pc gamers mad because crysis 2 doesnt push high end hardware because crysis 2 has been focusing on the consoles/older computers. Besides, its easy to have good fps in cry2 when theres no destruction, no environment interactivity, lower view distances, etc. But this is 2011, the game should look much better than a modded cry 1.
lack of dx10/11 is just one of the things that contribute to lowering the graphical bar of crysis 2, which was promised to be much better than cry 1. maybe its better than cry 1 vanilla, but not modded cry1.
dont talk about pc gamers like you know anything about pc gamers.
Crysis 2 doesn't push high end hardware? You don't know what you're talking about! Crysis 2 has been using my GPU basically at 95% and above the whole time it runs. Also Crysis 2 uses Quad Core processors (and up to 8 cores), something Crysis 1 never did, at max. I have a quad core processor and it has been getting close to the maximum core temperature because all cores are being use close to their maximum. Name another PC game that use Quad Core CPU's at max and GPU's at max simultaneously... you can't because PC games don't. This proves that Crysis 2 is not a port from the consoles to the PC.
I do agree that Crysis did make smaller maps and lowered the view distance for console purposes, but that doesn't mean they cut back on image quality. So far Crysis 2 looks damn good compared to the "vanilla" version of Crysis 1. The textures in Crysis 1 compared to Crysis 2 look like garbage is a lot of areas. Also hearing you say Crysis 2 might look better that Crysis vanilla but not as good as modded Crysis isn't helpful for your argument because Crysis 2 will probably receive the same amount of modding Crysis 1 did and will most likely be made to look better than Crysis 1 because it uses more resources so it can be pushed further.
I have been a PC gamer since I ever got into gaming, which has been around 10 years. My personal opinion on consoles is that they are expired **** that is holding back the greater potential of PC hardware. The reason I choose to defend Crytek and not immature cry-baby PC gamers who cancel their pre-orders just because of one feature, that is still going to be included but only later, is because Crytek's superior work still shows despite some little graphical cutback decisions; it utilizes hardware's resources,it still looks damn good, and it performs excellent compared to the original Crysis.