» Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:37 pm
the problem with those lame copy protection systems are that they only punish the people who actually pay
it wont mater what protection a game has, there aways be hacked versions, usualy a few hours after the software appears on the market, there is NO WAY to win that war, so harder they make it to hack the game that bigger is the pride hacking it, fun doing work ALWAYS > getting paid doing work, hackers will ALWAYS win
its completely not necessary to put copy protection on software IMO, especially if it has a good MP
sometimes if copy protection is way to annoying even if i have a legal copy/serial i just use the pirated version, good example is laptops the serial is right on the bottom , i have not reinstalled windows in years using a serial number its just way to complicated and problematic compared the pirated versions... even trough i have it right there
i think the only long term solution will be that you have to be online to play even a single player game, and the software on your PC only contains the software but not the data, i mean who the hell this days dont have high speed internet, and even if you lose a few customers who cares they so few, this would also allow to FINALLY get rid of those nasty DVD and blue ray disk, and they could start selling games on usb sticks (or similar)