to EA, but condoning cracks is BS and just a petty excuse to try to condone pirating.

And another thing, why the hell should it matter if they want to protect their intellectual property, the more people condone cracking games and pirating them the further away publishers and developers will move from PC as a format. If companys will start making games again that max out my computer I'll be more than glad to let them install any DRM on it they wish.
Just a bit of information for you. there are FAR FAR more cracked 360 games and PS3 games on torrent sites than PC games. way more. The exscus of pirated software is killing gmae sis crap, if so why are companies in the industry making money hand over fist year after year? oh thats right because people are still BUYING thier products...even though we only get to "lease" them now, thanks to complete lack of consumer rights in the digital market.
digital production = %100 control+ %0 liability/responsibility = Win!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:06 am

still securom is securom...........

Nope. In DA2 this thing installs for a moment, checks the release date, and delete itself from the computer.
Normal securom stays and bothers you with its stupidity.
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:23 am

you know Crytek is watching the torrent sites
they have offices in all major locations

I would love it if they had some type of pinger
built into the software so they could get the
I.P and location

and with so few early releases
track it back to the source

make 1 or 2 people pay for 5000 or more illegal copies
and then think up something for the person that downloaded it

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George PUluse
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:18 am

still securom is securom...........

Nope. In DA2 this thing installs for a moment, checks the release date, and delete itself from the computer.
Normal securom stays and bothers you with its stupidity.
Thats an interesting deviation from the norm, wonder if thats why they didn't give prior notice to its inclusion, since it technically isn't there once installation is completed?
Seems like a pretty thin line ina very wide grey area to me
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Catherine Harte
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:36 am

You know there may well be more pirated 360 and ps3 games and i'm not arguing that...but I will state has anyone actually studied what is the percentage of legal purchased to pirated on each platform. And I still don't get why people say invasion of privacy, does it collect anything about you other that validate that you have a legit copy of the game, how does that take away your life, liberty, or happiness??? Answer that one truthfully and I may change my mind on the matter but I don't think anyone can...I mean if only the company who sold you the game has the code and verifies it as a valid one or that the game is valid by way of DRM how does that take something of you that is private and make it public or utilize it against you. I haven't read any EULA's in depth but I'll check crysis warhead now...ok

1. Subject of the Agreement
This limited license agreement for the use of the computer game CRYSIS WARHEAD (this
"Agreement") is entered into between Crytek GmbH and its publisher Electronic Arts Inc. ("CRYTEK")
and you, the end-user (the "Licensee" or "You") you don't physically own the game, you have the right of usage of it. The intellectual property is owned by Crytek and we go to the next topic...the one about them not telling you that DRM is in there...oh here it is.

12. Copyright Protection
CRYSIS WARHEAD uses access control and copy protection technology. An online connection is
required to authenticate CRYSIS WARHEAD and verify your license. CRYSIS WARHEAD may install
additional components required for proper functionality of the copyright protection. CRYTEK reserves
the right to periodically validate Your License through subsequent online authentication. If Your
License is not valid You may not be able to use CRYSIS WARHEAD. The first end user of this
License can install and authenticate CRYSIS WARHEAD on a set number of machines. If you disable
or otherwise tamper with the copyright protection measures, CRYSIS WARHEAD will not function

So even though its not listed as DRM, by using the game you are still agreeing to use whatever system they have fit to maintain their copyright. Finally about the invasion of privacy its here tooo let me see.


See by installing the game and using also agree to allow Crytek and EA to collect technical data which does not personally identify no invasion of privacy there, furthermore any decent judge would not allow you to sue Crytek or EA for the use of DRM because the EULA specifies its there and that by using and installing the game you are consenting to it whether or not you read the EULA

I'm pretty sure many EULA's also say if you don't agree with it then return the game, so if you don't read the EULA but install it you have agreed to something much like blindly signing any contract and its your fault if something doesn't go your way but its listed in the EULA.

OH and about DA2....section 1 (b) of the EULA lists it as such

B. Technical Protection Measures. This Software uses EA Activation
content protection technology. An EA Account, including the acceptance
of EA’s online Terms of Service and Privacy Policy (available at, and an Internet connection are required to authenticate
the Software and verify your license upon the initial launch of the
Software on any unique machine (“Authenticate” or “Authentication”).
The serial code provided with this Software will be verified during
Authentication. Authentication is limited to one EA Account per serial
code. Accordingly, this Software is not transferable once Authenticated.
EA reserves the right to validate your license through subsequent online
Authentication. While there is no limit on the total number of machines
on which the Software can be Authenticated, you may launch and
access the Software on no more than five (5) unique machines in any
rolling 24-hour period. If you disable or otherwise tamper with the
technical protection measures, the Software may not function properly
and you will have materially breached this License.
The technical protection measures of this Software may interfere with
certain applications, such as debuggers, when such software could
potentially be used to circumvent the access-control technology as
prohibited by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

So no telling anyone it wasn't listed , I mean what do people need, front page on the CNN news...just read your EULA's and if you don't agree with them don't buy the game.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:41 am

you know Crytek is watching the torrent sites
they have offices in all major locations

I would love it if they had some type of pinger
built into the software so they could get the
I.P and location

and with so few early releases
track it back to the source

make 1 or 2 people pay for 5000 or more illegal copies

Well, I can give them a few sites that are torrenting it. But they wouldn't get many people. Looks like no one is interested in it. I've seen about 60 people downloading it. Thats the World over. Pretty sad. When the pirates won't even touch your game, thats bad.
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:16 am

Crytek should disclosed the kind of anti piracy protection they intend to use with their upcoming game "Crysis 2". They ought to inform us if they will use Securom or whatever kind of digital protection for Crysis 2. Crytek should be honest with us and avoid further misleading us just like what they did, that is if rumors are true that Crysis 2 will be using antiquated DX9 instead of DX11. We would like to hear from Crytek regarding this queries! Only by doing this can Crytek can earn the trust of all gamers. Trust is the key to success.
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:05 am

Only by doing this can Crytek can earn
the trust of all gamers. Trust is the key to success.

you have to have trust to get information
and they have no reason to trust the PC community
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:11 am

Just a note guys, any discussion relating to cracking software or circumventing what's stated in the EULA is not welcomed discussion on this site.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:59 pm

Only by doing this can Crytek can earn
the trust of all gamers. Trust is the key to success.

you have to have trust to get information
and they have no reason to trust the PC community

Not trusting customers ends in monumental fails. When you pile on DRM the only players you affect are people paying for the game. With hugely restrictive DRM, developers allow pirates to give the player BETTER versions of their games.
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:13 am

Oh so the bank should just open its door cause not trusting its customers looks bad. I know people are going to break a games anti cheat and DRM, but giving up and just not doing anything is worse than trying to have your game pilfered. I have yet to see any legitimate reason why DRM affects users so badly and I guess If you trust people so much leave your door open tonight. I mean you don't need locks cause someone could have a crowbar/drill your lock out so why try, better to not have locks so that people don't have to take the time to use them, they are sooooo intrusive. Thats the basic thing im hearing about DRM except its not a physical lock its a digitalized one and people don't like them.
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:55 am

Thats the basic thing im hearing about DRM except its not a physical lock its a digitalized one and people don't like them.
I think the problem isn't that it's a digital lock - it's that it's a digital lock that doesn't work.
The torrent websites are proof that the DRM can and will be removed, usually in a matter of hours. So why do developers and publishers continue to pay for it? All it will do is add (probably a very small amount of) money to the final price, and annoy a lot of legitimate customers.

SecuROM has caused problems for a lot of people in the past; although it's not as bad as StarForce it is still (in most cases) installing a very invasive piece of software which quite clearly doesn't do its job, since pirates have the game up within a day in most cases anyway.

If SecuROM was foolproof and stopped people pirating it, it'd be a different story for me - that's a company protecting its investment. But it doesn't, so it's just a company annoying some legitimate customers and giving them a worse experience than pirates get. Makes perfect sense. :s

(Bear in mind I don't think anyone knows yet if SecuROM is even in Crysis 2, so this rant may hopefully not be relevant. :D)
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:50 am

Camarillo On DRM, On This Link
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